Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

Oh, I SEE! The answer as to how Trump will make the Mexicans pay for the wall, is, ".....There are ways"

Trump has built $10B corporation from $1mil. He is not a lifetime lying check-cashing do-nothing lying politician. I would think he could could allow Zero USA Tourism to Mexico for a period of time? whats that worth? Executive order? pen and phone? I doubt he said it without some ideas.

You doubt if he said it without ideas?

Num, I have invented a chemical that costs 5 cents per gallon, and if you add one ounce to tap water in your gas tank, your car will run for a month. All I need to make bring this to the market is $5,000, and for that, I will give you a 50% partnership in the venture!!!!!
He is running for President. There are a few other choices at this point, it is still early. I know the current guy and the previous three have done little about the southern border, why is that? We have laws or we don't? Change the law if we are to merge with Mexico.

At least Trump is talking about it. We are forced to trust one of them at this point? Do I go with proven liars or with the guy who knows how to make and keep money?
"Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million"

Further evidence that Trump is an idiot, along with those who agree with him – not that any further evidence was needed, of course.

In fact, Trump's idea is so idiotic that some fellow republicans were forced to tell him his immigration position is silly.
Republicans? Which ones? The ones pushing Jeb Bush's campaign? Those dumb ass shit heads?
"Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million"

Further evidence that Trump is an idiot, along with those who agree with him – not that any further evidence was needed, of course.

In fact, Trump's idea is so idiotic that some fellow republicans were forced to tell him his immigration position is silly.
Why do you want them here? What's in it for you?
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

No need to depart all those people, fraud, although we can certainly round up the illegal scumbag criminals the rest we just make it hard for them to work and live here. To quote Romany "they'll self deport". prosecute employers who employ them no, benefits, no drivers licenses'd be easy actually. Quit being a dumb ass,. although I think that's your natural state fake Jew :slap:

Can you care to explain how are you going to round up 11 millions?
1. How do you know which one are illegals?
2. Are you going to issue a national ID to ALL people in US?
3. There are asians, middle easterners, european, indians that are ILLEGALS. You have to check those too.
4. I know you have kids maybe adults. If they drag you and your spouse out from your house. What do you think your kids would do? Courtesy by NRA.
5. From #3 Are you going to raid and check ALL barrios, houses, churches, malls, streets, airports etc.?
6. Anchor babies with illegal parents. How are you going to separate them? Deport US citizens?
7. Since there are nothing for them on the other side. No food, no land, no education, no future. Nothing. What made you think they will self deport?
8. Since you cannot deport anchor babies. I guarantee you 99% they will leave their kids behind. Who will feed and care for them when parents are deported? You and me.
9. What are you going to do with their properties? Just garnished them and we take over their houses?
10. Ignore the dirty jobs and the contributions to the economy?
So tell me. What is your logistical plan in accomplishing all of these?

Can you read? I said make it hard for illegals and they will leave voluntarily? people born here are citizens they can stay behind with relatives. and 40% of illegals have overstayed their Visas, and can easily be sent back to where they came from. Even a simple minded person, which you obviously are, should comprehend this

Make it hard so they leave? Is it easier for them on the other side?
Kids left behind. You have 2 kids of your own overnight you have 2 or 3 more kids. That you have to feed, day care, clothing, school etc...Can you support that? Where do they get support? Who will feed them? You and me... How many millions of these kids? If they are in high school or college now what?
Get real. I know you don't understand that.
Over stay visa... How are you going to identify them? Where are you going to find them? See my previous post # 3, 4, and 5. Get real.
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I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -
You're a stupid klansman, grand wizard.
These illegals will deport themselves as soon the opportunities to take advantage dry up. Duh.

There is no such thing as self deportations. Keep that in mind.
Deport themselves because opportunities run dry. Then go on the other side? When there is nothing for them in the other side. Here, no matter what they still have home and they will be fed by their anchor babies.
You make it sound that they kick you out of Tibet then come back to US.
If there is even less on this side then the other side will be an improvement.
He is running for President. There are a few other choices at this point, it is still early. I know the current guy and the previous three have done little about the southern border, why is that? We have laws or we don't? Change the law if we are to merge with Mexico.

At least Trump is talking about it. We are forced to trust one of them at this point? Do I go with proven liars or with the guy who knows how to make and keep money?

I suspect that you are not old enough to remember Nixon's campaign for the presidency, based on his "secret plan to end the war in Vietnam", which, he admitted years later, did not exist..
Oh, I SEE! The answer as to how Trump will make the Mexicans pay for the wall, is, ".....There are ways"

Trump has built $10B corporation from $1mil. He is not a lifetime lying check-cashing do-nothing lying politician. I would think he could could allow Zero USA Tourism to Mexico for a period of time? whats that worth? Executive order? pen and phone? I doubt he said it without some ideas.

I also suspect that you do not remember the guy who ran for president, based on the fact that he was not a Washington insider, or career politician. His name was Carter.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -
You're a stupid klansman, grand wizard.
These illegals will deport themselves as soon the opportunities to take advantage dry up. Duh.

There is no such thing as self deportations. Keep that in mind.
Deport themselves because opportunities run dry. Then go on the other side? When there is nothing for them in the other side. Here, no matter what they still have home and they will be fed by their anchor babies.
You make it sound that they kick you out of Tibet then come back to US.
If there is even less on this side then the other side will be an improvement.

You may want to discuss that with your buddies see if you make sense at all.
He is running for President. There are a few other choices at this point, it is still early. I know the current guy and the previous three have done little about the southern border, why is that? We have laws or we don't? Change the law if we are to merge with Mexico.

At least Trump is talking about it. We are forced to trust one of them at this point? Do I go with proven liars or with the guy who knows how to make and keep money?

I suspect that you are not old enough to remember Nixon's campaign for the presidency, based on his "secret plan to end the war in Vietnam", which, he admitted years later, did not exist..
He ended it though.
He is running for President. There are a few other choices at this point, it is still early. I know the current guy and the previous three have done little about the southern border, why is that? We have laws or we don't? Change the law if we are to merge with Mexico.

At least Trump is talking about it. We are forced to trust one of them at this point? Do I go with proven liars or with the guy who knows how to make and keep money?

I suspect that you are not old enough to remember Nixon's campaign for the presidency, based on his "secret plan to end the war in Vietnam", which, he admitted years later, did not exist..
He ended it though.

After getting only 34,000 Americans killed....for nothing other than his efforts to save his face.
He was a sweetheart of a guy. Two of my friends are in their graves because of that Son-of-a-bitch.
What does that have to do with anything??

If Ike could round them up and move them out then so can Trump and the rest of the clowns in DC.

1950 or 2015 time doesn't make a difference. If Ike could round them up then so can Trump.

All it takes is the will and determination to do it.

So a man runs for president with the stated intention to violate the constitution of the United States, and the Right has no problem with that.

The founding fathers are turning over in their graves.

BTW, the same constitutional provision that Trump wants to violate is the one that protects you from cops entering and searching your home, your car, your computer, and your telephone conversations, simply because your neighbor called them and told them that you are acting suspiciously.

What are you blabbering about. The op is about illegal immigrants and their removal.

Illegals aren't covered by out Constitution idiot.

This is the dumbest post that I have seen since the one in my sig, by Easyt65.

Nobody is an "illegal" unless they are convicted in a court of law. Until then, they are "undocumented".
Nobody can be convicted in a court of law unless they can be identified as not being a US citizen, and then charged.
Nobody can be required to show proof of citizenship, unless there is probable cause that they committed a crime.
Probable Cause does NOT = speaking Spanish, and being a Latino.
Therefore, Trump can not separate undocumented aliens who have been otherwise living lawfully in this country, from legal citizens, without unconstitutionally demanding proof of citizenship.

Illegals cant live here lawfully Einstein :slap:

{sigh} Nobody is an "illegal" until convicted in a court of law. Are you really that dense?
So, how are you going to determine that they should be charged as being an "illegal" in a court of law?

Idiot. If they don't have a US birth certificate then they are illegals. If they speak only Spanish then chances are they aren't American. god your an imbecile.

Stand on a corner in Texas and watch illegals being picked up for work. No birth certificate, no green card then they are illegals. They can go through the courts to be proven as illegal then deported.

Not that hard.

This is what they have a right to:

Non-citizens have the right to a lawyer, as well as other rights under the U.S. Constitution. The immigration authorities cannot simply deport someone without providing a chance to be heard.

Of course, the authorities often try to make the process go quickly, by asking the immigrant to sign something agreeing to depart without a hearing. In some cases, when the immigrant really is in the U.S. illegally with no defense to removal, leaving voluntarily can be the best way to go, because it avoids having an order of deportation on one's record.

But anyone who believes they might have a right to remain in the U.S. should insist on their right to a lawyer (which they will, unfortunately, have to pay for on their own) and to a hearing on the merits of their case.

Think they can afford that lawyer??
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So a man runs for president with the stated intention to violate the constitution of the United States, and the Right has no problem with that.

The founding fathers are turning over in their graves.

BTW, the same constitutional provision that Trump wants to violate is the one that protects you from cops entering and searching your home, your car, your computer, and your telephone conversations, simply because your neighbor called them and told them that you are acting suspiciously.

What are you blabbering about. The op is about illegal immigrants and their removal.

Illegals aren't covered by out Constitution idiot.

This is the dumbest post that I have seen since the one in my sig, by Easyt65.

Nobody is an "illegal" unless they are convicted in a court of law. Until then, they are "undocumented".
Nobody can be convicted in a court of law unless they can be identified as not being a US citizen, and then charged.
Nobody can be required to show proof of citizenship, unless there is probable cause that they committed a crime.
Probable Cause does NOT = speaking Spanish, and being a Latino.
Therefore, Trump can not separate undocumented aliens who have been otherwise living lawfully in this country, from legal citizens, without unconstitutionally demanding proof of citizenship.

Illegals cant live here lawfully Einstein :slap:

{sigh} Nobody is an "illegal" until convicted in a court of law. Are you really that dense?
So, how are you going to determine that they should be charged as being an "illegal" in a court of law?

Idiot. If they don't have a US birth certificate then they are illegals. If they speak only Spanish then chances are they aren't American. god your an imbecile.

Stand on a corner in Texas and watch illegals being picked up for work. No birth certificate, no green card then they are illegals. They can go through the courts to be proven as illegal then deported.

Not that hard.

This is what they have a right to:

Non-citizens have the right to a lawyer, as well as other rights under the U.S. Constitution. The immigration authorities cannot simply deport someone without providing a chance to be heard.

Of course, the authorities often try to make the process go quickly, by asking the immigrant to sign something agreeing to depart without a hearing. In some cases, when the immigrant really is in the U.S. illegally with no defense to removal, leaving voluntarily can be the best way to go, because it avoids having an order of deportation on one's record.

But anyone who believes they might have a right to remain in the U.S. should insist on their right to a lawyer (which they will, unfortunately, have to pay for on their own) and to a hearing on the merits of their case.

Oh and don't think Trump or Cruz wouldn't set up Federal Courts to handle those deportations because they sure as hell would.

The illegals day in court would be just that. A day in court then back to Mexico.

Good fucking riddance to the lot of them.
What does that have to do with anything??

If Ike could round them up and move them out then so can Trump and the rest of the clowns in DC.

1950 or 2015 time doesn't make a difference. If Ike could round them up then so can Trump.

All it takes is the will and determination to do it.

Trump lied about Operation Wetback. He also lied about the fence.

Beyond that, Vandalshandle is right about the constitution. RWs seem to believe that constitutional rights would be suspended only for the bad guys.
What does that have to do with anything??

If Ike could round them up and move them out then so can Trump and the rest of the clowns in DC.

1950 or 2015 time doesn't make a difference. If Ike could round them up then so can Trump.

All it takes is the will and determination to do it.

So a man runs for president with the stated intention to violate the constitution of the United States, and the Right has no problem with that.

The founding fathers are turning over in their graves.

BTW, the same constitutional provision that Trump wants to violate is the one that protects you from cops entering and searching your home, your car, your computer, and your telephone conversations, simply because your neighbor called them and told them that you are acting suspiciously.

What are you blabbering about. The op is about illegal immigrants and their removal.

Illegals aren't covered by out Constitution idiot.

This is the dumbest post that I have seen since the one in my sig, by Easyt65.

Nobody is an "illegal" unless they are convicted in a court of law. Until then, they are "undocumented".
Nobody can be convicted in a court of law unless they can be identified as not being a US citizen, and then charged.
Nobody can be required to show proof of citizenship, unless there is probable cause that they committed a crime.
Probable Cause does NOT = speaking Spanish, and being a Latino.
Therefore, Trump can not separate undocumented aliens who have been otherwise living lawfully in this country, from legal citizens, without unconstitutionally demanding proof of citizenship.

Illegals cant live here lawfully Einstein :slap:

{sigh} Nobody is an "illegal" until convicted in a court of law. Are you really that dense?
So, how are you going to determine that they should be charged as being an "illegal" in a court of law?

RWs have a very simple minded view of this. How often have we seen them say "just round them up and deport them". They actually believe that's possible.
Nope. Constitutional rights should apply to American citizens, not illegals who are here after having broken our law.

The Supreme court is the body that says they are entitled to some of our rights. Just goes to show what idiots these judges are.
Nope. Constitutional rights should apply to American citizens, not illegals who are here after having broken our law.

The Supreme court is the body that says they are entitled to some of our rights. Just goes to show what idiots these judges are.

Did you notice you used the word "should"?

No, the Supreme Court does not say "they are entitled to some of our rights".

I suggest a remedial course in 6th grade level civics.
There's already a "round up" force.

They're called ICE and Border Patrol.

Just need a president with the balls to let know...enforce immigration laws.

Obama has increased Border Patrol agents to more than 18,500 on our 2000 mile long southern border. Take off your shoes and do the math.

There are now NET ZERO migrant farm workers coming across into the US. Those who do come are invited here by US companies. Often, they are answering ads and are transported her by their employer. If you want to educate yourself, watch that segment of Food, Inc.

The US also buys drugs from Mexico and the enormous drug cartels are more than happy to supply that market.

If the US stopped inviting them here and stopped buying their drugs, their would be no reason for them to come here.
What is your logistical plan in accomplishing all of these?

Get started on it now. Big job ahead. Not impossible. Anchor baby crap off retroactively. No more games with lawbreakers. Yeah we can find a way to keep good honest working taxpayers.

All you people do is say "impossible" no matter how many facts layed out for you. Give it a rest.

So far you have not given any kind of logistics how you can accomplish your goal. I know you can't because you don't have a clue nor is your Trump.

It's simple we divide the country into districts and send troops into each to identify The undesirables. They are then taken to a central location to be delivered via train to the grand "golden T" border gate and sent on their way. Perhaps we can even create some sort of reality tv show featuring a hand selected group to fight to the death.




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