Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

"Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America"


Masculinity is in no need of 'restoration,' the notion is absurd.

Trump seeks to exploit the dark side of America, and the dark side of human nature – the fear of change and things perceived to be 'different,' appeals to ignorance and emotionalism, and the rejection of facts, evidence, and truth.

Trump is not scary. Trump doing well in the polls is what should scare us all, because it tells us a great deal about our society.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

If he were eating his pizza with his hands, I wouldn't have noticed. As that's how normal people do it.

The fork and knife is a little.......prim. Let me check the picture, was his pinky up?

ridiculous, petty, and juvenile..the trifecta.
Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.'re right..trump has no idea how to get anything built or deal with government regulations or how to place the best people where they'll do the most good.

Go ahead and elect another career politician...what could go wrong.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

It's all they have.... what else? A crook and two nut-jobs?
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.'re right..trump has no idea how to get anything built or deal with government regulations or how to place the best people where they'll do the most good.

Go ahead and elect another career politician...what could go wrong.

EXACTLY. It's the Ivy Leaguers, lawyers and classroom theoreticians that have gotten us here.. so what.. hey, let's double down on that?

They're all batshit crazy.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.'re right..trump has no idea how to get anything built or deal with government regulations or how to place the best people where they'll do the most good.

Go ahead and elect another career politician...what could go wrong.

He's playing the DC game just like a career pol. I already told you that.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.'re right..trump has no idea how to get anything built or deal with government regulations or how to place the best people where they'll do the most good.

Go ahead and elect another career politician...what could go wrong.

He's playing the DC game just like a career pol. I already told you that.

you don't "tell" me anything, scooter.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

If he were eating his pizza with his hands, I wouldn't have noticed. As that's how normal people do it.

The fork and knife is a little.......prim. Let me check the picture, was his pinky up?

ridiculous, petty, and juvenile..the trifecta.

Then it fits this thread perfectly.
Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

If he were eating his pizza with his hands, I wouldn't have noticed. As that's how normal people do it.

The fork and knife is a little.......prim. Let me check the picture, was his pinky up?

ridiculous, petty, and juvenile..the trifecta.

Then it fits this thread perfectly. it's resolved...measuring "manliness" by whether or not one eats pizza with a fork is ridiculous, petty and juvenile.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

New Yorkers simply do NOT eat pizza with a's simply NOT DONE!
No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
What dictators would that be? According to RWrs on this thread, President Obama is a wimp.
He's an erratic wimp when it comes to foreign affairs but a bull dog when it comes to his own personal agenda, i.e. Obamacare.
And that's a good for foreign affairs...he wasn't a wimp when it came to FINALLY tracking down and killing OBL, was he?
The military did a fine job. The fact that it took Obama 3 different dates to finally pull the trigger, or was it Valerie is indicative of a weak leader. With each passing date (it wasn't weather), the chance of the mission being compromised was increased.
Then the person that gave us the tip of where Bin Laden was, was found out and imprisoned by the local government. Did Obama help him? No.

There it is again - that weird RW desire to just "pull the trigger" without knowing what they're shooting at or if they can actually hit their target.

It was the military who made those judgements. That's the same military you RWs said lied about it.
Military lied about what?
Real men, masculine men, don't have to prove it.
We train out bodies, we train out minds, we love our wives, we raise our children, we work our asses off, and when the time comes to vacation, we do vacation like there is no tomorrow.

Real men don't question the masulinity of other men. We are too busy just giving our best.

That's what separates us from the closet cases out there who see wimps all over the place.

End of story.
Then there's Obama...
Real men, masculine men, don't have to prove it.
We train out bodies, we train out minds, we love our wives, we raise our children, we work our asses off, and when the time comes to vacation, we do vacation like there is no tomorrow.

Real men don't question the masulinity of other men. We are too busy just giving our best.

That's what separates us from the closet cases out there who see wimps all over the place.

End of story.
Then there's Obama...
Wow! Did you even read the post you replied to?
"Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America"


Masculinity is in no need of 'restoration,' the notion is absurd.

Trump seeks to exploit the dark side of America, and the dark side of human nature – the fear of change and things perceived to be 'different,' appeals to ignorance and emotionalism, and the rejection of facts, evidence, and truth.

Trump is not scary. Trump doing well in the polls is what should scare us all, because it tells us a great deal about our society.
Well, at least we finally get to realize what the republican base has become..
I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.'re right..trump has no idea how to get anything built or deal with government regulations or how to place the best people where they'll do the most good.

Go ahead and elect another career politician...what could go wrong.

He's playing the DC game just like a career pol. I already told you that.

you don't "tell" me anything, scooter.

said, replied, reiterated.... anyone of them there synonyms will do, skeeter.
Real men, masculine men, don't have to prove it.
We train out bodies, we train out minds, we love our wives, we raise our children, we work our asses off, and when the time comes to vacation, we do vacation like there is no tomorrow.

Real men don't question the masulinity of other men. We are too busy just giving our best.

That's what separates us from the closet cases out there who see wimps all over the place.

End of story.
Then there's Obama...
Wow! Did you even read the post you replied to?
Yep. Thank you for asking.
Real men, masculine men, don't have to prove it.
We train out bodies, we train out minds, we love our wives, we raise our children, we work our asses off, and when the time comes to vacation, we do vacation like there is no tomorrow.

Real men don't question the masulinity of other men. We are too busy just giving our best.

That's what separates us from the closet cases out there who see wimps all over the place.

End of story.
Then there's Obama...
Wow! Did you even read the post you replied to?
Yep. Thank you for asking.
No you didn't or you would not have automatically demonstrated the point he was making. Real men are confident enough not to have to prove it to the sea of overcompensating manchildren out there measuring each others cocks during their constant pissing contests.

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