Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Say what you like, Trump is gonna be fun. But fun is not all, in addition to the fun part, we are going to become more masculine to boot, can Americans ask for much more? This could be an election that might go down in the "believe it or not" history books. Masculine history books mind you.
Apparently about 25% of the Republicans are ready for fascist who trash the constitution, due process, traditional American values to accomplomist his end.
The only thing Trump has brought back to this nation is a lot of STUPID supporters. Donald Trump is nothing more than Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse--and if you can't see that then you're really dummmmb.

At Bill Clinton's, request and because Hillary is in trouble Donald Trump is in this race to insure that Hillary wins the election. They have been very good friends for decades, even their daughters (Chelsea & Ivanka) are best friends.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -


Trump has already done a great job of chasing millions of legal voting Latino's into Hillary's column. That's what he is in this race for. He has absolutely no intention of becoming President, he'll drop out when he feels Hillary has secured the win.

Here is Carly Fiorina--calling him out on this in the first debate:

LOL, if only he were intelligent enough to be that calculating and not spill the beans. No, he is walking the fascist path as many others before him who think they can buy power cheaply by whipping up some discontent and scapegoating against the most vulnerable race/tribe/group available.

Apparently about 25% of the Republicans are ready for a fascist who will trash the constitution, due process, and traditional American values. The support Republicans are giving Trump does not speak well for the party. It's going to be a millstone around the neck of the Republican candidate.

I hope Trump doesn't let this masculine thing get away from him, Have any females started to feel different today, voice changing hair on chest and so forth?

I think most women can see through the Hair doo--and the continual bomb-basting from an egotistical male figure. After all, they should be used to it in their daily lives--living with men, working with men, etc. etc.etc.

IOW--A BULLSHITTER is fairly easy for a woman to spot. A Donald Trump personality doesn't impress them that much.
At least the intelligent ones...which I would say is most of us.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.
As is pointed out in the CNN article, I think the biggest snag in Trump's plan is how to handle the millions that don't want to go back and still provide due process. If he tries to deport without due process, the federal courts will be all over him like flies on shit.

I think few people including Trump understand the deportation process which is buried in immigration laws. This means if he's going to short cut the deportation process, congress will have to change immigration laws and even if the laws are changed, it will still be a long process because many of the people being deporting will be responsible members of the community with jobs and the money to hire lawyers. This is a far different situation than current deportations. Most of deportations over last 10 years have been convicted felons and those that agree to deportation. Nearly half of these cases had no legal representation. This would certain not be the case under Trump's plan.

Agree---there are immigration lawyers everywhere. Many would snag up the courts and fight deportation, especially the ones that have settled in this country, have homes, jobs and incomes. They're here to stay.

Then the obvious question is: How do you "find" 11 million illegals. You can't search every house, nook and cranny. Illegal searches in this country are still ILLEGAL.

This is why Trump's plan is B.S.
Immigration law is one the most complex specialties for a lawyer, thanks to the convoluted immigration laws we have. Most real immigration lawyers work for drug peddlers, the cartels, and high paid professional with expired visas.. Their fees are so high few undocumented immigrants can afford them.

Immigration courts are civil courts. Unlike criminal courts the government is not required to provide the defendant a lawyer if he can not afford one. When you receive a deportation notice, you also receive a list of lawyers that will take a case without a fee. However, whether you are lucky enough to get a lawyer or not, your date before the judge does not change. Thus almost half of the defendants in immigration courts have to plead their case with no legal representation and little or no knowledge of immigration law against a prosecutor whose specialty is immigration law and whose job is to deport you. This is why most defendants chose voluntary deportation.

For those defends that can afford a real immigration lawyer, the deportation is delayed or set aside in 52% of the cases. For those without legal representation, the percentage is 8%.

To say immigration court is a mockery of justice is an understatement. There have been instances of children as young as 6 years old brought before a judge with no representation other than a social worker.

For established undocumented immigrants with jobs and ties to the community and a lawyer, a deportation notice can be a whole different ball game. Under existing law, a deportation can be delay for months and sometimes years.
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I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.
As is pointed out in the CNN article, I think the biggest snag in Trump's plan is how to handle the millions that don't want to go back and still provide due process. If he tries to deport without due process, the federal courts will be all over him like flies on shit.

I think few people including Trump understand the deportation process which is buried in immigration laws. This means if he's going to short cut the deportation process, congress will have to change immigration laws and even if the laws are changed, it will still be a long process because many of the people being deporting will be responsible members of the community with jobs and the money to hire lawyers. This is a far different situation than current deportations. Most of deportations over last 10 years have been convicted felons and those that agree to deportation. Nearly half of these cases had no legal representation. This would certain not be the case under Trump's plan.

Agree---there are immigration lawyers everywhere. Many would snag up the courts and fight deportation, especially the ones that have settled in this country, have homes, jobs and incomes. They're here to stay.

Then the obvious question is: How do you "find" 11 million illegals. You can't search every house, nook and cranny. Illegal searches in this country are still ILLEGAL.

This is why Trump's plan is B.S.
Immigration law is one the most complex specialties for a lawyer, thanks to the convoluted immigration laws we have. Most real immigration lawyers work for drug peddlers, the cartels, and high paid professional with expired visas.. Their fees are so high few undocumented immigrants can afford them.

Immigration courts are civil courts. Unlike criminal courts the government is not required to provide the defendant a lawyer if he can not afford one. When you receive a deportation notice, you also receive a list of lawyers that will take a case without a fee. However, whether you are lucky enough to get a lawyer or not, your date before the judge does not change. Thus almost half of the defendants in immigration courts have to plead their case with no legal representation and little or no knowledge of immigration law against a prosecutor whose specialty is immigration law and whose job is to deport you. This is why most defendants chose voluntary deportation.

For those defends that can afford a real immigration lawyer, the deportation is delayed or set aside in 52% of the cases. For those without legal representation, the percentage is 8%.

To say immigration court is a mockery of justice is an understatement. There have been instances of children as young as 6 years old brought before a judge with no representation other than a social worker.

For established undocumented immigrants with jobs and ties to the community and a lawyer, a deportation notice can be a whole different ball game. Under existing law, a deportation can be delay for months and sometimes years.
For the ultraconservative they do not understand that. One thing they know is deport illegals without thinking of the consequences. Rounded them put them in a bus.
"Illegal" means against the all hinges on that.
Why are you scared of illegals? Are they taking over your job?
"scared"? whatever.
Why are you against enforcing our immigration laws?
Deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. Other than that illegals are staying and they are not going anywhere.
Good luck with that. Their home nations don't want them either and after holding them for six months after their prison term, we have to let them go if we can't deport them. That's the law, kiddos...
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So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.


considering most lib males are gay, are aborted or are in jail- its no wonder they get mad at a strong conservative who speaks his mind and has money to proof his success.
"Illegal" means against the all hinges on that.
Why are you scared of illegals? Are they taking over your job?
"scared"? whatever.
Why are you against enforcing our immigration laws?
Deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. Other than that illegals are staying and they are not going anywhere.
Good luck with that. Their home nations don't want them either and after holding them for six months after their prison term, we have to let them go if we can't deport them. That's the law kiddos...
The countries that most our illegals come from, Mexico and Central America do not delay deportation significantly. Many Asian and African countries (23) do. Although there are not a large numbers of such deportations it is certainly a big problem. I think this could be controlled by changing our immigration laws to stop or limit immigration from these countries.

MAP: Countries that refuse or delay deportation of felons
"Illegal" means against the all hinges on that.
Why are you scared of illegals? Are they taking over your job?
"scared"? whatever.
Why are you against enforcing our immigration laws?
Deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. Other than that illegals are staying and they are not going anywhere.
If you look at who get's deported, illegal alien felons are at the top of list. If they get a deportation notice they are very likely to be deported. A non-citizen who commits an aggravated felony or a crime involving moral turpitude is generally ineligible for any relief from deportation and often will be barred from reentering the U.S. in the future. -

How Does a Felony Affect Immigration Status? - FindLaw
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

What a waste. The duck boys are a lie.
But then so are most conservatives and tea party boys.

Thank God....
We can now be allowed to go back to men being men and not one of these....
View attachment 48101

But more like this.....

View attachment 48100

I'm looking forward to more from this man Donald Trump....
Making America Great again....
Liking the sound of that.


Blonde frosted tips does make for a manly man.



Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.

No we consider a man like JFK, FDR (but hated most of his polices) Ike , Reagan and now Trump.

Obama is a sissy boy with power. He is like little Kim of North Korea.
Good lord, Trump's name with that group is beyond delusional or ridiculous. It is pure unadulterated propaganda nonsense.

Who the hell would you want to negotiate a deal between Iran...

Roll over obama

Or Trump?
Trump would be out of his league. He would have to depend on others. He understands business, not global politics and the intricacies of the Mid East. Trump's business abilities are overrated. Remember, he has had to use bankruptcy four times. He inherited his money. Some estimate that wealth to have been large enough that if he left it alone and did nothing, would be worth 8 Billion dollars today. That estimate is based on the 47,000 apartment units he inherited from his father rated at today's value. He promotes himself as the great deal maker, you believe it.
Looking at transcripts of Trump speeches tells you a lot about the man. In order for Trump to fulfill most his promises, he will need the help of both Democrats and Republicans in congress. Yet in all his speeches, I can not find a single reference to congress other than comments that have alienated legislators of both parties. His immigration plan would certainly end up in the courts, yet in his speeches he makes no reference to the courts or how he would handle the issue.

In his speeches he never acknowledges the need to work with congress, other nations, or anyone else. This fits quite well with his style of management, autocratic and often dictatorial. You can be very successful in business with this style of management if you have the skills, but not as president. As president, you can not fire or sue congressmen, federal judges, the media, or even most of the people that work for you.

Why do you guys take everything he says literally and figuratively?

Me thinks you are trying everything you can to throw him under the buss like Sarah...guess what? It won't work with Trump no matter how hard you try.

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