Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

Good lord, Trump's name with that group is beyond delusional or ridiculous. It is pure unadulterated propaganda nonsense.

Who the hell would you want to negotiate a deal between Iran...

Roll over obama

Or Trump?
Trump would be out of his league. He would have to depend on others. He understands business, not global politics and the intricacies of the Mid East. Trump's business abilities are overrated. Remember, he has had to use bankruptcy four times. He inherited his money. Some estimate that wealth to have been large enough that if he left it alone and did nothing, would be worth 8 Billion dollars today. That estimate is based on the 47,000 apartment units he inherited from his father rated at today's value. He promotes himself as the great deal maker, you believe it.
Looking at transcripts of Trump speeches tells you a lot about the man. In order for Trump to fulfill most his promises, he will need the help of both Democrats and Republicans in congress. Yet in all his speeches, I can not find a single reference to congress other than comments that have alienated legislators of both parties. His immigration plan would certainly end up in the courts, yet in his speeches he makes no reference to the courts or how he would handle the issue.

In his speeches he never acknowledges the need to work with congress, other nations, or anyone else. This fits quite well with his style of management, autocratic and often dictatorial. You can be very successful in business with this style of management if you have the skills, but not as president. As president, you can not fire or sue congressmen, federal judges, the media, or even most of the people that work for you.

Why do you guys take everything he says literally and figuratively?

Me thinks you are trying everything you can to throw him under the buss like Sarah...guess what? It won't work with Trump no matter how hard you try.
Trump makes such exaggerated and ridiculous statements it's really hard to take him seriously.
Likely because he isn't a serious candidate.
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

To deport all illegals or even a small percentage, you would have to change the immigration laws to require deportation. Currently, immigration judges are not required to deport anybody. You would also have to make it illegally not have proof of citizenship in your possession. Otherwise you would never be able to track illegals down, particular in sanctuary cities where neither local law enforcement or local communities would be of any assistance. Of course you have to abolish SCOTUS, because they would never let you do any of the above.

you better brace yourself, then.
Hey..I asked you a couple of times...

Do you think it would be ok if some random person off the street snuck into your house and moved into your spare bedroom and brought a few family members and a couple of friends and wanted you to feed them, clothe them and give them some of your money.

Would that be ok? Why or why not?

Gonna dodge again?
I don't waste my time answering rhetorical questions.
yeah..right..I knew you'd dodge....again..:laugh2:
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

Who the hell would you want to negotiate a deal between Iran...

Roll over obama

Or Trump?
Trump would be out of his league. He would have to depend on others. He understands business, not global politics and the intricacies of the Mid East. Trump's business abilities are overrated. Remember, he has had to use bankruptcy four times. He inherited his money. Some estimate that wealth to have been large enough that if he left it alone and did nothing, would be worth 8 Billion dollars today. That estimate is based on the 47,000 apartment units he inherited from his father rated at today's value. He promotes himself as the great deal maker, you believe it.
Looking at transcripts of Trump speeches tells you a lot about the man. In order for Trump to fulfill most his promises, he will need the help of both Democrats and Republicans in congress. Yet in all his speeches, I can not find a single reference to congress other than comments that have alienated legislators of both parties. His immigration plan would certainly end up in the courts, yet in his speeches he makes no reference to the courts or how he would handle the issue.

In his speeches he never acknowledges the need to work with congress, other nations, or anyone else. This fits quite well with his style of management, autocratic and often dictatorial. You can be very successful in business with this style of management if you have the skills, but not as president. As president, you can not fire or sue congressmen, federal judges, the media, or even most of the people that work for you.

Why do you guys take everything he says literally and figuratively?

Me thinks you are trying everything you can to throw him under the buss like Sarah...guess what? It won't work with Trump no matter how hard you try.
Trump makes such exaggerated and ridiculous statements it's really hard to take him seriously.
Likely because he isn't a serious candidate.
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

To deport all illegals or even a small percentage, you would have to change the immigration laws to require deportation. Currently, immigration judges are not required to deport anybody. You would also have to make it illegally not have proof of citizenship in your possession. Otherwise you would never be able to track illegals down, particular in sanctuary cities where neither local law enforcement or local communities would be of any assistance. Of course you have to abolish SCOTUS, because they would never let you do any of the above.

you better brace yourself, then.
Hey..I asked you a couple of times...

Do you think it would be ok if some random person off the street snuck into your house and moved into your spare bedroom and brought a few family members and a couple of friends and wanted you to feed them, clothe them and give them some of your money.

Would that be ok? Why or why not?

Gonna dodge again?
Four reasons why you you you need to brace yourself.
1. Trump will not be nominated. Then you have to take back all what you've said in this site.
2. If these illegal parents get deported. We as the tax payers will feed between 30 to 40 millions or more of these anchor babies.
3. If illegal parents and anchor babies get deported. Anchor babies in numbers of 30 to 40 millions US citizens that you have to disrupt their lives. Can sue the hack of this government.
4. High numbers of these anchor babies can vote in 2016.
Better brace yourself.
BTW just incase you didn't know anchor babies ages are from newly born to 40 years old or older.
Last edited:
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

To deport all illegals or even a small percentage, you would have to change the immigration laws to require deportation. Currently, immigration judges are not required to deport anybody. You would also have to make it illegally not have proof of citizenship in your possession. Otherwise you would never be able to track illegals down, particular in sanctuary cities where neither local law enforcement or local communities would be of any assistance. Of course you have to abolish SCOTUS, because they would never let you do any of the above.

you better brace yourself, then.
Hey..I asked you a couple of times...

Do you think it would be ok if some random person off the street snuck into your house and moved into your spare bedroom and brought a few family members and a couple of friends and wanted you to feed them, clothe them and give them some of your money.

Would that be ok? Why or why not?

Gonna dodge again?
Four reasons why you you you need to brace yourself.
1. Trump will not be nominated. Then you have to take back all what you've said in this site.
2. If these illegal parents get deported. We as the tax payers will feed between 30 to 40 millions or more of these anchor babies.
3. If illegal parents and anchor babies get deported. Anchor babies in numbers of 30 to 40 millions US citizens that you have to disrupt their lives. Can sue the hack of this government.
4. High numbers of these anchor babies can vote in 2016.
Better brace yourself.
BTW just incase you didn't know anchor babies ages are from newly born to 40 years old or older.
30 or 40 million sounds a bit high but you do have a point. Parents of older children have opted to leave their children in the US when deported since it's the only home they have ever known. Also in many of these countries opportunities and safety is a major concern.

The two big reasons illegal immigrates give for coming to the US is jobs and to be united with their family. The US as well as other countries have found when families split over deportation, they usually are united later often thru more illegal immigration. Therefore immigration laws are written with the idea of keeping families together.
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire
Hmmmm,,,does that mean I need to cheat on my pregnant wife?
yeah..whatever...we HAVE laws...we just don't enforce them..and now 30 million illegals later, subversives are telling us we can't deport people who sneak in illegally...utter lunacy.
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

To deport all illegals or even a small percentage, you would have to change the immigration laws to require deportation. Currently, immigration judges are not required to deport anybody. You would also have to make it illegally not have proof of citizenship in your possession. Otherwise you would never be able to track illegals down, particular in sanctuary cities where neither local law enforcement or local communities would be of any assistance. Of course you have to abolish SCOTUS, because they would never let you do any of the above.

you better brace yourself, then.
Hey..I asked you a couple of times...

Do you think it would be ok if some random person off the street snuck into your house and moved into your spare bedroom and brought a few family members and a couple of friends and wanted you to feed them, clothe them and give them some of your money.

Would that be ok? Why or why not?

Gonna dodge again?
Four reasons why you you you need to brace yourself.
1. Trump will not be nominated. Then you have to take back all what you've said in this site.
2. If these illegal parents get deported. We as the tax payers will feed between 30 to 40 millions or more of these anchor babies.
3. If illegal parents and anchor babies get deported. Anchor babies in numbers of 30 to 40 millions US citizens that you have to disrupt their lives. Can sue the hack of this government.
4. High numbers of these anchor babies can vote in 2016.
Better brace yourself.
BTW just incase you didn't know anchor babies ages are from newly born to 40 years old or older.

Donald Trump's wall as of to date: His supporters might as well escort Hilary Clinton into the oval office now.

Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

Nope- not very 'christiany' either. the pope has this one right...

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition
3 hours ago


Real estate mogul and TV star Donald Trump appears at a press conference in 2005 to announce Trump University, which offered real estate seminars for business professionals. (Photo: Dan Herrick/KPA/ZUMA Press)

Donald Trump, embroiled in a long-running legal battle with former students of his defunct Trump University, has been accused in recently filed court papers of threatening to financially ruin the woman who is a lead plaintiff in the suit. Trump’s comments, according to the filings, came in a secret deposition he gave just two months ago, on Dec. 10 — the same day he was making international headlines over his pledge to ban Muslim immigrants from the country.

The accusation was made in a motion by the woman — Tarla Makaeff, a California yoga instructor — to withdraw as lead plaintiff, asserting she has been “put through the wringer” by Trump and his lawyers and forced to “suffer daily with the fear that she could be bankrupted by Trump.”

Exactly what Trump said in his December deposition is unclear. The transcript is sealed and the excerpt cited by Makaeff’s lawyers was blacked out in the copy of the filing obtained by Yahoo News. The motion in support of Makaeff’s effort to back out of the suit claims she needs protection “from further retaliation” by the billionaire, who is leading in the polls for the Republican nomination for president.

The underlying class action lawsuit, filed in 2010, charges that Makaeff and thousands of other students were “scammed” into maxing out their credit cards and paying up to $60,000 in fees for seminars in hotel ballrooms and “mentoring” by Trump’s “hand-picked” real estate experts. The lawsuit against the school, which is no longer in business, alleges the seminars turned into little more than an “infomercial” and the Trump mentors she was assigned offered “no practical advice” and “mostly disappeared.” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a separate suit in 2013 alleging fraud on the part of the “university,” which was never an accredited institution and awarded no degrees.

Trump’s lawyers have vigorously denied the claims and vowed to contest both suits.

Trump’s new lead lawyer against Makaeff, Donald Petrocelli, best known for representing one of the murder victims in a civil suit against O.J. Simpson, declined to answer any questions about the deposition when reached Thursday by Yahoo News. “I don’t think the lawyers should be talking about the case,” Petrocelli said.

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

Nope- not very 'christiany' either. the pope has this one right...

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition
3 hours ago


Real estate mogul and TV star Donald Trump appears at a press conference in 2005 to announce Trump University, which offered real estate seminars for business professionals. (Photo: Dan Herrick/KPA/ZUMA Press)

Donald Trump, embroiled in a long-running legal battle with former students of his defunct Trump University, has been accused in recently filed court papers of threatening to financially ruin the woman who is a lead plaintiff in the suit. Trump’s comments, according to the filings, came in a secret deposition he gave just two months ago, on Dec. 10 — the same day he was making international headlines over his pledge to ban Muslim immigrants from the country.

The accusation was made in a motion by the woman — Tarla Makaeff, a California yoga instructor — to withdraw as lead plaintiff, asserting she has been “put through the wringer” by Trump and his lawyers and forced to “suffer daily with the fear that she could be bankrupted by Trump.”

Exactly what Trump said in his December deposition is unclear. The transcript is sealed and the excerpt cited by Makaeff’s lawyers was blacked out in the copy of the filing obtained by Yahoo News. The motion in support of Makaeff’s effort to back out of the suit claims she needs protection “from further retaliation” by the billionaire, who is leading in the polls for the Republican nomination for president.

The underlying class action lawsuit, filed in 2010, charges that Makaeff and thousands of other students were “scammed” into maxing out their credit cards and paying up to $60,000 in fees for seminars in hotel ballrooms and “mentoring” by Trump’s “hand-picked” real estate experts. The lawsuit against the school, which is no longer in business, alleges the seminars turned into little more than an “infomercial” and the Trump mentors she was assigned offered “no practical advice” and “mostly disappeared.” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a separate suit in 2013 alleging fraud on the part of the “university,” which was never an accredited institution and awarded no degrees.

Trump’s lawyers have vigorously denied the claims and vowed to contest both suits.

Trump’s new lead lawyer against Makaeff, Donald Petrocelli, best known for representing one of the murder victims in a civil suit against O.J. Simpson, declined to answer any questions about the deposition when reached Thursday by Yahoo News. “I don’t think the lawyers should be talking about the case,” Petrocelli said.

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition

He really puts the petty back in pettifogger.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

Nope- not very 'christiany' either. the pope has this one right...

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition
3 hours ago


Real estate mogul and TV star Donald Trump appears at a press conference in 2005 to announce Trump University, which offered real estate seminars for business professionals. (Photo: Dan Herrick/KPA/ZUMA Press)

Donald Trump, embroiled in a long-running legal battle with former students of his defunct Trump University, has been accused in recently filed court papers of threatening to financially ruin the woman who is a lead plaintiff in the suit. Trump’s comments, according to the filings, came in a secret deposition he gave just two months ago, on Dec. 10 — the same day he was making international headlines over his pledge to ban Muslim immigrants from the country.

The accusation was made in a motion by the woman — Tarla Makaeff, a California yoga instructor — to withdraw as lead plaintiff, asserting she has been “put through the wringer” by Trump and his lawyers and forced to “suffer daily with the fear that she could be bankrupted by Trump.”

Exactly what Trump said in his December deposition is unclear. The transcript is sealed and the excerpt cited by Makaeff’s lawyers was blacked out in the copy of the filing obtained by Yahoo News. The motion in support of Makaeff’s effort to back out of the suit claims she needs protection “from further retaliation” by the billionaire, who is leading in the polls for the Republican nomination for president.

The underlying class action lawsuit, filed in 2010, charges that Makaeff and thousands of other students were “scammed” into maxing out their credit cards and paying up to $60,000 in fees for seminars in hotel ballrooms and “mentoring” by Trump’s “hand-picked” real estate experts. The lawsuit against the school, which is no longer in business, alleges the seminars turned into little more than an “infomercial” and the Trump mentors she was assigned offered “no practical advice” and “mostly disappeared.” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a separate suit in 2013 alleging fraud on the part of the “university,” which was never an accredited institution and awarded no degrees.

Trump’s lawyers have vigorously denied the claims and vowed to contest both suits.

Trump’s new lead lawyer against Makaeff, Donald Petrocelli, best known for representing one of the murder victims in a civil suit against O.J. Simpson, declined to answer any questions about the deposition when reached Thursday by Yahoo News. “I don’t think the lawyers should be talking about the case,” Petrocelli said.

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition

He's such a petty pettifogger.

I don't know what that is, but it sounds about right.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

Nope- not very 'christiany' either. the pope has this one right...

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition
3 hours ago


Real estate mogul and TV star Donald Trump appears at a press conference in 2005 to announce Trump University, which offered real estate seminars for business professionals. (Photo: Dan Herrick/KPA/ZUMA Press)

Donald Trump, embroiled in a long-running legal battle with former students of his defunct Trump University, has been accused in recently filed court papers of threatening to financially ruin the woman who is a lead plaintiff in the suit. Trump’s comments, according to the filings, came in a secret deposition he gave just two months ago, on Dec. 10 — the same day he was making international headlines over his pledge to ban Muslim immigrants from the country.

The accusation was made in a motion by the woman — Tarla Makaeff, a California yoga instructor — to withdraw as lead plaintiff, asserting she has been “put through the wringer” by Trump and his lawyers and forced to “suffer daily with the fear that she could be bankrupted by Trump.”

Exactly what Trump said in his December deposition is unclear. The transcript is sealed and the excerpt cited by Makaeff’s lawyers was blacked out in the copy of the filing obtained by Yahoo News. The motion in support of Makaeff’s effort to back out of the suit claims she needs protection “from further retaliation” by the billionaire, who is leading in the polls for the Republican nomination for president.

The underlying class action lawsuit, filed in 2010, charges that Makaeff and thousands of other students were “scammed” into maxing out their credit cards and paying up to $60,000 in fees for seminars in hotel ballrooms and “mentoring” by Trump’s “hand-picked” real estate experts. The lawsuit against the school, which is no longer in business, alleges the seminars turned into little more than an “infomercial” and the Trump mentors she was assigned offered “no practical advice” and “mostly disappeared.” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a separate suit in 2013 alleging fraud on the part of the “university,” which was never an accredited institution and awarded no degrees.

Trump’s lawyers have vigorously denied the claims and vowed to contest both suits.

Trump’s new lead lawyer against Makaeff, Donald Petrocelli, best known for representing one of the murder victims in a civil suit against O.J. Simpson, declined to answer any questions about the deposition when reached Thursday by Yahoo News. “I don’t think the lawyers should be talking about the case,” Petrocelli said.

Trump is accused of financially threatening woman during secret deposition

He's such a petty pettifogger.

I don't know what that is, but it sounds about right.
old, and rarely used name for lawyers
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire
This sounds like someone REALLY insecure about his masculinity.
Funny I don't see masculinity at all in Trump. I see a spoiled insecure manchild who can't deal with the fact that he is flawed and women reject him. Nothing masculine about that.

And he can sue me if he wants.

I'm not going to insult my fellow man by defining manhood downward so Trump can qualify
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

A lot of women find wussy men a real turn off.

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