Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?

So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.

LOL, Obama and Dems did 1, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.

No we consider a man like JFK, FDR (but hated most of his polices) Ike , Reagan and now Trump.

Obama is a sissy boy with power. He is like little Kim of North Korea.
Good lord, Trump's name with that group is beyond delusional or ridiculous. It is pure unadulterated propaganda nonsense.

Who the hell would you want to negotiate a deal between Iran...

Roll over obama

Or Trump?
Trump would be out of his league. He would have to depend on others. He understands business, not global politics and the intricacies of the Mid East. Trump's business abilities are overrated. Remember, he has had to use bankruptcy four times. He inherited his money. Some estimate that wealth to have been large enough that if he left it alone and did nothing, would be worth 8 Billion dollars today. That estimate is based on the 47,000 apartment units he inherited from his father rated at today's value. He promotes himself as the great deal maker, you believe it.
Looking at transcripts of Trump speeches tells you a lot about the man. In order for Trump to fulfill most his promises, he will need the help of both Democrats and Republicans in congress. Yet in all his speeches, I can not find a single reference to congress other than comments that have alienated legislators of both parties. His immigration plan would certainly end up in the courts, yet in his speeches he makes no reference to the courts or how he would handle the issue.

In his speeches he never acknowledges the need to work with congress, other nations, or anyone else. This fits quite well with his style of management, autocratic and often dictatorial. You can be very successful in business with this style of management if you have the skills, but not as president. As president, you can not fire or sue congressman, federal judges, the media, or even most of the people that work for you.

I think we're being uber-trolled. Trump's campaign staff is 3 guys (2 now that his campaign manager quit). I think when he finally posts his policy positions online when you click the link it will take us to Rick Astley video.
He's certainly an adulterer like him though. Can't take that away from the tribblehead.

Since when does adultery bother you guys? Oh wait, he must have an 'R' by his name. I see.

Actually it bothers me a lot & shows the character of the person no matter what letter comes after their name. BUT, I'll tell you one thing that I find hypocritical & a bit amusing - as you well know - it's the (R)s that call themselves the party of 'family values'. :spinner:

Not an issue that matters anymore. People have moved on. I mean, we did actually have a serial pervert rapist for a President. After that, i'm pretty sure anything goes.
LIAR. Pants on fire liar. Makes you not credible on anything. Every opinion you have about anything is suspect to being a blatant lie like the one you just posted. You are a hateful and dishonest liar. Serial sinner as a barer of false witness.

Yeah, pretty sure Trump can never match ole Slick Willy's perverted depravity. The dudes' a serial sexual harasser. And you guys defended him every step of the way. So you can spare us the high horse preaching about respecting women. That's disingenuous hypocrite B.S.
So, you are back peddling from rapist to sexual harasser. Clinton gets defended when people like you lie about him being a rapist. He was a womanizer. He chased woman around. Even the serial sexual harassment charges don't hold up. He was a guy like millions upon millions of guys of his age and era that chased after girls. Folks with political agendas took that out of context and dragged the country through a lot of grief over their hypocrisy. Remember how the top leaders of the House that led the impeachment ended up having to resign as one by one they were exposed for the stuff you are whining about. They did worse stuff than Clinton. Producing children procreated in adultery, have long lasting sexual affairs with staff, etc. All Clinton wanted was something his wife wouldn't give him, blow jobs.
So let's see.. apparently "Hope and Change" and "Yes We Can" are sheer brilliance and solid platforms... but Trump, not so much?

Got it!


My pants will explode if I bend over to pick that up. Where's that Mexican I pay to pick up my balls for me?

Goo goo!


AGGGHHH!! What is that? Get that away from me! Throw it over the wall!
Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.
I don't think anyone has priced out a "massive, impenetrable wall" the full length of the Mexican board which is what Trump says he will build. What congress considered was a 700 mile fence that would cost 2 or 3 billion.

But why worry about the cost? Mexico is going to pay for it or Trump will violate the terms of the NAFTA treaty and start a trade war with Mexico provided the Senate and SCOTUS would allow it, which they won't.
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The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

Yeah, if only we could be manly men like the people that founded this country, eh?

View attachment 48176
Yep, the first president to be accused of having an affair was George Washington.
Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.
52% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally so the wall will do nothing to stop this. Of those that actually entered the country illegally, many have entered the country through boarder crossings, by plane, and by boat.

Trump's great massive wall would be as ineffective as the Great Wall of China..
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

Polite gentry have tact. Herr Drumpf is just a bitchy fancy man.

sure..sure..whatever you say. Jealous?

By no means. He'll be dead in a few years, and then his lifetime of machinations will have been for not.

Meanwhile, I sleep with a clear conscience.
Well apparently the new masculinity involves marrying a new wife when the previous one starts to show some wear and tear.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

Polite gentry have tact. Herr Drumpf is just a bitchy fancy man.

sure..sure..whatever you say. Jealous?

By no means. He'll be dead in a few years, and then his lifetime of machinations will have been for not.

Meanwhile, I sleep with a clear conscience. could die today and he could live to be're comical.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...
Don't know how the word dictator can be used to describe Obama or Trump. Neither one of them meets the definition. Think we are just in an era where folks misuse words and when criticized get all defensive. The net allows us to just continuously propagandize through the use of "propaganda" language. A sort of back door and cover for lying about things. Dictators don't have legislatures, boards of directors, regulators, government agencies and courts to veto decisions or the whims of dictators. Dictators don't get overruled or ordered to do things they don't want to do.
I don't know if Obama's style of leadership could be considered dictatorial. Certainly Trump's is.
That is because has always had control of his empire, which has been his companies. He has never had to deal with legislatures and most of the times when dealing with courts, it has been on his choosing.

I love how he will be building this 'big beautiful wall' without considering that the hundreds of billions of dollars needed would have to be approved. It won't.

hundreds of billions?..are you sure? You (and obama) appear to just say any number that comes into your head.

Reminds me of the joke..obama was informed that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a battle.

.He said "That's awful!...How many IS a brazillion, anyway"? got these numbers all worked out? Post the itemized costs and let's go over them?

The benefit of having 30 million illegals OUT of the country would begin to offset ANY costs immediately and would continue in perpetuity.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built, however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management" . From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.
Eating pizza with a fork is 'masculine'?


Polite, well bred people use isn't a measure of "manliness" to eat with a fork or not...
you're pathetic...seriously.

To eat *pizza*? And since the standards of 'manliness' are to brag and call everyone losers, clearly we're working with a very loose definition of the term.

LMAO...if he was eating with his hands you'd call him a pig and a guys are ridiculous...

If he were eating his pizza with his hands, I wouldn't have noticed. As that's how normal people do it.

The fork and knife is a little.......prim. Let me check the picture, was his pinky up?

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