Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Here's a little self-abuse material for those getting all sweaty over Trump's masculinity. A photo of Trump from the Vietnam War era. What a manly warrior stud!

Ready to refight the War of 1812! :biggrin:
You fixed nothing, you just tried very hard direct attention away from the conservative's aching need for a big-talking authoritarian leader.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
What dictators would that be? According to RWrs on this thread, President Obama is a wimp.
He's an erratic wimp when it comes to foreign affairs but a bull dog when it comes to his own personal agenda, i.e. Obamacare.
And that's a good for foreign affairs...he wasn't a wimp when it came to FINALLY tracking down and killing OBL, was he?

Only a wimp, coward outright assainates a leader....

Bush Jr. Captured a leader ....Sadam , brought him to trial....

That's how we do things in the civilized world.

By right, Saddam Hussein should not have been hunted. By right, 6 months after 9/11, W. was proclaiming Bin Laden as "marginal" & instead focused on a leader of a sovereign nation that wronged his daddy & wanted his oil, so he refused to believe numerous reports by inspectors that there were no WMD, & invaded anyway.

& <PSST> Bin Laden who claimed responsibility for 9/11 was NOT a leader of any nation. Obama promised during a debate with McCain, that if Bin Laden was found, even in Pakistan, & we had him in our 'sights', then he would be taken out. BTW, as far as W's & cowboy 'go get him, stay the course' rhetoric concerning Hussein; what do you think he meant by 'DEAD or ALIVE'?
Trump's a real tough guy. He likes to go to the border and pretend it is really dangerous to do so. Then when he gets there, he beats up babies.

What a hero!


There could be anti-golf cart mines here, but I don't care. I'm a tough guy.

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.
Wow, your womanly repetition is getting old......try the truth sometime....

They've all said that they want more wars, bigger military, take from the poor, give to the rich, trash the constitution, take away basic rights.

That has been the Repub platform for many years now.


Wow, your womanly repetition is getting old......try the truth sometime....
Yeah, that's the ticket for a Republican win, start the "War on Women" again!!! Some people never learn. :laugh2:

Its their fear and hatred of women that makes them think Trump will give them the balls they SAY they lack.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
What dictators would that be? According to RWrs on this thread, President Obama is a wimp.
He's an erratic wimp when it comes to foreign affairs but a bull dog when it comes to his own personal agenda, i.e. Obamacare.
And that's a good for foreign affairs...he wasn't a wimp when it came to FINALLY tracking down and killing OBL, was he?
The military did a fine job. The fact that it took Obama 3 different dates to finally pull the trigger, or was it Valerie is indicative of a weak leader. With each passing date (it wasn't weather), the chance of the mission being compromised was increased.
Then the person that gave us the tip of where Bin Laden was, was found out and imprisoned by the local government. Did Obama help him? No.

God damn it...

Obama assaninated him...

That is a cowards act.

You can't assaninate a foe.

Again Bush Jr didn't outright kill Saddam , that's crazy talk and uncivilized

Reagan captured Noriega and tossed him in a U.S. prison

Bush Jr and Reagan did what civilized leaders do... Bring them to trial, not being barbaric like obama was and pure out assaninate a leader.

So that little thingy called 'SHOCK & AWE' was just a fireworks show?
Did I forget to mention bin Laden wasn't even armed, he was watching television.

Fucking pathetic of a boy king...

Again he reminds me of little Kim of North Korea who had his uncle killed.
Ya, well the 3,000 Americans he had murdered were minding their own business at the time his henchmen crashed those planes. Whether that NAVY SEAL pulled the trigger for what you consider was a good reason or not is totally irrelevant. Most of the world, except his al Qaeda operatives, supporters and you are happy the trigger got pulled.

What are we now a tribe of monkeys now?

How low do you want to go?

Regan and Bush Jr had honor and brought their foes to trial...

Obama lowered the bar. He was the judge, jury and executioner

That's just sick.

Iran/Contra was the epitome of honor. And don't forget Saddam Hussein was 'our' friend when he gassed the Kurds.
So how elese do you get your other source for "news" since I know of no other left wing source on the radio besides NPR....

Please don't tell me you just rely on the internet to cherry pick which article you want to click and read?

If you tell me that you are a low information voter and pathetic...closed minded.

Internet, real ink newspapers, & I listen to both progressive radio & oxyboy Limbaugh. But I'll tell what I ACTUALLY do, is when I hear a sound clip from either side, I don't accept it as is... I WILL research it from unbiased sources to try & figure out how true or false it is before I post anything. Do you do the same?

Of course I do...

I have subcribtions to U.S.A. today, Wall street journal, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago tribune, Seneca daily journal (live in south Carolina now) popular science and national geographic...

Good. What about TV/ radio? Do you ever watch anything other than FOX? Listen to anything other than right wing radio?

I turned on my my 50 inch television to get free broad cast about three times this year to watch the super bowl, Daytona 500 and Indy 500

My little 42 inch t.v. in my bedroom about 20 Times to watch the nightly news...

I am not a t.v. guy.

Third shift worker.

Then how do you even know about Rachel Maddow & Jon Stewert are even Liberals & assumed that's what I watch? What radio programs do you listen to?
We know what radio programs you listen to... To get your news

WKRP In Cincinnati S01E07 Turkeys Away:
Internet, real ink newspapers, & I listen to both progressive radio & oxyboy Limbaugh. But I'll tell what I ACTUALLY do, is when I hear a sound clip from either side, I don't accept it as is... I WILL research it from unbiased sources to try & figure out how true or false it is before I post anything. Do you do the same?

Of course I do...

I have subcribtions to U.S.A. today, Wall street journal, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago tribune, Seneca daily journal (live in south Carolina now) popular science and national geographic...

Good. What about TV/ radio? Do you ever watch anything other than FOX? Listen to anything other than right wing radio?

I turned on my my 50 inch television to get free broad cast about three times this year to watch the super bowl, Daytona 500 and Indy 500

My little 42 inch t.v. in my bedroom about 20 Times to watch the nightly news...

I am not a t.v. guy.

Third shift worker.

Then how do you even know about Rachel Maddow & Jon Stewert are even Liberals & assumed that's what I watch? What radio programs do you listen to?
We know what radio programs you listen to... To get your news

WKRP In Cincinnati S01E07 Turkeys Away:

How can that be? I know Rush Limbaugh can't fly.
Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.

Ha, yet you guys worship the serial pervert rapist Bill Clinton. You probably worship Bill Cosby too. Seriously, you guys need some new material. You're broken records now.
Projection, serious projection.

Hey, at least he's not a serial pervert sexual harasser like your boy Clinton. Score another one for Trump!

He's certainly an adulterer like him though. Can't take that away from the tribblehead.

Since when does adultery bother you guys? Oh wait, he must have an 'R' by his name. I see.
So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.


Geeze Louise.... how delusional are you? When's the last time we had a draft? We're still in a recession, unemployment is at about 40%, the rich are getting richer, health insurance rates are skyrocketing, the government is involved in every aspect of our lives and forcing us to purchase things... tuition is steadily rising you people are insane.

Wow. That's a shame. You should come live in the United States.
So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.


Geeze Louise.... how delusional are you? When's the last time we had a draft? We're still in a recession, unemployment is at about 40%, the rich are getting richer, health insurance rates are skyrocketing, the government is involved in every aspect of our lives and forcing us to purchase things... tuition is steadily rising you people are insane.

Wow. That's a shame. You should come live in the United States.

I do.... get a map, New Orleans is in the U.S.
So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying?

Uh, well, yeah....


At least we always knew where he kept that extra pair of socks.

Maybe Drumpf keeps his under that "hair".
hahahaha..the hair is real..he took off his cap and ran his fingers through it and pulled on it the other day and commented on people focusing on his hair....The "style" looks unusual, but he isn't bald and it isn't a piece.

Not that facts would have any effect on you...just sayin'
"Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America"


Masculinity is in no need of 'restoration,' the notion is absurd.

Trump seeks to exploit the dark side of America, and the dark side of human nature – the fear of change and things perceived to be 'different,' appeals to ignorance and emotionalism, and the rejection of facts, evidence, and truth.
the fear of change and things perceived to be 'different,' appeals to ignorance and emotionalism,

The republican party
Imagine a candidate promising to give manliness to the American male if elected. Maybe those deferments Trump got are starting to gnaw at him, and he now believes that as president if he takes the nation to war it will be the same as being in Vietnam?
Bingo, America's manliness is restored.
Imagine a candidate promising to give manliness to the American male if elected. Maybe those deferments Trump got are starting to gnaw at him, and he now believes that as president if he takes the nation to war it will be the same as being in Vietnam?
Bingo, America's manliness is restored.

It takes real balls to send others to die for wealth for the 1%.

Very manly indeed.
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
My, my...aren't YOU insecure.

Not at all. Just stating reality. I think many Americans just want the Anti-American Globalist pussies to go away. Obama and his Globalist comrades serve everyone but Americans. It's all about that NWO shite. I think most are fed up with it. Trump seems to be tapping into that sentiment. Good for him.

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