Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

The people in Britain that are pissed are the elites and the media. The same jokers you support over here. The real citizen that is exposed to the danger is none of their concern. Islam is an enemy and it is the ideology/religion that is opposed. That takes the bigot out of it.

That is unless hating ideas is bigoted then all of you have no room to talk.
I imagine the white supremacists there are looked down upon the same way they’re looked down upon here.
It has nothing to do with supremacy except the superiority Islam teaches and Muslims using violence, intimidation, and arrogance to prove it. You just don't get it, do you?

Take a good look at what Islam says and let m know if you find one thing positive for non-Muslims.
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
I imagine the white supremacists there are looked down upon the same way they’re looked down upon here.
It has nothing to do with supremacy except the superiority Islam teaches and Muslims using violence, intimidation, and arrogance to prove it. You just don't get it, do you?

Take a good look at what Islam says and let m know if you find one thing positive for non-Muslims.
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
It has nothing to do with supremacy except the superiority Islam teaches and Muslims using violence, intimidation, and arrogance to prove it. You just don't get it, do you?

Take a good look at what Islam says and let m know if you find one thing positive for non-Muslims.
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
Read something about Islam before you call anyone a moron. Man up whiner.
It has nothing to do with supremacy except the superiority Islam teaches and Muslims using violence, intimidation, and arrogance to prove it. You just don't get it, do you?

Take a good look at what Islam says and let m know if you find one thing positive for non-Muslims.
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
You are a dupe.

We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
Read something about Islam before you call anyone a moron. Man up whiner.
No need to read. We are not at war with Islam. Especially not just because your delusions lead you to believe we are. :cuckoo:
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
You are a dupe.

Oh, noooos, how will I ever survive that?
Islam is an ideology - a set of ideas. It is not defined by what any Muslim wants it to be, but by what it is. No ideology is above critique - particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet. Neither is it entitled to human rights, which apply to individuals.

Muslims are individuals. We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

As an ideology, Islam is not necessarily entitled to equal respect and acceptance. Ideas do not carry equal moral weight. The feelings or number of those who believe does not make the idea true or good. Bad ideas can and should be challenged before they have bad consequences

Keep reading, you might learn something. About Muslims
Islam is an ideology - a set of ideas. It is not defined by what any Muslim wants it to be, but by what it is. No ideology is above critique - particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet. Neither is it entitled to human rights, which apply to individuals.

Muslims are individuals. We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

As an ideology, Islam is not necessarily entitled to equal respect and acceptance. Ideas do not carry equal moral weight. The feelings or number of those who believe does not make the idea true or good. Bad ideas can and should be challenged before they have bad consequences

Keep reading, you might learn something. About Muslims
No thanks. A quick Google search on showed that site is on

I suspected you are a loon — thanks for the confirmation.
The Hell we are not. Islam opposes freedom and intends to impose Sharia world wide. And terrorism is a tactic used by Islam and it has been used for 1400 years. You need to man up and admit you have an enemy unless you wish to submit. Submit on your own more and more are realizing the unpleasant truth.

Did you find anything positive for the non-Muslim?
Islam opposes freedom in Islamic nations it has no impact on our freedoms here. Guess what? A lot of non-Islamic countries oppose freedom. We are not at war with any of them because of it. That philosophy died with the Vietnam war. It’s time you got over it.

No impact when the terror comes with Islam wherever it is? What about the trillions spent on security. Terrorism is designed to change things political and laws about hate speech have affected Canada and Europe. You are being had.
Moron..., learn to read. “No impact on our freedoms.”

Geez, you bigots are fucking imbeciles. <smh>

Not to mention, the increased security is the result of terrorism, which we are at war with. We are not at war with Islam.
Read something about Islam before you call anyone a moron. Man up whiner.
No need to read. We are not at war with Islam. Especially not just because your delusions lead you to believe we are. :cuckoo:
I'll take delusions over willful ignorance and cowardice any day.
Islam is an ideology - a set of ideas. It is not defined by what any Muslim wants it to be, but by what it is. No ideology is above critique - particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet. Neither is it entitled to human rights, which apply to individuals.

Muslims are individuals. We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

As an ideology, Islam is not necessarily entitled to equal respect and acceptance. Ideas do not carry equal moral weight. The feelings or number of those who believe does not make the idea true or good. Bad ideas can and should be challenged before they have bad consequences

Keep reading, you might learn something. About Muslims
No thanks. A quick Google search on showed that site is on

I suspected you are a loon — thanks for the confirmation.
Tell me what is wrong with what is said in that article? Be specific. Calling me a name to end a conversation is what losers like you do.
Now point out what you consider loony or hit the road.
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?
You know, I watched VICE news do an interview with the woman who runs the British group, and I also heard a few things about these videos that Trump has retweeted.

First, she is a definite bigot and would fit in with a lot of the white supremacist groups here in the US.

As far as the videos she sent? One was an actual ISIL recruiting video that was not modified in the least. That is the one where they throw a gay person off a building. Here in the States, if someone distributes ISIL recruitment videos they are generally closely watched by the FBI. Trump in a round about way has kinda helped ISIL by distributing their videos. I'm waiting for them to say that our president is helping them out with recruiting by retweeting their videos.

One of the other videos, where it showed a young boy beating up on another young boy with crutches was NOT one of a Muslim immigrant beating up on a national, it was a fight between two people that were born in that country, and according to people who live in the area and know both the boys, neither of them is Muslim.

No, I don't think it was right for Trump to retweet these videos. Especially when they come from a white nationalist group, because that could be interpreted as him supporting her cause. And, in the interview she had with VICE News, she as much as said that Trump is showing his support for her cause by tweeting her videos. She already thinks that Trump is going to support her, and, in the interview, she said that she was slated to go to jail for one of her demonstrations, which Britain considered to be a hate crime, and she is hoping that Trump will talk to the British authorities and get her out of jail time.
Of course it’s viewed as him supporting her cause. Hell, she even thanked him for helping her cause. Thst’s why some British are pissed off at him.

The people in Britain that are pissed are the elites and the media. The same jokers you support over here. The real citizen that is exposed to the danger is none of their concern. Islam is an enemy and it is the ideology/religion that is opposed. That takes the bigot out of it.

That is unless hating ideas is bigoted then all of you have no room to talk.
I imagine the white supremacists there are looked down upon the same way they’re looked down upon here.
It has nothing to do with supremacy except the superiority Islam teaches and Muslims using violence, intimidation, and arrogance to prove it. You just don't get it, do you?

Take a good look at what Islam says and let m know if you find one thing positive for non-Muslims.
We are not at war with Islam, no matter how badly you wish we were. We are at war with terrorism, just as we’ve been for the last 20 years or so.

I think it's been a bit longer than that.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention
Why is our President monitoring racist "Britain First" Twitter feeds?
You want him to ignore what's going on?
I want him to ignore fake news like this crap. He appears to be as ignorant and gullible as you dupes of the greedy idiot Rich GOP propaganda machine.
Videos don't lie
Of course they do because the commentary can be faked and with right-wing ones they usually are... Fake news Central
Why is our President monitoring racist "Britain First" Twitter feeds?
You want him to ignore what's going on?
I want him to ignore fake news like this crap. He appears to be as ignorant and gullible as you dupes of the greedy idiot Rich GOP propaganda machine.
Videos don't lie
Of course they do because the commentary can be faked and with right-wing ones they usually are... Fake news Central
Ever here of Pallywood? Islamic terror and lawlessness does not have to be faked.
Why is our President monitoring racist "Britain First" Twitter feeds?
You want him to ignore what's going on?

No. I don't want him to ignore what is going on. However, since he is president and has access to all sorts of factual information that is based on sound research and intelligence, I would like to know what is possessing him to tweet unresearched videos from a white supremacist group.

Like I said, VICE News did an interview with her yesterday, and one of the things she was more than happy to point out was that because Trump had retweeted her posts, it showed that Trump supports her. And, because she thinks that Trump supports her, in the interview she also stated that one of her demonstrations was considered by Britain to be a hate crime, and she is hoping that Trump will speak to the authorities on her behalf and get her out of jail time.

The optics on this look really bad, and it also makes Trump look like he supports white supremacists.
You're the same people who say Illegal aliens are great for America
Actually we're the people that are trying to end it with Comprehensive immigration legislation and a social security identity card that can't be faked, the only answer. All you racist idiots are just dupes of the GOP idiot Rich who love cheap illegal labor that can be easily bullied, super dupe.
Why is our President monitoring racist "Britain First" Twitter feeds?
You want him to ignore what's going on?

No. I don't want him to ignore what is going on. However, since he is president and has access to all sorts of factual information that is based on sound research and intelligence, I would like to know what is possessing him to tweet unresearched videos from a white supremacist group.

Like I said, VICE News did an interview with her yesterday, and one of the things she was more than happy to point out was that because Trump had retweeted her posts, it showed that Trump supports her. And, because she thinks that Trump supports her, in the interview she also stated that one of her demonstrations was considered by Britain to be a hate crime, and she is hoping that Trump will speak to the authorities on her behalf and get her out of jail time.

The optics on this look really bad, and it also makes Trump look like he supports white supremacists.
You're the same people who say Illegal aliens are great for America
Actually we're the people that are trying to end it with Comprehensive immigration legislation and a social security identity card that can't be faked, the only answer. All you racist idiots are just dupes of the GOP idiot Rich who love cheap illegal labor that can be easily bullied, super dupe.
we have comprehensive immigration and it is being enforced. What you are referring to is open border legislation that the majority of americans told you to fk off about.

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