Donald Trump says he is a genius. Is he?

Is Donald Trump a genius?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
Trump said he will meet with his main antagonizer, Rocketman, which is extending the olive branch of Peace. Trump is going to pay for the wall by cutting welfare which is a step in the right direction. Trump will be written in future history books as a Great President.
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We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.

He came up with a strategy that the entire political and polling and pundit industries said could not work.

He was right, and those three industries were wrong.

It is also worth noting that his conclusion was based on his analysis of the White Working Poor, an group with which he has NO personal connection to, or special knowledge of.

I voted for him as the least bad of two crummy choices, or so I thought. So far, he's disappointing, but I'm hoping he will do some good in his remaining time as president.
.. but I guess Democrats have to get their adolescent hate fix.. somewhere .. :dunno:

Hey cry baby if you want a hate FIX look at the Video of Trump Mocking a disabled reporter
He wasn't mocking a disability, he was mocking a lying reporter.
You assswipes would defend Charles Manson.

Trump mocked that reporter's disability.

You lying about it makes you just as bad. Go fuck yourself.

Being physically disabled does not make a person immune to stupidity.

That punk "journalist" got exactly what he deserved.
The funny thing is if you ask the same question about Obama, the Liberals would be near unanimous saying he was a genius. But if you really examine Obama's history, all you have is a brilliant con man with no personal talents, aptitudes or accomplishments of his own.
I disagree.

Obama is a genius, and the things he has done are very clever, and he has accomplished far more than anyone would have expected for a freshman Senator from Illinois to beat Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Obama's success in restoring the liquidity in our major banks and in avoiding a financial collapse speaks very well of him and his team.

i just think he took the Keynesian economics too far and that caused a
The funny thing is if you ask the same question about Obama, the Liberals would be near unanimous saying he was a genius. But if you really examine Obama's history, all you have is a brilliant con man with no personal talents, aptitudes or accomplishments of his own.
I disagree.

Obama is a genius, and the things he has done are very clever, and he has accomplished far more than anyone would have expected for a freshman Senator from Illinois to beat Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Obama's success in restoring the liquidity in our major banks and in avoiding a financial collapse speaks very well of him and his team.

i just think he took the Keynesian economics too far and that caused a feeble underperforming economy, though one that was not collapsed.

This is the genius of the American people, to pick the right man for the job each and every time.

feeble underperforming economy, though one that was not collapsed.

This is the genius of the American people, to pick the right man for the job each and every time.
Ok fair enough but I think you are giving Obama credit for interest rate moves made by Ben Bernanke and the Fed. It's like giving Obama credit for killing Bin Laden when the true credit belongs with Bush and Cheney for the intelligence network they built up over the years after 9/11.
We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.

He came up with a strategy that the entire political and polling and pundit industries said could not work.

He was right, and those three industries were wrong.

It is also worth noting that his conclusion was based on his analysis of the White Working Poor, an group with which he has NO personal connection to, or special knowledge of.

I voted for him as the least bad of two crummy choices, or so I thought. So far, he's disappointing, but I'm hoping he will do some good in his remaining time as president.

A completely valid viewpoint.

Early moves on trade and immigration are encouraging, imo, but much more needs to be done.
We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.

I'm reporting you for no mango option. Very disappointed.

But "no".

He just reacts all over the place.
"All over the place" being the Oval Office where he will probably put another 100+ REP Federal court judges and a couple of SC justices on the SC in the next three years.
THAT'S the number one reason the LIBs and the LIB MSM are DESPERATE to get rid of him!
They don't give a fuck about the American 'fly-over' people. They want POWER!!!!!!! in Washington to turn the US into a fucking Socialist country.
BONOBO had eight years and the 'tree dweller' didn't get it done.
Who's the genius? HAA HAAAA!
The funny thing is if you ask the same question about Obama, the Liberals would be near unanimous saying he was a genius. But if you really examine Obama's history, all you have is a brilliant con man with no personal talents, aptitudes or accomplishments of his own.
I disagree.

Obama is a genius, and the things he has done are very clever, and he has accomplished far more than anyone would have expected for a freshman Senator from Illinois to beat Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Obama's success in restoring the liquidity in our major banks and in avoiding a financial collapse speaks very well of him and his team.

i just think he took the Keynesian economics too far and that caused a
The funny thing is if you ask the same question about Obama, the Liberals would be near unanimous saying he was a genius. But if you really examine Obama's history, all you have is a brilliant con man with no personal talents, aptitudes or accomplishments of his own.
I disagree.

Obama is a genius, and the things he has done are very clever, and he has accomplished far more than anyone would have expected for a freshman Senator from Illinois to beat Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Obama's success in restoring the liquidity in our major banks and in avoiding a financial collapse speaks very well of him and his team.

i just think he took the Keynesian economics too far and that caused a feeble underperforming economy, though one that was not collapsed.

This is the genius of the American people, to pick the right man for the job each and every time.

feeble underperforming economy, though one that was not collapsed.

This is the genius of the American people, to pick the right man for the job each and every time.
Ok fair enough but I think you are giving Obama credit for interest rate moves made by Ben Bernanke and the Fed. It's like giving Obama credit for killing Bin Laden when the true credit belongs with Bush and Cheney for the intelligence network they built up over the years after 9/11.
So does that mean the true credit for the economy belongs to Obama since he laid ou all the groundwork and got it going again?
We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.
Let's see took a meager LOAN of 1 million dollars and turned it into several BILLION....has come back from bankruptcy when real estate market crashed,defeated 17 other candidates several with GREAT resumes,defeated the Clinton Crime Family,Mainstream leftist media,etc and won the 2016 election in his FIRST EVER dip into politics. YEP! Sounds like a genius to me!

Rubbish did he. He bribed governments, NY govt gave him nearly $1 billion, others gave him loads. It doesn't take a genius to bribe people.
Whine and Lie more. I am used to it from you.
He claims to be a stable genius.

What does that mean, that he knows about horses?
In reading this thread, I see a microcosm of the USA and it surely defines the Liberals here. I've said before that Trump is playing the liberals like an expert puppeteer. He says or tweets some ridiculous charge or makes what is supposed to be taken as a childish rant. When the left reads the message it's way to late. While they go off on a tangent and buzz around the subject like flies on a turd, Trump goes in the opposite direction and accomplishes another coup and no one notices. He's done it time after time after time and the poor sheep find out about it in the morning news. Like yesterday with the genius remark. How many of you sheep woke up this morning and read or heard about all the American seacoasts being declared open for oil drilling? I didn't think so. You were suckered again an spent the past 24 hours raving about his genius. Next!
He sure seems to "stumble" into victory all the time for a dolt.

Born on third base and thought he invented baseball, more likely.
Born n the dugout...but deflate the game unfair. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Democratic Party Platform of defeatism. Conservatives never give up. We fight to our dying breath to avoid the shame of welfare.
Ok fair enough but I think you are giving Obama credit for interest rate moves made by Ben Bernanke and the Fed. It's like giving Obama credit for killing Bin Laden when the true credit belongs with Bush and Cheney for the intelligence network they built up over the years after 9/11.

Well, just like the Commander in Cheif deserves blame when things screw up under his watch, he deserves some credit for pulling the trigger as well.

Obama actively supported Quantitative Easing which likely saved the financial life blood of our economy - bank credit.
So does that mean the true credit for the economy belongs to Obama since he laid ou all the groundwork and got it going again?
Why would he deserve ALL the credit for what Trump has achieved due to saving the economy eight years ago?

He deserves alot of credit for saving the economy, but his Keynesian heavy handed methods also resulted in a fairly anemic economy of less than 2% growth that instead of fixing it he presented as the 'new normal'.
So does that mean the true credit for the economy belongs to Obama since he laid ou all the groundwork and got it going again?
Why would he deserve ALL the credit for what Trump has achieved due to saving the economy eight years ago?

He deserves alot of credit for saving the economy, but his Keynesian heavy handed methods also resulted in a fairly anemic economy of less than 2% growth that instead of fixing it he presented as the 'new normal'.

I am not sure if that is what resulted in the slow recovery - there are many more factors at play then what a president can do - for example, there is Congress, and the markets are fairly independent of presidents in many aspects.

We don't really KNOW what Trump has achieved yet vs the long term effects of what Obama did.
Why would he deserve ALL the credit for what Trump has achieved due to saving the economy eight years ago?

He deserves alot of credit for saving the economy, but his Keynesian heavy handed methods also resulted in a fairly anemic economy of less than 2% growth that instead of fixing it he presented as the 'new normal'.

Except we've NEVER GOTTEN OUT OF A RECESSION without heavy handed Keynesian spending. Not even Ronald Reagan's recession of 1981.
We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.
Let's see took a meager LOAN of 1 million dollars and turned it into several BILLION....has come back from bankruptcy when real estate market crashed,defeated 17 other candidates several with GREAT resumes,defeated the Clinton Crime Family,Mainstream leftist media,etc and won the 2016 election in his FIRST EVER dip into politics. YEP! Sounds like a genius to me!

Rubbish did he. He bribed governments, NY govt gave him nearly $1 billion, others gave him loads. It doesn't take a genius to bribe people.
Whine and Lie more. I am used to it from you.

Okay, what lies?

Whining, well, you're whining all the time.... so....

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

The hotel, Mr. Trump bragged in “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 best seller, “was a hit from the first day. Gross operating profits now exceed $30 million a year.”

But that book, and numerous interviews over the years, make little mention of a crucial factor in getting the hotel built: an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980.:
We're told we're supposed to "take him seriously but not literally".

He says he is a genius.

That's a real thing. Is he just boasting, or is he being serious?

No "mango" option. Yes or No? I vote no.
Let's see took a meager LOAN of 1 million dollars and turned it into several BILLION....has come back from bankruptcy when real estate market crashed,defeated 17 other candidates several with GREAT resumes,defeated the Clinton Crime Family,Mainstream leftist media,etc and won the 2016 election in his FIRST EVER dip into politics. YEP! Sounds like a genius to me!

Rubbish did he. He bribed governments, NY govt gave him nearly $1 billion, others gave him loads. It doesn't take a genius to bribe people.
Whine and Lie more. I am used to it from you.

Okay, what lies?

Whining, well, you're whining all the time.... so....

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

The hotel, Mr. Trump bragged in “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 best seller, “was a hit from the first day. Gross operating profits now exceed $30 million a year.”

But that book, and numerous interviews over the years, make little mention of a crucial factor in getting the hotel built: an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980.:
Trump wanted to buy Mar-a-Lago and offered $25 million for it, which was refused. Ironically, the owner wanted to donate it as a winter WH. So The Don bought the beach in front for $2 million and threatened to build, thus blocking the mansion's view. The value dropped and Trump bought the mansion for $7 million.

The Art of the Deal.

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