Donald Trump supports affirmative action

Slower college for the black students. I find this to an excuse and a pass to not work hard in school. My son just started college in the fall and it is harder than hell , so he works even harder..
Slower college for the black students. I find this to an excuse and a pass to not work hard in school. My son just started college in the fall and it is harder than hell , so he works even harder..
Stop calling Trump dumb.
It isn't very consistent with his usual tongue. That's for sure.
We also disagree on this.
Affirmative-action has helped nobody, just weakened the country.
Anyone who supports affirmative action is a white-hating racist. AA is the biggest hate crime in america.
Obama, ben carson, and neil tyson are all affirmative action babies. Has any black ever done anything on merit - outside of athletics.?
Affirmative-action has helped nobody, just weakened the country.

Says the White Person lol
Except 100% Oglala Sioux here...
Wrong again white person... Lol

Says the person who thinks like a white person
Na, I just don't think like a PC slave, I have a spine.
Just because I am a Indian it doesn't mean I can't think for myself.

The federal government is my enemy
Affirmative-action has helped nobody, just weakened the country.

Says the White Person lol
Except 100% Oglala Sioux here...
Wrong again white person... Lol

Says the person who thinks like a white person
Na, I just don't think like a PC slave, I have a spine.
Just because I am a Indian it doesn't mean I can think for myself.

The federal government is my enemy

LOL...everyone thinks their decisions and thoughts are based in bravery or some other self fulfilling compliment. Indians were the 1st ones after whites to be granted special treatment so save the bullshit.
Few know this.
Trump previously said he was "fine with affirmative action" on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Donald Trump hits Antonin Scalia over comments on black students -
Trump put Scalia in his place for hating affirmative action.
Trump is my favorite Republican although I don't like him much in general.
Cruz is kookier and more radical.
His position changes weekly depending on who he's talking to.

Dude is the biggest fraud ever to run as a republican
Affirmative-action only helps those who view them selves as victims...

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