Donate Now! Trump needs a new Jet Plane

What's with all of you righties with the guns as part of your thumbnail? Is that supposed to make you Right? Tough? Smart? What?
None of the above.

It's a painting of the main character, Roland, from a series of Stephen King novels collectively called "The Gunslinger". One of my all-time favorites.

King is, of course, a raging lefty who opposes the Second Amendment, but he does write good stories.

Who's the Soldier in your avatar?
None of the above.

It's a painting of the main character, Roland, from a series of Stephen King novels collectively called "The Gunslinger". One of my all-time favorites.

King is, of course, a raging lefty who opposes the Second Amendment, but he does write good stories.

Who's the Soldier in your avatar?
That's me in 1968. Just before I went to Vietnam. Fox Co. 2/7 1st Marine division. That's patriotism. Blindly supporting a dictator is just silly and stupid. Hell, if I wanted to include a gun in that pic I had a choice of about 30 weapons I qualified with.
Hours after news broke that a private jet carrying former President Trump and his team was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans after shortly taking off from the city, Trump's PAC emailed supporters asking them for funds to build a new plane.

'I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone,' wrote Trump in the email.

'Do you remember Trump Force One?' the email asks. 'Before becoming the greatest President of all time, I traveled the Country in my plane, known as Trump Force One. I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One.'

The email then gives donors the option to 'see Trump Force One' by clicking on a hyperlink, which takes them to a page where they can donate between $5 and $2,000 to the Save America JFC PAC.

Trump joins a long line of other sleaze buckets that asked their flock for donations to buy a private jet….

I thought this fraud was worth 10 billion dollars. People dying in the Ukraine and the market in the tank but Trump needs a jet plane. Trump Uber Alles!
I was patient.

That's me in 1968. Just before I went to Vietnam. Fox Co. 2/7 1st Marine division. That's patriotism. Blindly supporting a dictator is just silly and stupid. Hell, if I wanted to include a gun in that pic I had a choice of about 30 weapons I qualified with.
Thank you for your service, and welcome home, Marine.

USAF 1991-2011.

Not sure what you're talking about with the dictator thing. I don't support any of those.
Just to clarify for you cult members, Trump is up to his latest in a long line of scams. The fact that you don't see that is indicative of your level of awareness.
The only cult is the TDS cult of haters to which you belong.
The only cult is the TDS cult of haters to which you belong.
I'll never deny hating Trump. Why would I? He's a Putin stooge and a wannabe dictator who just fawns over him and MBS, Erdogon and Kim. But the true derangement comes from those who actually ignore him calling Putin a Genius, a great leader etc and threatening Kim in a nuclear pissing contest. Nothing could have gone wrong with that right? LOL Someday even you will realize that he is a madman, a conman and a clown of all clowns.
I'll never deny hating Trump. Why would I? He's a Putin stooge and a wannabe dictator who just fawns over him and MBS, Erdogon and Kim. But the true derangement comes from those who actually ignore him calling Putin a Genius, a great leader etc and threatening Kim in a nuclear pissing contest. Nothing could have gone wrong with that right? LOL Someday even you will realize that he is a madman, a conman and a clown of all clowns.
It's sad when you have to make up false stories to feed your hatred.
Like I said
The only people claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma are Rudy trump and Shokin.

Shokin was Not investigating the corruption in Ukraine, only Rudy trump and Shokin are saying that.
Wrong, see my post #159 in this thread. I provided you links for your education. You are only repeating Democrat talking points.
What's with all of you righties with the guns as part of your thumbnail? Is that supposed to make you Right? Tough? Smart? What?
It's none of your business really and, your comment is nothing but an insult and is way off topic.
False stories? Which ones?
Most everything you post is false but, as an example calling Trump a 'Putin stooge' with absolutely no real proof. Calling Trump a 'wannabe dictator' which is patently false. Trump said Putin's claiming portions of Ukraine 'independent' was 'savvy' then he went on to say Biden had no response and that was very sad. Trump understands who Putin is that's not the same as being a 'stooge' as you lied about. As usual, you TDSers cherry pick words and lie about the intent to keep your false hatred alive.
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I'll never deny hating Trump. Why would I? He's a Putin stooge and a wannabe dictator who just fawns over him and MBS, Erdogon and Kim. But the true derangement comes from those who actually ignore him calling Putin a Genius, a great leader etc and threatening Kim in a nuclear pissing contest. Nothing could have gone wrong with that right? LOL Someday even you will realize that he is a madman, a conman and a clown of all clowns.
Compared to Fuck Joe Biden, Putin is a genius. Have you heard Kumquat Harris? In Ukraine they call her a tragedy.
Trump never asked for money for a new plane. His plane is just fine and never broke down. Democrats just lie more and more and yet more.

China has a smart and savvy leader. Russia has a smart and savvy leader. The United States has the bumbling thieves from Home Alone.
Compared to Fuck Joe Biden, Putin is a genius. Have you heard Kumquat Harris? In Ukraine they call her a tragedy.
Trump never asked for money for a new plane. His plane is just fine and never broke down. Democrats just lie more and more and yet more.

China has a smart and savvy leader. Russia has a smart and savvy leader. The United States has the bumbling thieves from Home Alone.
Everything is a conspiracy to you sheep.

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