Donna Brazile speaks up: Primary was NOT rigged

SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Trump said she said ... what she said was in her tweet ... Trump is a habitual fucking LIAR.
Its in her book, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
“I had promised Bernie when I took the helm ... that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested,” she wrote.
“By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart,” she wrote, referring to Clinton’s rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders.

She was talking about the financial deal between the DNC and Clinton. Quite lying.

So you take “rigged the nomination process” as just a financial deal?

You are either pretty stupid or out and out lying.
If it was rigged, it a piss poor job of it.

FACT is, the candidate controls the party. Just as the orange moron controlled the gop.
And I thought that Jeb was the Chosen one? How easy you libtards forget.

Pointed out the same thing to the idiot on another thread. The GOP was willing to commit political suicide by pushing a destiny candidate like Bush. Trump cut through it with the GOP actively working against him until they had no choice but to support him or become irrelevant.
The DNC made damn sure Bernie couldn't do the same.

Actually Sanders had a better chance to do it in the Democrat primaries than he did in a Republican primary.

Trump 32% 100% delegates
Clinton 75% 75% delegates

The republican primaries have always been rigged.

Bush would have been the nominee if they were rigged. Your partisan BS is pretty obvious. Even Warren thinks it was rigged.
If Hillary was going to be the nominee from the beginning, the Dems should have just skipped the fake reality TV show that was the Democratic primaries.

It was a scripted TV show pretending to be an authentic election. Everyone who voted for Bernie was disenfranchised.

Hillary was Saddam Hussein in her predetermined world.

It was Republicans who were disenfranchised. In SC, 68% voted against Trump and got no delegates. 25% voted for Sanders and he got 25% of the delegates. Clinton got 55% of the Democrat vote and won the nomination. 55% of Republicans voted against Trump and were disenfranchised.

How many candidates were on the GOP side when S. Carolina held their primaries? Ten or more? Your spinning is pretty funny at this point.

Then you have this tidbit after New Hampshire primaries:
Sanders won landslide NH Democratic primary vote, but Clinton ties him in delegate count

You partisan assholes on both the left and the right are screwing our country. Just keep the lies flowing...idiot!
SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Please tell me how Hillary Clinton kicking the old fart's ass by 3,775,437 popular votes was rigged? Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison--Obama in 2008 beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You know you can't believe everything someone tells you, especially a very sore LOOOOSER like Bernie Sanders.


Yes the election was rigged against the only person that wasn't campaining on a rigged election--Hillary Clinton.

Trump & Sanders are just two peas in the same pod. Both of them out their preying on the ignorance in this country. Sanders promising a free college education for everyone was as realistic as Trump's campaign promise of a 1000 mile 40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for---:badgrin:

The only candidate that was honest, about what could be done was in fact, Hillary Clinton.
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Donna Brazile for the first time utilizes the word "rigged" stating that the primaries were NOT rigged:
Donna Brazile on Twitter

Who cares?

The Democrats can choose their candidate any way they like.
The democrat voters care. Continue treating those in your own party like lesser people that simply need to get in line because the party demands it and you will continue to lose support.

Why don't you tell us how the Democrat primary was rigged? How does Hillary Clinton beaing Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes spell a rigged primary to you? In 2008, Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and she never called it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

When Sanders jumped party lines to run on the DNC ticket he signed off on all DNC rules, and knew and agreed to the roll of those Democrat Super delegates. He came right out of the gate campaigning on a rigged election, which was bound to piss off DNC party leaders, like Debbie Wasserman.

I have NO respect for Bernie Sanders--he is responsible for Trump sitting in the Oval office today. After getting his ass wiped in New York, instead of dropping out, like any other candidate would have, he continued to campaign against Hillary Clinton--for campaign donations that his loyal and very stupid supporters continued to send to him. He might as well have been working for the Trump campaign.

Even after all votes were cast & counted Sanders refused to concede the race and endorse Hillary Clinton. He had to get BOOED by Democrats on the hill, and I am certain Barack Obama had to call him to give him a swift kick in the ass.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

Sanders like Trump were just political opportunists, making all kinds of promises to the ignorant in this country for votes and donations. They both campaigned on a rigged election, and we know now that the election was indeed rigged, but it was rigged against Hillary Clinton.


The next time you idiots are looking to vote in a primary--you should probably consider what a Democrat or Republican congress is going to approve of before you cast votes for these con artists. No Democrat congress would ever vote for a free college education, and no Republican congress would ever approve of tariffs.

Sanders even got busted on his "breaking up the BIG banks rethoric." He was outed for it during a debate with Hillary Clinton, but it sure as hell didn't stop him from campaigning on it. The Federal Government & Federal Reserve banks operate separately and independently of one another. Meaning Sanders nor the Federal Government have the AUTHORITY to break up the Big Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks
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Donna Brazile for the first time utilizes the word "rigged" stating that the primaries were NOT rigged:
Donna Brazile on Twitter

Who cares?

The Democrats can choose their candidate any way they like.
The democrat voters care. Continue treating those in your own party like lesser people that simply need to get in line because the party demands it and you will continue to lose support.

Why don't you tell us how the Democrat primary was rigged? How does Hillary Clinton beaing Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes spell a rigged primary to you? In 2008, Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and she never called it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

When Sanders jumped party lines to run on the DNC ticket he signed off on all DNC rules, and knew and agreed to the roll of those Democrat Super delegates. He came right out of the gate campaigning on a rigged election, which was bound to piss off DNC party leaders, like Debbie Wasserman.

I have NO respect for Bernie Sanders--he is responsible for Trump sitting in the Oval office today. After getting his ass wiped in New York, instead of dropping out, like any other candidate would have, he continued to campaign against Hillary Clinton--for campaign donations that his loyal and very stupid supporters continued to send to him. He might as well have been working for the Trump campaign.

Even after all votes were cast & counted Sanders refused to concede the race and endorse Hillary Clinton. He had to get BOOED by Democrats on the hill, and I am certain Barack Obama had to call him to give him a swift kick in the ass.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

Sanders like Trump were just political opportunists, making all kinds of promises to the ignorant in this country for votes and donations. They both campaigned on a rigged election, and we know now that the election was indeed rigged, but it was rigged against Hillary Clinton.


The next time you idiots are looking to vote in a primary--you should probably consider what a Democrat or Republican congress is going to approve of before you cast votes for these con artists. No Democrat congress would ever vote for a free college education, and no Republican congress would ever approve of tariffs.

Sanders even got busted on his "breaking up the BIG banks rethoric." He was outed for it during a debate with Hillary Clinton, but it sure as hell didn't stop him from campaigning on it. The Federal Government & Federal Reserve banks operate separately and independently of one another. Meaning Sanders nor the Federal Government have the AUTHORITY to break up the Big Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks
I don't need to tell you - Donna already has. You ignore anything that does not fit into your narrative - including the asinine idea that Bernie put Trump into office.
oreo went from funny troll to delusional retard with his latest cut and paste.
SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Please tell me how Hillary Clinton kicking the old fart's ass by 3,775,437 popular votes was rigged? Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison--Obama in 2008 beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You know you can't believe everything someone tells you, especially a very sore LOOOOSER like Bernie Sanders.


Yes the election was rigged against the only person that wasn't campaining on a rigged election--Hillary Clinton.

Trump & Sanders are just two peas in the same pod. Both of them out their preying on the ignorance in this country. Sanders promising a free college education for everyone was as realistic as Trump's campaign promise of a 1000 mile 40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for---:badgrin:

The only candidate that was honest, about what could be done was in fact, Hillary Clinton.

Tell Warren and Brazile the Democratic Primaries weren’t rigged, they are the Democrats, who are members of the Democratic Party, that are making the claim. Members of the Democratic Party that were supporting Clinton are now saying the primaries were rigged, not Republicans or those on they right. Spare your outrage for the proper people and quit shifting blame. You leftwing nuts can’t seem to process what is going on.
Again, anyone supporting the democrat party after everyone on Earth knows it was rigged is simply a homosexual or confused bisexual female who apparently likes to get butt raped.
Ok, Brazile has now totally destroyed this thread, exposing it either as a lie or Wishful Thinking ...
Brazile was working for Hillary ... she working for Michelle now? :p
The Democrat primaries being 'rigged' isn't even a question anymore, lest we forget why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is no longer head of the DNC.

Libtards do have short memories...
If it was rigged, it a piss poor job of it.

FACT is, the candidate controls the party. Just as the orange moron controlled the gop.
There were a number of well known people, many on the left, who asserted that Hillary and the DNC rigged the nomination when it happened. These people were rounded condemned by leftists in the media. They are due an

If the D party keeps it's Super Deleget deal, D voters are dumb to continue to support the party.

The D party is clearly a criminal party. It is the party of the 1%...just like the R party.

Super delegates are not a huge problem. They tend to fall the way the popular vote goes. When the 2008 contest started, they heavily backed Clinton but as Obama won primaries, they switched from Clinton to Obama.

Whoever paid Donna Brazile a visit to shut her up is about to pay Pocahontas a visit as well.

Clinton backer agrees primary was 'rigged'

She did not. She was talking about the neutrality of the DNC. Supposedly that is a big deal even though it is not.
Do you accept the fact that Hillary and others within the D party, rigged the nomination? If you voted for Bernie, how do you feel about your vote being cancelled out?
The Democrat primaries being 'rigged' isn't even a question anymore, lest we forget why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is no longer head of the DNC.

Libtards do have short memories...
...and they hope all Americans have a short memory, too.
Donna Brazile for the first time utilizes the word "rigged" stating that the primaries were NOT rigged:
Donna Brazile on Twitter

The Democrats are in such chaos they keep changing their stories, and no two stories are the same.

Brazile admitted she helped Hillary cheat in debates.
She declared the primaries were rigged.
She declared Hillary engaged in 'Money Laundering'...
Elizabeth Warren jumped on the bandwagon and declared Hillary rigged the primaries
NOW Brazile is supposedly claiming Hillary did NOT rig the primaries?

Brazile obviously found a horse's head in her bed and that "helped" her memory.
Brazile ain't scared. She's got back-up:

Elizabeth Warren...

The Democrat primaries being 'rigged' isn't even a question anymore, lest we forget why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is no longer head of the DNC.

Libtards do have short memories...
The democrats fixing elections is hardly news. They do it all the time and accuse others of exactly what they do. Schultz quit because something in the information exposed would put her in jail. It is just too bad that the establishment covers for people like her and we may never know what scared her into quitting.

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