Donna Brazile speaks up: Primary was NOT rigged

SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Please tell me how Hillary Clinton kicking the old fart's ass by 3,775,437 popular votes was rigged? Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison--Obama in 2008 beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You know you can't believe everything someone tells you, especially a very sore LOOOOSER like Bernie Sanders.


Yes the election was rigged against the only person that wasn't campaining on a rigged election--Hillary Clinton.

Trump & Sanders are just two peas in the same pod. Both of them out their preying on the ignorance in this country. Sanders promising a free college education for everyone was as realistic as Trump's campaign promise of a 1000 mile 40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for---:badgrin:

The only candidate that was honest, about what could be done was in fact, Hillary Clinton.

Tell Warren and Brazile the Democratic Primaries weren’t rigged, they are the Democrats, who are members of the Democratic Party, that are making the claim. Members of the Democratic Party that were supporting Clinton are now saying the primaries were rigged, not Republicans or those on they right. Spare your outrage for the proper people and quit shifting blame. You leftwing nuts can’t seem to process what is going on.

Anytime you want to post a verifiable trusted link to any of that go ahead--otherwise it goes into the :bsflag:file.

This is just another distraction brought on by the usual suspects to redirect attention from what is really going on in these Russian investigations. The week before it was Uraium one and Hillary paid for the Dossier file. That flopped so now they're starting the Bernie Sanders got ripped scandal. 3 Indictments 1 guilty plea has got FOX NEWS scrambling--and every right wing talk show host and every right wing website running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship--and their favorite target has always been Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders supporter speaks out about DNC scandal



And this is how FOX NEWS reported on Robert Muellers 3 indictments and 1 guilty plea. This is how DESPERATE they are.

Sanders can't lose a primary by 3,775,437 primary votes and call it a rigged primary election. In comparison, Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41.622 primary votes and she wasn't running around calling it a rigged primary. Even Super Delegates stepped in on this race to make a decision, and she still didn't call it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It appears that only MEN do that, especially when they're running against a WOMAN, and she is kicking their ass's.--:badgrin: Sanders & Trump are no different from one another. Sanders supporters are just as ignorant as a Trump supporter.

Sanders & Trump came out of the gate preying on the ignorance in this country, making wild totally unrealistic campaign promises that didn't have snowballs chance in hell of ever getting through congress. They were nothing more than conmen.

It was mainstream CNN but in your world facts don't matter. You partisan dumbos are loved by your respective party's because they feed you BS and you gobble it up.
'People who don't accept election results are THREATS to our Democracy.'
- Hillary Clinton

Are you snowflakes going to let her talk to you guys like that?!

Just because Brazile said it was rigged doesn't mean it was rigged. She said herself it wasn't rigged.

Was she lying then or is she lying now?

Please don’t confuse the left, they believe all the lies they are told, even if the lies disagree with the other lies. That way the left doesn’t need to think and that is why Democrat love the left.
Just because Brazile said it was rigged doesn't mean it was rigged. She said herself it wasn't rigged.

Was she lying then or is she lying now?

Please don’t confuse the left, they believe all the lies they are told, even if the lies disagree with the other lies. That way the left doesn’t need to think and that is why Democrat love the left.

My money is that she was lying both times because that is all liberals know how to do.
All Donna Brazille was trying to do was announce that even the Dumb-Ass Democrats are sick to death of the damn Clintons---just like the rational part of the population has been for many years.

The Clintons are done...except if there is any justice, the next news they make is when the investigations start and end in them heading off to jail.

Other than that, Good Bye and Good Riddance.
25 years of GOP hate and misinformation and character assassination, super dupe. And no there is no conspiracy.

And, yet again, you have provided proof that you will never learn.

Luckily, your occupation as a garden gnome, doesn't require learning.

Carry on.
So it's a giant conspiracy of the FBI the US justice department all the police that protects the clintons from all the factual crimes that the coke head XD dick DJs have accused them off for 25 years? You're on another planet, Dupe.
"Bernie ppl are rightly angry at election rigging! Looks like a civil war in the Democratic party - and the loser gets the Democratic party." - Bill Maher
Is Donna going to say she was misquoted in her own book?:badgrin:

Someone did that in the past few years, I can’t recall who....but some jackass claimed they were misquoted in their own fucking autobiography.
Several here have already resorted to that.

That’s just awesome. She misquoted herself in her own book. Maybe she should sue herself for libel.
Is Donna going to say she was misquoted in her own book?:badgrin:

Someone did that in the past few years, I can’t recall who....but some jackass claimed they were misquoted in their own fucking autobiography.
Several here have already resorted to that.

That’s just awesome. She misquoted herself in her own book. Maybe she should sue herself for libel.

Donna Brazile looks like a black woman, but as you can clearly see, she is a white male.
She has stolen privileges with her evil lies, and now is even more privileged than the average white cisman.
She's in fact white nationalist that has turned viciously against the forces of social justice.
She has decided that her books sales mean more than the rights of women, of trans people, of everyone who needs their rights the most.
She shows no gratitude to the people who got her where she is.
She needs to get back in line and do what she is told.

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