Donna Brazile speaks up: Primary was NOT rigged

Sorry Easy if the Republican party forced you to vote for the candidate not of your choice.
Between a criminal who jeopardized national security, betrayed her country, and left American's to die at the hands of terrorists or Donald Trump...Trump was the obvious choice.

And, as Hillary said, snowflakes are now THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY.
For a more rational view:

Democratic Party mover and shaker Donna Brazile grabbed the headlines with her charge that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton virtually bought the Democratic National Committee and stacked the deck against Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders. This is pretty much an update on the old charge that Sanders himself made during the campaign. His campaign filed a lawsuit against the DNC. Now Clinton did give a lot of money to the DNC. And she did have the coziest of cozy relationships with then DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz. That made it almost certain that if there was going to be any tilt by the DNC it was going to be toward Clinton. But there are problems with trying to make an airtight case that an alleged Clinton controlled DNC was the downfall of Sanders.

One is that the DNC didn’t call the shots in the state primaries. The states do that. Clinton already had a monster lead over Sanders in the key primary states. She got the lead because of her long history with, and deep ties to, Democratic party leaders and grassroots groups, especially African-American and Hispanic religious and community leaders, and elected officials in the primary states. She also waged a drawn out presidential primary campaign against Obama in 2008 in those states. Sanders, by contrast, was a late entry on the political scene in those states. He had virtually no name identification with Black and Hispanic voters, and no political organization in minority communities.
A Shaky Case Against Clinton Rigging the DNC | HuffPost

Washington Post states the same. Good to know all liberal, stateist, media is not as paranoid as Brown & Blair, the UK victims of criminal acts by GWBush. They claim he was going to get rough if Blair didn't send troops to die in Iraq.:eusa_whistle:
Even if the primary was rigged, which we all know it was, is that really a crime?
The money laundering that Donna Brazile said was going on as part of it is definitely illegal.
That is one thing and what I think Schultz was scared of, but that does not answer my question. Is a party rigging their own primary illegal?

I would certainly so. But RIGGING requires across the primaries voter fraud, no allegations of that. Are political parties able to chose which candidates they believe are best for the party, and allocate funds? Yes.

No, Princess. As in the last election, if the Democrats had engaged in election fraud during the election - not just in the primaries - in just a couple of states and had turned them for Hillary, she would be President now.

You don't need election fraud in all of them.
For example, JFK winning over Nixon, it only took one or two states. Whether or not their was fraud in the JFK win, the election was close.

It was a difference of per precinct in JFK's win.

"One Vote Can Make a Difference

  • In 1649, one vote caused Charles I of England to be executed
  • In 1845, one vote brought Texas and California into the Union.
  • In 1868, a single vote saved President Andrew Johnson from an impeachment conviction.
  • In 1875, one vote changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
  • In 1876, one vote gave Rutherford Hayes the Presidency of the United States.
  • In 1982, In Illinois Jim Thompson defeated Adlai Stevenson by less than 1/2 a vote per precinct.
  • In 1800, President Jefferson beat Aaron Burr by one vote in the House following an electoral tie.
  • In 1941, one vote defeated a bill that would have killed the draft law--just months before Pearl Harbor.
  • In 1920, one vote from an obscure state legislator gave all women the right to vote after 100 years of struggle.
  • In 1923, one vote gave Adolph Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party.
  • In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German.
  • In the 1829 election for the U.S. House of Representatives in Kentucky’s 2nd District, Jackson Democrat Nicholas Coleman defeated National Republican Adam Beatty 2,520 to 2,519.
  • In the 1847 election for the U.S. House of Representatives in Indiana’s 6th District, Whig candidate George G. Dunn defeated Democratic candidate David M. Dobson 7,455 to 7,454. Also in 1847, Whig Thomas S. Flournoy defeated a Democratic candidate named Treadway 650 to 649 in the race for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 3rd District of Virginia.
  • In the 1854 election for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 7th District of Illinois, Democratic candidate James C. Allen bested Republican William B. Archer 8,452 to 8,451.
  • In the 1882 election for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 1st District of Virginia, Readjuster Robert M. Mayo defeated Democrat George T. Garrison 10,505 to 10,504.
  • In 1977, Vermont State Representative Sydney Nixon was seated as an apparent one-vote winner, 570 to 569. Mr. Nixon resigned when the State House determined, after a recount, that he had lost to Robert Emond, 572 to 571.
  • In 1989, a Lansing, Michigan School District millage proposition failed when the final recount produced a tie vote, 5,147 for, and 5,147 against. On the original vote count, votes against the proposition were ten more than those in favor. The result meant that the school district had to reduce its budget by $2.5 million.
  • In 1994, Republican Randall Luthi and Independent Larry Call tied for the seat in the Wyoming House of Representatives from the Jackson Hole area, with 1,941 votes each. A recount produced the same result, Mr. Luthi was finally declared the winner when, in a drawing before the State Canvassing Board, a Ping Pong ball bearing his name was pulled from the cowboy hat of Democratic Governor Mike Sullivan
  • In 1997, South Dakota Democrat John McIntyre led Republican Hal Wick 4,195-4,191 for the second seat in Legislative District 12 on election night. A subsequent recount showed Wick the winner at 4,192-4,191. The State Supreme Court, however, ruled that one ballot counted for Wick was invalid due to an overvote. This left the race a tie. After hearing argument from both sides, the State Legislature voted to seat Wick 46-20.
  • In 1999, Leslie Byrne was elected to the Virginia Senate by 37 votes, less than one vote per precinct.
  • Donald Sherwood was elected to the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania by a margin of 515 votes, less than one vote per precinct, making this election the closest House of Representatives race in 1998.
  • Loretta Sanchez was elected to Congress from California by less than 4 votes per precinct in 1996.
  • John F. Kennedy's margin of victory over Richard Nixon in 1960 was less than one vote per precinct.
  • One vote per precinct passed woman suffrage in California in 1911.
  • More than 50 of Missouri's municipal elections in 1993 ended in a tie.
  • Several of our states, including California, Idaho, Oregon, Texas and Washington, became states by just ONE vote?
  • In 1948, Lyndon B. Johnson, our 36th president, became a U.S. senator by a ONE vote margin?
  • In 1948, if Thomas E. Dewey had gotten ONE vote more per precinct in Ohio and California, the presidential election would have been thrown to the U.S. House of Representatives, where Dewey enjoyed more support than his rival -- incumbent Harry S. Truman? In fact, Dewey was expected to win the general election by a landslide, so most Republicans stayed home. Only 51.5 percent of the electorate voted in 1948, and Truman defeated Dewey.
  • In the 1960 presidential election, ONE additional vote per precinct in Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey and Texas would have denied John F. Kennedy the presidency and put Richard M. Nixon in office eight years earlier.
  • In recent years, the outcomes of many state and congressional races have been reversed as recounts have shifted a handful of votes from one candidate to another."
- Government Relations - NCRA
Anyone that believes a savvy political veteran like Donna Brazille didn't know EXACTLY what was going on with the Democratic selection process...that Clinton and Wasserman Schultz HAD fixed the about as naive as they come! She did did Elizabeth Warren! Let's stop the games...

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

But in the interview, Brazile said she told Sanders she found "no evidence" that the primary was fixed against him.

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

/----/ Cross the Clintons and you learn to sleep with one eye open.
Anyone that believes a savvy political veteran like Donna Brazille didn't know EXACTLY what was going on with the Democratic selection process...that Clinton and Wasserman Schultz HAD fixed the about as naive as they come! She did did Elizabeth Warren! Let's stop the games...

Which leads to one conclusion, and one conclusion, only:

Ms. Brazile is a rat leaving a sinking ship.

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

But in the interview, Brazile said she told Sanders she found "no evidence" that the primary was fixed against him.

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

KABOOM don't still believe anything a Democrat says???

You do? do you find your way back, each day, to that refrigerator box you call home?????
All Donna Brazille was trying to do was announce that even the Dumb-Ass Democrats are sick to death of the damn Clintons---just like the rational part of the population has been for many years.

The Clintons are done...except if there is any justice, the next news they make is when the investigations start and end in them heading off to jail.

Other than that, Good Bye and Good Riddance.

What's funny is they had to rig the primary for Hillary to make sure she didn't lose it again like 2008, then she got her ass whooped in the primary anyway by Trump an amateur who's never run for office before. How embarrassing :laugh::laugh::laugh:
SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Please tell me how Hillary Clinton kicking the old fart's ass by 3,775,437 popular votes was rigged? Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison--Obama in 2008 beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You know you can't believe everything someone tells you, especially a very sore LOOOOSER like Bernie Sanders.


Yes the election was rigged against the only person that wasn't campaining on a rigged election--Hillary Clinton.

Trump & Sanders are just two peas in the same pod. Both of them out their preying on the ignorance in this country. Sanders promising a free college education for everyone was as realistic as Trump's campaign promise of a 1000 mile 40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for---:badgrin:

The only candidate that was honest, about what could be done was in fact, Hillary Clinton.

Tell Warren and Brazile the Democratic Primaries weren’t rigged, they are the Democrats, who are members of the Democratic Party, that are making the claim. Members of the Democratic Party that were supporting Clinton are now saying the primaries were rigged, not Republicans or those on they right. Spare your outrage for the proper people and quit shifting blame. You leftwing nuts can’t seem to process what is going on.

Anytime you want to post a verifiable trusted link to any of that go ahead--otherwise it goes into the :bsflag:file.

This is just another distraction brought on by the usual suspects to redirect attention from what is really going on in these Russian investigations. The week before it was Uraium one and Hillary paid for the Dossier file. That flopped so now they're starting the Bernie Sanders got ripped scandal. 3 Indictments 1 guilty plea has got FOX NEWS scrambling--and every right wing talk show host and every right wing website running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship--and their favorite target has always been Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders supporter speaks out about DNC scandal



And this is how FOX NEWS reported on Robert Muellers 3 indictments and 1 guilty plea. This is how DESPERATE they are.

Sanders can't lose a primary by 3,775,437 primary votes and call it a rigged primary election. In comparison, Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41.622 primary votes and she wasn't running around calling it a rigged primary. Even Super Delegates stepped in on this race to make a decision, and she still didn't call it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It appears that only MEN do that, especially when they're running against a WOMAN, and she is kicking their ass's.--:badgrin: Sanders & Trump are no different from one another. Sanders supporters are just as ignorant as a Trump supporter.

Sanders & Trump came out of the gate preying on the ignorance in this country, making wild totally unrealistic campaign promises that didn't have snowballs chance in hell of ever getting through congress. They were nothing more than conmen.
Last edited:
SHE said it was rigged.
What a damn liar!

Please tell me how Hillary Clinton kicking the old fart's ass by 3,775,437 popular votes was rigged? Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison--Obama in 2008 beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You know you can't believe everything someone tells you, especially a very sore LOOOOSER like Bernie Sanders.


Yes the election was rigged against the only person that wasn't campaining on a rigged election--Hillary Clinton.

Trump & Sanders are just two peas in the same pod. Both of them out their preying on the ignorance in this country. Sanders promising a free college education for everyone was as realistic as Trump's campaign promise of a 1000 mile 40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for---:badgrin:

The only candidate that was honest, about what could be done was in fact, Hillary Clinton.

Tell Warren and Brazile the Democratic Primaries weren’t rigged, they are the Democrats, who are members of the Democratic Party, that are making the claim. Members of the Democratic Party that were supporting Clinton are now saying the primaries were rigged, not Republicans or those on they right. Spare your outrage for the proper people and quit shifting blame. You leftwing nuts can’t seem to process what is going on.

Anytime you want to post a verifiable trusted link to any of that go ahead--otherwise it goes into the :bsflag:file.

This is just another distraction brought on by the usual suspects to redirect attention from what is really going on in these Russian investigations. The week before it was Uraium one and Hillary paid for the Dossier file. That flopped so now they're starting the Bernie Sanders got ripped scandal. 3 Indictments 1 guilty plea has got FOX NEWS scrambling--and every right wing talk show host and every right wing website running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship--and their favorite target has always been Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders supporter speaks out about DNC scandal



And this is how FOX NEWS reported on Robert Muellers 3 indictments and 1 guilty plea. This is how DESPERATE they are.

Sanders can't lose a primary by 3,775,437 primary votes and call it a rigged primary election. In comparison, Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41.622 primary votes and she wasn't running around calling it a rigged primary. Even Super Delegates stepped in on this race to make a decision, and she still didn't call it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It appears that only MEN do that, especially when they're running against a WOMAN, and she is kicking their ass's.--:badgrin: Sanders & Trump are no different from one another. Sanders supporters are just as ignorant as a Trump supporter.

Sanders & Trump came out of the gate preying on the ignorance in this country, making wild totally unrealistic campaign promises that didn't have snowballs chance in hell of ever getting through congress. They were nothing more than conmen.

Hillary Clinton keeps losing. So how come she's winning? - LA Times
May 18, 2016 - Bernie Sanders keeps winning primaries, but Hillary Clinton is on a seemingly unstoppable path to the Democratic nomination. ... Adding in superdelegates, the results were much closer: Sanders walked away with 19 ...

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

But in the interview, Brazile said she told Sanders she found "no evidence" that the primary was fixed against him.

Brazile denies Democratic primary was rigged

Yeah, that lie has been destroyed.

Snowflakes are not only going over the ledge with Hillary on this one. They are going to ride it all the way to the bottom...

All Donna Brazille was trying to do was announce that even the Dumb-Ass Democrats are sick to death of the damn Clintons---just like the rational part of the population has been for many years.

The Clintons are done...except if there is any justice, the next news they make is when the investigations start and end in them heading off to jail.

Other than that, Good Bye and Good Riddance.
25 years of GOP hate and misinformation and character assassination, super dupe. And no there is no conspiracy.

25 years of non-stop left wing lies from die hard left wing liars doesn't change the truth that the Clintons were completely sold out crooks and liars bilking the taxpayer and murdering when convenient...
what is really going on in these Russian investigations.


Whatever they can dig up on Donald, the Clintons were already guilty of 100 fold worse, and the standard will be from Dems....

SO WHAT if the Clintons got away with it...

We want Trump out for far less....

And THAT is all about what the Dem Party stands for....

25 years of GOP hate and misinformation and character assassination, super dupe. And no there is no conspiracy.
You 1st have to have character ... and ethics, morality, and integrity ... to assassinate. The Clinton's have never had any of those...
Is Donna going to say she was misquoted in her own book?:badgrin:

Someone did that in the past few years, I can’t recall who....but some jackass claimed they were misquoted in their own fucking autobiography.
All Donna Brazille was trying to do was announce that even the Dumb-Ass Democrats are sick to death of the damn Clintons---just like the rational part of the population has been for many years.

The Clintons are done...except if there is any justice, the next news they make is when the investigations start and end in them heading off to jail.

Other than that, Good Bye and Good Riddance.
25 years of GOP hate and misinformation and character assassination, super dupe. And no there is no conspiracy.

And, yet again, you have provided proof that you will never learn.

Luckily, your occupation as a garden gnome, doesn't require learning.

Carry on.

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