Donny Jr tells the truth...the Republican party exist no longer.

Just as I thought, you (or whoever you trusted) truncated the quote to change its meaning. I put in red the parts that your quote left out, i.e. the majority of what she said.

“That is the goal over the next nine-and-a-half months. If I am elected to this position, I can assure you, there will not be any more $70,000 — or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was — spent on flowers,” she continued. “Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC — that is elected Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country.”

So, the point was to contrast with previous GOP leaders who spent money on fluff rather than getting done the will of the voters. "Saving this country," covers a lot of ground besides just electing Trump. It would certainly include electing Republicans to the House and Senate.

I have even more reason now to want GOP candidates to be successful in the Senate and House. But that doesn't mean that the most important part is building up Trump's lead to a cheatproof landslide. Do that, and the Senate and House will follow without a lot of strain.

Look, couldn't you have just said "I don't like Donald Trump," instead of making up this lie that RNC money will be spent only on Donald Trump?

That does not remove the she said the ONLY job of the RNC is to get Trump elected. But then again I am sure you agree with that so you are good with it.

I will just warn you to be careful what you ask for.
This isn't the first time neo cons tried redefining conservatism 22 ......~S~
I don't think anyone accuses W of being a conservative. Maga, however, is progressivism. For example, Trump proposes 10% tariffs (which is a tax) on everything imported, but he "new plan" is to give you a tax cut to make up the increased price effect from the tax.

Whether Maga has the self-awareness to realize those who make more money are less affected by taxes than those who make less money ... is imo a ludicrous question.
That does not remove the she said the ONLY job of the RNC is to get Trump elected. But then again I am sure you agree with that so you are good with it.

I will just warn you to be careful what you ask for.
That's absurd.

If you said "A husbands only job is to provide financial support to his family and keep his wife happy in every way," and I shortened the quote to "A husband's only job is to provide financial support to this family." that would be a lie - even though you did say those words. If I said, "so GG thinks that as long as a man makes money, he doesn't have to do anything else!" I'd be misrepresenting what you said.

The quote you posted is a lie. You got caught, either lying or trusting a liar.

Man up and admit it.
That's absurd.

If you said "A husbands only job is to provide financial support to his family and keep his wife happy in every way," and I shortened the quote to "A husband's only job is to provide financial support to this family." that would be a lie - even though you did say those words. If I said, "so GG thinks that as long as a man makes money, he doesn't have to do anything else!" I'd be misrepresenting what you said.

The quote you posted is a lie. You got caught, either lying or trusting a liar.

Man up and admit it.

Except that "saving the country" means getting Trump elected. She made that very clear.

Using your example I would have to think that the only way to keep my wife happy is by making money.

You are trying way too hard, and just looking worse with each post.
Probably the Republicans who support the voters will be supported by the voters' choice.
Problem for the GOP is that MAGA Republicans have not done well in General Elections losing seats that were definitely winable

If the RNC is going to throw their money at Trump and MAGA candidates, it will cost them Bigly
Somebody named Ron Filipkowski doesn't like populists. Does he like socialists better?
Except that "saving the country" means getting Trump elected. She made that very clear.
So, you will go by anything but her actual words?
Using your example I would have to think that the only way to keep my wife happy is by making money.
Exactly, so I would be lying if I mistated your words. Mistating words in a quote and then attacking the person for the false quote is lying.

I don't get why that is a hard concept for you.
Problem for the GOP is that MAGA Republicans have not done well in General Elections losing seats that were definitely winable

If the RNC is going to throw their money at Trump and MAGA candidates, it will cost them Bigly
If you turn out to be right, you'll be right. It may happen.

Won't change the basic premise that the supposed quote from Lara Trump is a lie.

Maybe you can name some GOP candidates you think should be helped instead of Trump? Turns out that's a real brain teaser for some . . .
Good, as long as MAGA is antiwar.
It seems to be, but being against a war isn't popular enough yet to admit.
Biden will fight hard on behalf of the state to prevent any interference in America's war against Russia.
A populist is somebody offering democracy to a democracy, somebody saying, “I’ll give you a dollar for four quarters.” When you hear a proposition like that, you know something’s up, some con is being played.
You post a good article and then don't read it, or don't understand it.
"Populism" is a muddle of the wishes of the majority.
You can call both R & D parties "populist" because their preferred policies are a conglomeration of their majorities.
GOP "populist" policies are generally nationalistic, socially conservative, business friendly with traditional values.
Democrat policies are generally progressive, decadent, and lean toward communism.
Maybe you can name some GOP candidates you think should be helped instead of Trump? Turns out that's a real brain teaser for some . . .

It all comes down to you put your parties money where it will do the most good.
In tight races, you pick candidates that will do well in the General Election not candidates who appeal to your parties extremes.

Investing in Trumps attorneys is not a good use of your money and should not be legal

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