Donny Jr tells the truth...the Republican party exist no longer.

You implied it.

Maybe you honestly didn't think that far. I'll try one more time.

If you say Donald Trump and his supporters should not be in charge of the GOP (in spite of overwhelming support from the voters) you must mean that someone else should be in charge. You can't just say "get rid of Trump." Someone will take his place.

The question is, AFTER Trump loses in November and the GOP wakes up from the hangover, how do they rebuild a disgraced party that dabbled in the worst kind of racism and hatred?

It's a head scratcher, to be sure.
You said this:

You keep ignoring that nobody is saying Trump cannot be the leader of the GOP. But this is beyond just him being the leader, this is about the making the entre party about him and only him.

So, if it is bad for it to be about him and only him, who else should it be about?

Having his daughter as co-chair of the GOP doesn't make it about him and only him, so your premise is absurd. It means that the Party Elite will find it more difficult to oppose him as they have in the past.

But even more absurd if you cannot name who else you think it should be about?

The voters?

They overwhelmingly want Trump.

If not Trump, who?
The Republican Party should complete its transition to the MAGA party by changing its name. The Republican Party is dead.
Having his daughter as co-chair of the GOP doesn't make it about him and only him, so your premise is absurd.

But her saying that all the RNC money will go to pay his legal bills, does make it about him and him only.

And it is his daughter in-law.
It should be about the party as a whole, including the members of Congress who are running for reelection and those running for office the first time.

Not sure why this is confusing at all.
I'm confused that you cannot name a single name.

And again - Trump's coattails are the best asset for Republican members of congress running for re-election and running for the first time.

Why do you think the Democrats wanted him off of state ballots so bad? You really think they feared that Trump would win the presidential election in Colorado?


But they know that with Trump on the ballot, downballot Republicans will get a boost and many of them will unseat Dem incumbants.
But her saying that all the RNC money will go to pay his legal bills, does make it about him and him only.

And it is his daughter in-law.
Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, said that she would direct every cent raised by the Republican National Committee to his White House comeback bid and winning majorities in Congress if she helped lead the organization.

Now are you reassured?

All those GOP congress folk you were so concerned about, but unwilling to name, will be fine.
What Republicans don’t realize is that MAGA ceases to exist without Trump

There is nobody in the wings to replace Trump
None of the MAGA candidates can function without Trump
Well then. Once he is gone, we will have total Progressive Socialist nirvana. Promises were made, gifts were exchanged.
Couple this move with the Trump endorsed Gov candidate in NC basically handing the state to Biden and this could get very ugly for the Repubs come Nov.
Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, said that she would direct every cent raised by the Republican National Committee to his White House comeback bid and winning majorities in Congress if she helped lead the organization.

Now are you reassured?

All those GOP congress folk you were so concerned about, but unwilling to name, will be fine.

We will see won’t we?

We will also see which Republicans get supported
I'm confused that you cannot name a single name.

I am sorry that you do not know the names of any of your elected Reps, but it is not my job to educate you about your own beloved party.
Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, said that she would direct every cent raised by the Republican National Committee to his White House comeback bid and winning majorities in Congress if she helped lead the organization.

Now are you reassured?

All those GOP congress folk you were so concerned about, but unwilling to name, will be fine.

"Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC. That is electing Donald J. Trump as the president of the United States."

Lara Trump.
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I am sorry that you do not know the names of any of your elected Reps, but it is not my job to educate you about your own beloved party.
Not that it is relevant, but I do know the name of my elected Reps. I know the names of many prominent Republicans. I'm curious as to which ones you fear will not get enough support under the new leadership at RNC.

I'll throw some names out at you, and you can tell me just yes or no, RNC money should be diverted from the Trump campaign to help them.

Liz Cheney?

Mitch McConnel?

Jeb Bush?

Lindsay Graham?

Chris Christie?

Marco Rubio?

Ted Cruz?

Mike Huckabee?

Rand Paul?

Do you really think those are the people that GOP voters have in mind when they donate to the RNC?
Not that it is relevant, but I do know the name of my elected Reps. I know the names of many prominent Republicans. I'm curious as to which ones you fear will not get enough support under the new leadership at RNC.

I have no fears, it is sort of fun to watch a political party implode.

The only down side is it will give the Dems too much power for a few years.
Just as I thought, you (or whoever you trusted) truncated the quote to change its meaning. I put in red the parts that your quote left out, i.e. the majority of what she said.

“That is the goal over the next nine-and-a-half months. If I am elected to this position, I can assure you, there will not be any more $70,000 — or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was — spent on flowers,” she continued. “Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC — that is elected Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country.”

So, the point was to contrast with previous GOP leaders who spent money on fluff rather than getting done the will of the voters. "Saving this country," covers a lot of ground besides just electing Trump. It would certainly include electing Republicans to the House and Senate.

I have even more reason now to want GOP candidates to be successful in the Senate and House. But that doesn't mean that the most important part is building up Trump's lead to a cheatproof landslide. Do that, and the Senate and House will follow without a lot of strain.

Look, couldn't you have just said "I don't like Donald Trump," instead of making up this lie that RNC money will be spent only on Donald Trump?

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