Donny Jr tells the truth...the Republican party exist no longer.

Nope, lets make it 3 months. You know I am good for it as I have now honored two bets I lost.
You have, sir. That's what concerns me. Your reaction to the last time.

Dang, dude. You put me in a bad spot. I would worry for you if you had to stay off the board for 3 months, so I'd almost rather lose. I can take this place or leave it, as I showed when I lost a month long bet with forkup.

The other factor is your propensity to change screen names. I have no idea how many accounts you have waiting to start posting under if you lose.

But, I'm not a vindictive person. I'll take that wager and secretly hope that you do have a sock waiting, for your own mental health.

If Democrats take both houses, I'm off the board for three months with no socks left behind. If Republicans win either house, or both, or if it is a tie in either house, you take three months off, with no socks (wink, wink).
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Actually populism wins while conservatism loses, ask McCain or Mitt Romney.

Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Gave them free healthcare at medicare funded hospitals, and introduced the free cellphone program. He also tripled the national debt.

So Ronald Reagan had a "liberal" side to him.
As usual, Trump only looks out for himself

He doesn’t care if it costs Republicans the House, Senate and state elections……long as he wins
Talk about short sighted. Many things can't be done by executive order, and if because of his short sightedness, they elect a democratic house and senate, how is he going to get anything done?

Remember repeal / replace of Obamacare.
they elect a democratic house and senate, how is he going to get anything done?

Trump doesn’t care about getting anything done.
All he cares about is saving his ass.

If elected, he will have a personal Justice Dept with two missions

1. Withdraw from all prosecutions of Trump
2. Prosecute his enemies
The sad thing is, MAGA retains the infrastructure and political apparatus of the GQP.

So the real Republicans, those who have been cast out, would have to start over from scratch.

What's "sad" about it? The established Republican Party under Romney, Bush and McCain were established losers. The 2012 campaign waged by Mitt was the most pathetic excuse for a campaign ever seen. He never touched B. Hussein O and Sleepy Joe, never even tried. Even when the Democrats told the black people that Romney was going to put them "back in chains", it couldn't get the "real" Republicans angry enough to fight back. The "real" Republicans don't need an infrastructure or apparatus just to bend over and get schlonged.
What other Republicans do you think should be in charge?

Name names, please. Don't give me "anyone but the Orange Monster," that's childish.

If not Trump, who?

If not Republican voters, who?
There is a difference about being the leader of the party and the party being about one man and only one man.

I get that Trump thinks he can just ignore Congress if he wins, but it seems someone like you should realize the importance of having at least one side of Congress

I ask you to name names, and you write two paragraphs without a single name.

Well, except the dreaded name "Trump!"

Do you understand that if Trump is not in charge of the GOP - as every other presidential nominee becomes the head of the party - then another person or persons must be. Trump cannot say "I am not going to head the party, because lots of people don't like me," and then a "generic likeable Republican" will take over. That's why I asked for names.

If not Trump, who?

If not the voters, who?

Trump can and should ignore congress when it comes to securing the border. He tried making nice with them last time, and it led to thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands of children trafficked, and hundreds of thousands of people thinking they are immigrating to the land of the free at Biden's invitation but instead being in debt bondage to the cartels.

After Pearl Harbor, FDR asked the Senate for a declaration of war, but he did not wait for them to tell his military to start defending the nation. Trump should do the same in response to the cartels' invasion of our southern border. He should ask congress nicely for funds, but put in an acting head of DHS who will actually close the border immediately while waiting for those funds that may or may not come.

The funds should be for letting carefully selected and vetted people in, which is much more costly than keeping everyone out. Congress drags their feet? Fine, no one comes in. That's congress' prerogative.

Once Trump takes care of that, Congress can squabble over their silly issues like "shutdowns," and "tax cuts," and "budgets," none of which are even real.
Trump doesn’t care about getting anything done.
All he cares about is saving his ass.

If elected, he will have a personal Justice Dept with two missions

1. Withdraw from all prosecutions of Trump
2. Prosecute his enemies

What's good for the goose is good for the gander as they say. Sleepy Joe's fake lawsuits and indictments against President Trump to try and maintain control are going to have a backlash. Remember the "Getting even" is part of the "Art of the Comeback", President Trump's classic work on the subject.
You have, sir. That's what concerns me. Your reaction to the last time.

what reaction? I had a great time being away from the forum. This place is like crack, I know it is not good for me but I just cannot walk away from it.
Talk about short sighted. Many things can't be done by executive order, and if because of his short sightedness, they elect a democratic house and senate, how is he going to get anything done?

Remember repeal / replace of Obamacare.
Second person on this thread to make that point.

How do you figure that letting Trump be in charge of the GOP - as every other presidential nominee becomes head of the party - equal losing congress?

It's the RINOs that are losing, not Trump Republicans.
The other factor is your propensity to change screen names. I have no idea how many accounts you have waiting to start posting under if you lose.

I have changed my screen name once, and kept the same account in the process.
The "real" Republicans don't need an infrastructure or apparatus just to bend over and get schlonged.
Maybe stop bending over and get better and smarter with your communication and collaboration skills, so that the parties can work together instead of shitting on the country with wild egotistical swings back and forth.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.
What's "sad" about it? The established Republican Party under Romney, Bush and McCain were established losers. The 2012 campaign waged by Mitt was the most pathetic excuse for a campaign ever seen. He never touched B. Hussein O and Sleepy Joe, never even tried. Even when the Democrats told the black people that Romney was going to put them "back in chains", it couldn't get the "real" Republicans angry enough to fight back. The "real" Republicans don't need an infrastructure or apparatus just to bend over and get schlonged.
Republicans lost when McCain and Romney ran because the Republican Party is a massive bait and switch operation.

It’s flawed from start to finish.

Trump won because he left the party behind and focused on fear hatred and grievance. And at that he only won with help from Comey and Russia
Trump doesn’t care about getting anything done.
All he cares about is saving his ass.

If elected, he will have a personal Justice Dept with two missions

1. Withdraw from all prosecutions of Trump
2. Prosecute his enemies

Trump better carefully calculate republican losses in the house and especially in the senate. You may not have a minority leader like Mitch McConnell, who got all but a couple of RINO's to vote "not guilty" in Trumps impeachment trials.
Do you understand that if Trump is not in charge of the GOP - as every other presidential nominee becomes the head of the party - then another person or persons must be. Trump cannot say "I am not going to head the party, because lots of people don't like me," and then a "generic likeable Republican" will take over. That's why I asked for names.

You keep ignoring that nobody is saying Trump cannot be the leader of the GOP. But this is beyond just him being the leader, this is about the making the entre party about him and only him.

Never in our history has this happened, and you are going to be very sad at the outcome of it.,

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