Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Who says the President of the United States has to be a doormat to the world?
In case you haven't noticed, the President is subject to immense criticism. Try reading this board once in a while

A president has to be above it all. He can't get into petty pissing contests every time someone calls him a name

Republican Presidents being above it all has allowed your vile lefties liars to define Republicans to the masses.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Let's go to the video tape...

Replaying what Trump says is not a lie. What is a lie is the bizarre explanations trying to explain what he really meant

Lying about what Trump says is a lie.

Trump did not say that all Mexicans were rapists, and yet that is what was reported.

My point stands.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Trump did not say the some are murderers and rapists, he only admitted that "some" may not be

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

Drugs, crime and criminals are obviously coming over the border.

Do you think he was lying about talking to border guards? Do you think that the border guards were lying?

Sure, "some" illegals are coming here to build a better life. But that doesn't mean that the others are not coming across with them.

There is not reason to let people keep coming into the nation completely unvetted.

We can keep out people with long criminal records, including those with records of murder and rape.

Don't you want to keep out people with records of murder and rape?

Trump does. HIllary does not.
A President is given tons of information from numerous sources. He is expected to be able to determine which information he trusts and which is doubtful.
A wrong decision based on bad information can be catastrophic

Are we going to trust the instincts of a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK?
Trump can't even handle a criticizing Tweet; how's he going to restrain himself when Kim Jung Un makes fun of his hair or Putin jokes about him being orange?

Beyond Trump going to believe the intelligence he gets from CIA and NSA or is he going to go with conspiracies he reads on the Internet.

Combine a desire to "get even" and bogus information and you have a catastrophe

Should Bush have believed the intelligence that he got from the CIA on Iraq's WMD program?

Should Hillary have believed it?

"Get even"? Who do you think he wants to get even with?

Trump is the Peace Candidate who wants to STOP fucking with Russia.

Trump has embraced both Putin and Russia

The only leader in the free world to suggest recognizing Russia's hold on Crimea

The Crimea is majority ethnic Russia.

And are we really prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over the issue?

Because that is what it would take to get Russia to give Russians away to a hostile power.

Vote for Peace. Vote for Trump.
That's your position?

Fine, lets go with it then

Let's hear Trump say what you just posted
Let's get back to Trumps judgement

What is going on with someone who has to not only fake a medical record, but embellish it with broad claims about his physical strength and stamina?

Most healthy president of all time?

Why would Trump need to make up lies bout his health?

Why is "Trump is healthy" not good enough for Trump? Why lie about healthiest of all time?
Let's get back to Trumps judgement

What is going on with someone who has to not only fake a medical record, but embellish it with broad claims about his physical strength and stamina?

Most healthy president of all time?

Why would Trump need to make up lies bout his health?

Why is "Trump is healthy" not good enough for Trump? Why lie about healthiest of all time?

The American voters are entitled to an unbiased current medical evaluation of both candidates. Do you Hillary supporters agree with that? yes or no.
Let's get back to Trumps judgement

What is going on with someone who has to not only fake a medical record, but embellish it with broad claims about his physical strength and stamina?

Most healthy president of all time?

Why would Trump need to make up lies bout his health?

Why is "Trump is healthy" not good enough for Trump? Why lie about healthiest of all time?

The American voters are entitled to an unbiased current medical evaluation of both candidates. Do you Hillary supporters agree with that? yes or no.
Gladly...let's get an independent medical and psychological test on both of them

Also provide ten years of tax returns

Do Trump supporters agree with that?
"the donald" could not be a bigger liar or fake. He is a phony from every part of his body. But mostly with his tiny little "c*nt" mouth.
Let's get back to Trumps judgement

What is going on with someone who has to not only fake a medical record, but embellish it with broad claims about his physical strength and stamina?

Most healthy president of all time?

Why would Trump need to make up lies bout his health?

Why is "Trump is healthy" not good enough for Trump? Why lie about healthiest of all time?

The American voters are entitled to an unbiased current medical evaluation of both candidates. Do you Hillary supporters agree with that? yes or no.
Gladly...let's get an independent medical and psychological test on both of them

Also provide ten years of tax returns

Do Trump supporters agree with that?

Yes, of course. and ten years of financial data from the Clinton foundation, transcripts of Hillary's speeches to wall street, Trump's financials, Hillary's missing e-mails, and Obama's college records.

We, the American voters, are entitled to all of those things
Let's get back to Trumps judgement

What is going on with someone who has to not only fake a medical record, but embellish it with broad claims about his physical strength and stamina?

Most healthy president of all time?

Why would Trump need to make up lies bout his health?

Why is "Trump is healthy" not good enough for Trump? Why lie about healthiest of all time?

The American voters are entitled to an unbiased current medical evaluation of both candidates. Do you Hillary supporters agree with that? yes or no.
Gladly...let's get an independent medical and psychological test on both of them

Also provide ten years of tax returns

Do Trump supporters agree with that?

Yes, of course. and ten years of financial data from the Clinton foundation, transcripts of Hillary's speeches to wall street, Trump's financials, Hillary's missing e-mails, and Obama's college records.

We, the American voters, are entitled to all of those things

OK ...I'll accept that

And raise you Trumps college records, medical records that got him out of Vietnam, his Divorce transcripts, documented notes of every meeting he attended at Trump international, Outakes from the apprentice
Another concern about Trump is his unexplainable belief in bizarre conspiracy theories

It reflects on his lack of critical thinking skills. He is one of those morons who thinks if it is on the interweb, it must be true

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Dancing Muslims in NJ
Vaccinations cause autism
Scalia was murdered
Hillary killed Vince Foster

Trump as President?

The Media Turns Against Trump By Listing His Conspiracy Theories

Your bringing up new arguments while ignoring or failing to refute the challenges to your previous posts is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by VERBOSITY.

Your point is invalid.
New arguments aren't allowed?
damn are tough

Trumps judgement is at question here. How do you trust the judgement of someone who so readily embraces conspiracy theories?

if his judgement has led him to want to Deport the Illegals, bring back the Manufacturing jobs, and to STOP fucking with Russia, then HELL YES.

Have you considered seriously what it means that Estonia is a member of NATO?
What his judgement did was create bizarre stories about Mexico sending over murderers and rapists, claims of Muslims dancing in NJ, embracing torture and killing suspected terrorists families

Our government does a crappy and incomplete job of tracking crime by illegals.

Some of it does indicate a large crime problem among the illegal community.

Check this out from that right wing rag the Huffington Post citing that RIght Wing Think Tank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

Either the men they are travelling with are rapists, or Mexico is a hell of rape.

Either way, this supports Trump's statement.
We've been over this already. You couldn't show those were Mexicans coming into America. The article says is that some folks, many presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here. The rapes were being committed primarily by, "criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials." And their other fellow migrants are not only Mexican but from various Central American countries."

And then you have to consider many of the cases are actually prostitution...

"There are cases where women offer their bodies in exchange for being able to cross over."

"That kind of arrangement is so commonplace, that a word exists to describe it. 'Cuerpomátic,' or, 'cuerpomático,' using the body like an ATM machine."
Last edited:
Your bringing up new arguments while ignoring or failing to refute the challenges to your previous posts is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by VERBOSITY.

Your point is invalid.
New arguments aren't allowed?
damn are tough

Trumps judgement is at question here. How do you trust the judgement of someone who so readily embraces conspiracy theories?

if his judgement has led him to want to Deport the Illegals, bring back the Manufacturing jobs, and to STOP fucking with Russia, then HELL YES.

Have you considered seriously what it means that Estonia is a member of NATO?
What his judgement did was create bizarre stories about Mexico sending over murderers and rapists, claims of Muslims dancing in NJ, embracing torture and killing suspected terrorists families

Our government does a crappy and incomplete job of tracking crime by illegals.

Some of it does indicate a large crime problem among the illegal community.

Check this out from that right wing rag the Huffington Post citing that RIght Wing Think Tank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

Either the men they are travelling with are rapists, or Mexico is a hell of rape.

Either way, this supports Trump's statement.
We've been over this already. You couldn't show those were Mexicans coming into America. The article says is that some folks, many presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here. The rapes were being committed primarily by, "criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials." And "other migrants" are not only Mexican but from various Central American countries."

And then you have to consider many of the cases are actually prostitution...

"There are cases where women offer their bodies in exchange for being able to cross over."

"That kind of arrangement is so commonplace, that a word exists to describe it. 'Cuerpomátic,' or, 'cuerpomático,' using the body like an ATM machine."

The worst thing Trump did was trying to paint every Mexican crossing our border as people to be feared. Not hard workers trying to care for their families but murderers, rapists and drug dealers
In case you haven't noticed, the President is subject to immense criticism. Try reading this board once in a while

A president has to be above it all. He can't get into petty pissing contests every time someone calls him a name

Republican Presidents being above it all has allowed your vile lefties liars to define Republicans to the masses.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Let's go to the video tape...

Replaying what Trump says is not a lie. What is a lie is the bizarre explanations trying to explain what he really meant

Lying about what Trump says is a lie.

Trump did not say that all Mexicans were rapists, and yet that is what was reported.

My point stands.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Trump did not say the some are murderers and rapists, he only admitted that "some" may not be

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

Drugs, crime and criminals are obviously coming over the border.

Do you think he was lying about talking to border guards? Do you think that the border guards were lying?

Sure, "some" illegals are coming here to build a better life. But that doesn't mean that the others are not coming across with them.

There is not reason to let people keep coming into the nation completely unvetted.

We can keep out people with long criminal records, including those with records of murder and rape.

Don't you want to keep out people with records of murder and rape?

Trump does. HIllary does not.
Let's not forget, Trump put out an ad talking about illegals crossing into the U.S. .... only it turned out the video was actually people crossing the border into Melilla...

Pants on fire: Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco
Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.

What about 368#? Tell me in WORDS, cause I look at it and I don't care.

And calling PUtin a thug doesn't explain why we should fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.

You have to care because I'm trying to clear your brain. Aside from that you don't have clue what you are talking about except your propaganda promoting Putin thug. If you didn't care what in the world you're still here.
Putin thug is not a nice guy. He is thug but not stupid to use nuclear arm bc that will be the end of his luxurious life. Tell Putin thug not to mess with America.

I asked you what your point was from post 368.

You response was incoherent partisan blather, as far as I can tell.

Please try again.

The Cold War is over. Let us stop fucking with Russia.

My post #368 is to inform you of your uneducated post.
You do not even understand that labor here in America is very high. That alone you don't have a clue

What did I tell you about trump deporting illegals? He has not mentioned it for a while...... I'm really sorry to disappoint you.
It's been reported that Trump is backing off from deporting millions of illegal. Today his new campaign manager Conway that deporting illegals is TBD........ Meaning. TO BE DISREGARD....Read the link.
Next banning Muslims will also become TBD. What a disappointment to Trump supporters.....

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD
Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD -
Indeed, the polls show that Panic Mongering is more effective than having strong issues.

Raising concerns that Hillary is unhealthy is not a good counter to "Trump is Hitler and going to kill you with nuclear war".

Hillary has already taken the Panic mongering to Eleven.

What can Trump do to Trump that?

History may very well be decided based on the most moronic hatefilled, partisan bullshit of the decade instead of the Contest of Ideas.
Sounds like you're defending the Trump campaign's fear mongering. But as you alluded to, such is the action of those who feel they can't win on the issues.

Defending? Alluded to?

I generally try very hard to keep my points very simple because you dishonest libs like to pretend to misunderstand in order to dodge and run away from real debate.

Trump's issues fueled his campaign though the Primary, and initially the Hillary campaign tried to attack his policies based on their merits and/or demerits.

That failed miserable.

THey have since giving up on that, and gone to full bore panic mongering and personal attacks ie "Trump is Hitler and will get you killed in a nuclear war".

Which is bullshit and tearing this nation apart. Do you need me to explain why?

Trump needs to find a strong response.

Raising doubts about Hillary's health is NOT going to do it. Better a dead president than a Live "Hitler".

It sounds to me like YOU are defending HIllary's panic mongering.
Yes, when you ask, "what can Trump do to Trump that," it sounds like you're defending his fear mongering. Makes you a hypocrite.

You don't seem to be addressing any of my points, that makes you a coward.

And you seem to think that despite that, I should address your points, while accepting your assumptions and biases as a starting point. THat makes you an ass.
It matters not if you address my points. Everyone here already sees you're criticizing Hillary for "fear mongering" while giving Crazy Donald a free pass for doing the same.

Actually, it does matter.

I have seriously and honestly addressed, even challenged your points, while you have dodged mine.

THe closest you have done is try to spin my posts into a strawman and then attack that.

THat bit where you try to equate "Health concerns" with calling someone a "Hitler" that is going to start a "nuclear war" is you trying to give Hillary a pass for outrageous lies and vile panic mongering.

You lefties are tearing this nation apart by vilely insulting half of the nation, pissing them off, and terrorizing the OTHER half of the nation that the first half are Evul Nazis.
Republican Presidents being above it all has allowed your vile lefties liars to define Republicans to the masses.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Let's go to the video tape...

Replaying what Trump says is not a lie. What is a lie is the bizarre explanations trying to explain what he really meant

Lying about what Trump says is a lie.

Trump did not say that all Mexicans were rapists, and yet that is what was reported.

My point stands.

Your lies need to be challenged for our nation to have any chance.
Trump did not say the some are murderers and rapists, he only admitted that "some" may not be

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

Drugs, crime and criminals are obviously coming over the border.

Do you think he was lying about talking to border guards? Do you think that the border guards were lying?

Sure, "some" illegals are coming here to build a better life. But that doesn't mean that the others are not coming across with them.

There is not reason to let people keep coming into the nation completely unvetted.

We can keep out people with long criminal records, including those with records of murder and rape.

Don't you want to keep out people with records of murder and rape?

Trump does. HIllary does not.
Let's not forget, Trump put out an ad talking about illegals crossing into the U.S. .... only it turned out the video was actually people crossing the border into Melilla...

Pants on fire: Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

Once again you fail to address anything I said.

My points stand.

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

Drugs, crime and criminals are obviously coming over the border.

Do you think he was lying about talking to border guards? Do you think that the border guards were lying?

Sure, "some" illegals are coming here to build a better life. But that doesn't mean that the others are not coming across with them.

There is not reason to let people keep coming into the nation completely unvetted.

We can keep out people with long criminal records, including those with records of murder and rape.

Don't you want to keep out people with records of murder and rape?

Trump does. HIllary does not.
Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.

What about 368#? Tell me in WORDS, cause I look at it and I don't care.

And calling PUtin a thug doesn't explain why we should fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.

You have to care because I'm trying to clear your brain. Aside from that you don't have clue what you are talking about except your propaganda promoting Putin thug. If you didn't care what in the world you're still here.
Putin thug is not a nice guy. He is thug but not stupid to use nuclear arm bc that will be the end of his luxurious life. Tell Putin thug not to mess with America.

I asked you what your point was from post 368.

You response was incoherent partisan blather, as far as I can tell.

Please try again.

The Cold War is over. Let us stop fucking with Russia.

My post #368 is to inform you of your uneducated post.
You do not even understand that labor here in America is very high. That alone you don't have a clue

What did I tell you about trump deporting illegals? He has not mentioned it for a while...... I'm really sorry to disappoint you.
It's been reported that Trump is backing off from deporting millions of illegal. Today his new campaign manager Conway that deporting illegals is TBD........ Meaning. TO BE DISREGARD....Read the link.
Next banning Muslims will also become TBD. What a disappointment to Trump supporters.....

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD
Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD -

1. Germany does not have low wages and yet has twice the manufacturing employment percentage that we have.

2. I can support the candidate that promises to deport the illegals, Or I can support the one that promises to give them amnesty.
Trump can't even handle a criticizing Tweet; how's he going to restrain himself when Kim Jung Un makes fun of his hair or Putin jokes about him being orange?

Beyond Trump going to believe the intelligence he gets from CIA and NSA or is he going to go with conspiracies he reads on the Internet.

Combine a desire to "get even" and bogus information and you have a catastrophe

Should Bush have believed the intelligence that he got from the CIA on Iraq's WMD program?

Should Hillary have believed it?

"Get even"? Who do you think he wants to get even with?

Trump is the Peace Candidate who wants to STOP fucking with Russia.

Trump has embraced both Putin and Russia

The only leader in the free world to suggest recognizing Russia's hold on Crimea

The Crimea is majority ethnic Russia.

And are we really prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over the issue?

Because that is what it would take to get Russia to give Russians away to a hostile power.

Vote for Peace. Vote for Trump.
That's your position?

Fine, lets go with it then

Let's hear Trump say what you just posted

During the Cold War we were prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over West Germany.

I asked you a simple question.

Are you prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over the Crimea?
Calling some one gay as an insult is an homophobic act.

Cool story bro. Nobody here called you gay as an insult.

I've seen this before with lefties.

You are so used to misusing words, that you forget they have real definitions.

YOur words.

"You only think that because you're gay."

Obvious to anyone that isn't an liar or a moron that you were using an accusation of homosexuality as a slur.

But' it's cool cause your a good little lefty.

Your bringing up new arguments while ignoring or failing to refute the challenges to your previous posts is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by VERBOSITY.

Your point is invalid.
New arguments aren't allowed?
damn are tough

Trumps judgement is at question here. How do you trust the judgement of someone who so readily embraces conspiracy theories?

if his judgement has led him to want to Deport the Illegals, bring back the Manufacturing jobs, and to STOP fucking with Russia, then HELL YES.

Have you considered seriously what it means that Estonia is a member of NATO?
What his judgement did was create bizarre stories about Mexico sending over murderers and rapists, claims of Muslims dancing in NJ, embracing torture and killing suspected terrorists families

Our government does a crappy and incomplete job of tracking crime by illegals.

Some of it does indicate a large crime problem among the illegal community.

Check this out from that right wing rag the Huffington Post citing that RIght Wing Think Tank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

Either the men they are travelling with are rapists, or Mexico is a hell of rape.

Either way, this supports Trump's statement.
We've been over this already. You couldn't show those were Mexicans coming into America. The article says is that some folks, many presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here. The rapes were being committed primarily by, "criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials." And their other fellow migrants are not only Mexican but from various Central American countries."

And then you have to consider many of the cases are actually prostitution...

"There are cases where women offer their bodies in exchange for being able to cross over."

"That kind of arrangement is so commonplace, that a word exists to describe it. 'Cuerpomátic,' or, 'cuerpomático,' using the body like an ATM machine."

IF, the rapists are NOT travelling with the women, then that means that Mexico is a hellhole of rape. As I posted above. In the post you hit the reply button for.

If Mexico is such a hell hole that a group of women walking across it will be 80% raped, then we do not want ANY mexican culture being imported to this nation.

If the men travelling with the women are the ones raping, then the rapists are coming into the country.

And your empathy for women being forced to use sex as bribes, is noted.
Beyond Trump going to believe the intelligence he gets from CIA and NSA or is he going to go with conspiracies he reads on the Internet.

Combine a desire to "get even" and bogus information and you have a catastrophe

Should Bush have believed the intelligence that he got from the CIA on Iraq's WMD program?

Should Hillary have believed it?

"Get even"? Who do you think he wants to get even with?

Trump is the Peace Candidate who wants to STOP fucking with Russia.

Trump has embraced both Putin and Russia

The only leader in the free world to suggest recognizing Russia's hold on Crimea

The Crimea is majority ethnic Russia.

And are we really prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over the issue?

Because that is what it would take to get Russia to give Russians away to a hostile power.

Vote for Peace. Vote for Trump.
That's your position?

Fine, lets go with it then

Let's hear Trump say what you just posted

During the Cold War we were prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over West Germany.

I asked you a simple question.

Are you prepared to fight a global thermonuclear war over the Crimea?

Damn...what a drama queen

We are using crippling economic sanctions against Russia and all the Trumpite can think of is global thermonuclear war

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