Doxing ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Leave it to Salon { formerly the place where Catholic
bitched Joan Walsh } had her { letters } little snarky
place where adult children can hang out and prove how
Unamerican they can be.Salon writing a column where they
get their bitching claws into Donald Trump in some way.
This time by claiming Trump was holding out hope that one
juror { all it takes } would not fall in line and vote Guilty.
Then of course in usual Salon parlance they go off the rails
by Lying { It's what failed Catholics like Walsh and Lawrence O'Donnell
virtually exist fir }. As if part of some College fraternity that
insists on Raccoon coats to accompany some college alma mater
singfest.Well how cutesy.
The Salon ballbusters come up with notions of how Vengeance
should be expected by diehard Trump loyalists.And of course
stuff like doxing.Is that how those on the far right or conservatives
behave.Of course not.Just another attempt to Project what the Joan
Walsh and Lawrence O'donnell of the U.S. live for.Lying is never
enough.They have to beg for their opposition be rooted out.
Eliminated.No matter how important.Like Supreme Court Justices.
They Doxed Brett Kavanaugh.They go after Clarence Thomas with
their Vengeance.Now it's Justice Alito.
They're { Salon and their ilk } are just proveable Scumbags.
Catholic or no.What we need in this country is a Conservative
Catholic like The Red Eminence of France.The most powerful
person in France during his reign.Known as Cardinal Richelieu
or The Red Robe { prelate of the Catholic Church }.He dint tolerate
ANY shenanigans.Got it Folks.
" If you give me six sentences written by the most innocent of
men,I will find something in them with which to hang them. "
" To deceive a rival,artifice is permitted.One may employ
everything against one's enemies. "
-- Armand Jean du Plesis , DUC DE RICHELIEU
{ French Cardinal,statesman } 1585-1642
Looks like you still carry water for the president who spent more, exploding deficits & debt while still printing more money than all other presidents combined.
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Looks like you still carry water for the president who spent more, exploding deficits & debt while still printing more money than all other presidents combined.
Yer obviously about as level-headed as a senile
Cukoo for Cocoa nuts cartoon bird who finally
said enough of politics.Or todays crappy unhealthy kiddie
cereals.Trump is her guy.Healthy as a prize Holstein
and with enough energy at the end of a day to wear
out most Olympians half his age.
Trump did spend too much but Biden hasn't a clue
to how much he spent and where.Plus Biden had the gall
to use our Stragetic Petoleum reserve AGAIN within the
last week.The guy is an energizer Putz.To put it mildly.
Whoever pulls his strings is like a pathetic remake of
- All The Kings Men - { 1949 }
This March, Congress passed a spending bill mandating that Biden liquidate the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve entirely and end the program. That has nothing to do with any strategic decision on his part to manage the nation’s oil supply.

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Congress created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, which stores a total of 1 million barrels of gasoline divided between New York and Maine. This is completely separate from and should not be confused with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve created by Congress in 1975 following the 1973 energy crisis.

Obama / Biden are the ones who filled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to it's record highest level in the first place!!! Trump NEVER ever added any oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and only sold off oil from it for his entire presidency!!! For the past 8 months Biden has been only adding oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
This March, Congress passed a spending bill mandating that Biden liquidate the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve entirely and end the program. That has nothing to do with any strategic decision on his part to manage the nation’s oil supply.

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Congress created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, which stores a total of 1 million barrels of gasoline divided between New York and Maine. This is completely separate from and should not be confused with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve created by Congress in 1975 following the 1973 energy crisis.

Obama / Biden are the ones who filled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to it's record highest level in the first place!!! Trump NEVER ever added any oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and only sold off oil from it for his entire presidency!!! For the past 8 months Biden has been only adding oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Kinda forgetting one little item.It wasn't Under Trump that
energy { gas,oil } exploration was purposedly disallowed if not
cut off ... cold turkey.Ya Frickin' Dope.
Now how did Obama handle that massive oil spill in his
Presidency.The BP { Deepwater Horizen } spill which began on
April 20th 2010.The Largest Marine Oil Spill in the history of
the Petroleum Industry.
Obama took an entire week before he even bothered to
address the issue ... Ya Frickin' Stooge.
Kinda forgetting one little item.It wasn't Under Trump that
energy { gas,oil } exploration was purposedly disallowed if not
cut off ... cold turkey.Ya Frickin' Dope.
Now how did Obama handle that massive oil spill in his
Presidency.The BP { Deepwater Horizen } spill which began on
April 20th 2010.The Largest Marine Oil Spill in the history of
the Petroleum Industry.
Obama took an entire week before he even bothered to
address the issue ... Ya Frickin' Stooge.

Ya Frickin' Stooge - Trump bankrupted 200 US drillers & lost 450 US active drill rigs. Biden's first year added a record 500 US active drill rigs! Biden holds the record US Oil Production!!!!!
Rig Count .png

Your comments about Obama sounds like you wish he increased regulations on oil drillers faster & more. Under Obama US oil production increased by record amounts, easily beating Trumps increase hands-down!
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Ya Frickin' Stooge - Trump bankrupted 200 US drillers & lost 450 US active drill rigs. Biden's first year added a record 500 US active drill rigs! Biden holds the record US Oil Production!!!!!
View attachment 956133
Your comments about Obama sounds like you wish he increased regulations on oil drillers faster & more. Under Obama US oil production increased by record amounts, easily beating Trumps increase hands-down!
Lyin' prick.Biden wasted no time after his Inauguration to
sign numerous EO.Biden made sure to STOP any and all Oil
leases regarding ANWR.Trump Still Potus in early January 2021
had arranged Issue of 9 leases covering 43o,ooo acres in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Looks like you still carry water for the president who spent more, exploding deficits & debt while still printing more money than all other presidents combined.
No one with even half a brain tied behind their cushy ass
believes that drool.In the last 2 years alone Biden has let his
dopey management of the Treasury print money at the fastest pace
in american history.One reason Inflation is so sappy.
It takes more dollars to buy the same amount when the Treasury
is allowed to go bananas with the printing of new dollars.
The dollar is worth less when more dollars are added.
Lyin' prick.Biden wasted no time after his Inauguration to
sign numerous EO.Biden made sure to STOP any and all Oil
leases regarding ANWR.Trump Still Potus in early January 2021
had arranged Issue of 9 leases covering 43o,ooo acres in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Big Oil Lead destroyed your brain an told you it was your Cukoo for Cocoa cereal

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