Dr. Fauci cheered hydroxychloroquine success in 2013

Are you offended by long hair....does it give you the willies or something? hehheh

Since you want to talk about 'physical app;earances' how tall is Dr. fauci.....he looks like a midget standing next to :president Trump
What difference does it make? It’s the brain that counts. Trump is what 6’? with a brain of 10 yo kid.
They are waiting til there is no other options...........Just like the studies I was showing. What if they did it before that time...............Are they being too precautious.?

Where and how in the world are you coming out with that kind of dumb opinion?

New York is one of the best where you can find the best of doctors in this country.
If you are in trouble and fighting for your life like CV-19. Any doctors will use ALL available approved FDA products to save your life. They will even use bleach if they are allowed. It’s not because they heard or waiting from Trump or Cuomo.
The clinical study in NY started in March 31 that is the study.
Why are all these anti Fauci? Just because he doesn’t agree with an incompetent president.... Dr. Fauci is bad.
Dr. Fauci is a scientist who live and work with science based from realities, facts and results ... Not anecdotal. He never said you can not use Plaquenil to treat CV-19. He said it’s not the silver bullet or a cure.

WHY do you think there are NO infectious doctors or scientists or any hospitals. YES Plaquenil is a cure?
WHY do you think there are no doctors or scientists disagreeing with Fauci?

But here Trump try Plaquenil. WTH.

Are you offended by long hair....does it give you the willies or something? hehheh

Since you want to talk about 'physical app;earances' how tall is Dr. fauci.....he looks like a midget standing next to :president Trump
What difference does it make? It’s the brain that counts. Trump is what 6’? with a brain of 10 yo kid.

You are the one that brought up physical appearance trying to discredit the French Doctor.
The FDA approved it........it's been studied for a long time.........The CDC is always skeptical.......they don't like saying anything without a lot of experiments..............but when there is no time you must do what you have to do.

The REAL STORY HERE......is that the Dems and their Media got their panties in a wad because Trump was praising it...................

So IGNORANT are these TDS clowns that several Governors BANNED IT until they went OH SHIT OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING..............and lifted the Ban.

The Drug is WORKING.........It is fairly Cheap............and it has been used for a long long time now.

Is it working? I've still only seen the 2 small studies to indicate it works, and 1 small study that indicated it does not. I've read that it is being used in various places, but is there any actual data about its effectiveness in those places? Everything seems anecdotal at best, more often just rumor. I may not know the right places to find the information, though.
Many states are using it now..........I've heard stories on this board posting it is working........if it didn't work we'd hear the talking heads blaring it all over the news............

The Media being silent on it is probably a very good indicator it works.

Your moron leader is on TV now bullshitting about these drugs.
So............From what I've heard they are working ........

Nobody in this world knows if they will work or if they won’t work. You’ve heard rumors.
They are doing the studies .......not in a lab..........but on patients who don't have much choice.

BTW.........Why the hell are you so dang UPSET about these DRUGS........I'll tell you why....TDS...........

While it's not the same Drug..........UAB has been studying these drugs before anyone even knew Trump was running for office.

I am not upset about the drug, idiot. I’m tired of Trombie morons giving that fucknut credit for doing something that he’s not doing.

These trials would have taken place without his fat face getting up there and taking credit. Now he’s got morons like you convinced that his political opponents don’t want the drugs to work.

Fuck off.
BS...........This is about TDS and you have it............You and even Governors are so unhinged that Trump was saying that this drug is saving lives that you hate a drug that is SHOWING GOOD PROMISE SO FAR...........

I just posted the other study that shows that ONLY..........I REPEAT ONLY........PEOPLE who are in LATE STAGES are in the study...........AKA ...........THEY ARE ABOUT TO DIE..................

What difference does it make at that point............when THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS..........

I've shown this data many times for over a month......once this began....including the UAB and University of Nebraska studies.

This is another strain of viruses they have studied for over a decade.

Did you hear what the president said about these drugs yesterday and today?
NOPE...........I've been going to the source. And I don't have TDS

Well, the genius said that he believes that the drugs may be prophylactic. And that he is considering taking them himself as a preventative measure.

Is that a responsible thing for him to say to the American people given the current known facts?
And you think he is such a genius that he came up with that all by himself........LOL

I just saw a study that was saying the same thing. but they were concerned with the supplies

BTW......has to be prescribed.

I think he should shut the fuck up and let the scientists handle the drug development.
They are handling it..........and have been for decades.........Only reason we are this far ahead is because this is just a new strain of an old disease...............That testing is why they are moving quick on this.

I didn't see what led to his comments........I don't really care to be honest.........The EXACT STUDIES confirm THAT THEY ARE TESTING TO SEE if it could PREVENT THE DISEASE.

I showed that one study and findings right here.

I have a bunch of this book marked.........I've posted a lot of it before........no one listens. It's ALL TDS.

i was right about the transmitted by air also.......everyone here attacked me for saying it......LOL

HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEM........LMAO.........I was right on that too.......Honestly if they really said that too loud high rise apartment dwellers would panic in a massive way.......

YOU need to care where he heard it from because that its confusing the heck all of these Trumpeters.
Trump heard it from Dr. Raoult from France who became overnight sensation based from his limited 22 patients. Then agreed that more studies are needed.

Then another doctor from New Jersey claimed he cured his patients 100% using Plaquenil no X-ray or ventilators needed in his doctor’s office . He got a call from Hannity radio show and new chief of staff Meadows. WTH.

There are 19 Pharmaceutical US companies gunning for the vaccine. Research and studies of viruses never stop. It’s always been very active.
When Trump chooses a doctor....he seems to have a type.
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Just like this doctor in NY village became a right wing star. Ignorance an all time high.

How Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s claims for his coronavirus treatment spread from a New York village all the way to President Trump.


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Any democrat that wants this medication should have to beg for it in national tv and thank tucker Carlson and trump

No one with half a brain wants this medication before the trials are done, unless they're dying. This is a drug that can kill you or leave me permanently disabled. It has been an abyssmal failure at dealing with corona virus diseases, including SARS and MERS. You could end up blind and needing a kidney transplant.
It’s been out for 70 years lol go away bed bug
Any democrat that wants this medication should have to beg for it in national tv and thank tucker Carlson and trump

No one with half a brain wants this medication before the trials are done, unless they're dying. This is a drug that can kill you or leave me permanently disabled. It has been an abyssmal failure at dealing with corona virus diseases, including SARS and MERS. You could end up blind and needing a kidney transplant.
And the very study I posted was EXACTLY THAT........They are going on to the ventilators as they get that one tested drug............aka.........they are about to die with NO MORE OPTIONS.
They don’t care, they killed 700,000 black babies last year
All Fauci has to do to become the darling of the right again is kiss Trump’s fat ass on stage.

When the books are closed on this virus, the story will be how fucking slow Trump was to respond. He and his lovers are trying to tell us that he’s acting super fast with regard to drug testing in order to save lives.

Can anyone say Hail Mary.
Fauci never said it doesn't work. EVER. He said it wasn't clear, because it had never been tested in a clinical trial. He even said "maybe it works". Do you people just not understand words?
Fauci is an indecisive caciadone. He never says anything. He is the most overrated person in America at this moment. I'm pretty sure Trump would love to get rid of him except for what he knows the fake news would do to him.
Fauci works and live with science, facts and results.
Trump work with idiotic, anecdotal, favoritism based from what he feels with no experience of anything let alone mess with medicine.

I can tell you and guarantee you 100% that they are using Plaquenilat at all stages of Coronavirus patients. So I don’t know what the HELL is that idiot is talking about.

RESULTS using Plaquenil.
1. If given early before the spread of the CV-19 to the lungs the results is good. Like no oxygen needed. This is what you people are hearing. This is what Dr. Raoult from France is telling you. They NEVER said it cured a patients with full blown CV-19 with breathing aid ventilators..

2. If the CV-19 has taken parts of the lungs or depending how far is the infection. Plaquenil is not the silver bullet. This is what Fauci , AMA, Infectious scientists around the world are trying to tell you.


So why not give positives a dose before they end up in serious trouble? What's harder to get, Plaquenil or a respirator? If we keep allowing the disease to progress, we're either killing people or causing permanent damage to their lings. GOT IT? Thank God most other doctors in the world do.
I can't believe anyone other than maybe MindWars is still using Gateway Pundit as a source for anything other than Russian propaganda. :rolleyes:

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You have to lie about your own link. Everyone would be really happy to learn if hydroxychloroquine helps reduce corvid 19 symptoms, but nothing affirmatively proves that it does right now, or that there is enough … even if Trump opened up the strategic stockpile …. to prescribe it both to people already getting it as approved and clinically proven effective treatment for their illnesses and for everyone with corvid 19

And you have to lie because Trump fucked this up so massively by suppressing testing early on. Now desperate to prove Trump is kicking the viruses ass, you have to lie.
I can't believe anyone other than maybe MindWars is still using Gateway Pundit as a source for anything other than Russian propaganda. :rolleyes:

Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible

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  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Liberals always condemn conservative sites....nothing new about that.

Today The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. The Gateway Pundit has 30 million page views each month (Stat Counter – Google Analytics). It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.
I can't believe anyone other than maybe MindWars is still using Gateway Pundit as a source for anything other than Russian propaganda. :rolleyes:

Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible

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  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Liberals always condemn conservative sites....nothing new about that.

Today The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. The Gateway Pundit has 30 million page views each month (Stat Counter – Google Analytics). It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.

Gateway Pundit and TruePundit are the sites most retweeted by Russian Trolls and cited by fucking loony birds like Hannity, Fatsbo, Levin and Drudge. It is little surprise you would consider them credible. :wink:

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