Dr. Rand Paul vs lawyer Xavier Becerra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, who does not have a degree in medicine or science

Ayn Rand Paul is an eye doctor.
Yes, Asshole. Do you have a problem with that?

Oct 2020 Johns Hopkins
’....ocular surface cells including conjunctiva are susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2 as well as serving as a reservoir for person-to-person transmission.’
Proof Fauci funded Gain of Function at Wuhan.

Can't wait for the moron Colfax to spin this given the document from NIH is in the link and clearly funds GOF.

Paul wasn’t even referring to this study described in the NY Post when he was being a media whore in front of Fauci.

Your ignorance is exposed if you can’t even answer such a basic question.

Nostra: It was a gain of function study!

Me: What was the function gained?

Nostra: Ahhhhh, I don’t know, leave me alone!
Nostra: It was a gain of function study!

I never said that.

Another of your lies exposed. :banana:
Rand Paul is not board certified.. He's an eye doctor.

Dr. Rand Paul graduated from Duke Medical School. Xavier Becerra went to Stanford Law. Both have good educational credentials but one is obviously more educated in the field of medicine, which is far more applicable to a discussion regarding natural immunity from COVID. The bulk of your education regarding how the body works is in medical school, not residency, so his specialty is irrelevant.
Paul wasn’t even referring to this study described in the NY Post when he was being a media whore in front of Fauci.

I have no idea what you think you are trying to say here.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

My link documented the NIH funding gain of function at Wuhan, despite Fauci's lies under oath. Not sure why you think it describes a "study".
The bulk of your education regarding how the body works is in medical school
To be honest, most doctors forget most of what they learned in medical school, especially those with highly specific specialties.
Apparently, you don't know what a quote is, Clown.:auiqs.jpg:

And my link proved Fauci funded GOF at Wuhan.

You just keep losing.
What quote are you referring to? I provided the quote of you saying that the studies was a gain of function study, except you don’t even know what function was gained.

The link you provided didn’t even talk about the studies that Paul was lying about before Fauci, not did the show gain of function.
What quote are you referring to? I provided the quote of you saying that the studies was a gain of function study, except you don’t even know what function was gained.

The link you provided didn’t even talk about the studies that Paul was lying about before Fauci, not did the show gain of function.
My link proved Fauci funded GOF at Wuhan.

You just keep losing.
My link proved Fauci funded GOF at Wuhan.

You just keep losing.
Then why do you have such a hard time saying what the functioned was gained?

Because your a moron who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Paul says the things you want to be true.

That’s why you believe him. You’re too stupid to know otherwise.

Did you go to Duke Medical School or an equivalently selective one? Granted, even if you didn't, that wouldn't preclude you from having an opinion or even that your opinion is not potentially valid, just wondering why lefties always believe their opinions to be beyond reproach.
You know Rand Paul's not board certified, right?

Yes, I'm sure the medical training he has might be beneficial, but you're trying to make the guy out to be the fuckin' Surgeon General...

Please point to where I made any statement whatsoever about Rand Paul in a medical capacity on this forum, other than my one post in this thread that you quoted (which says nothing of the sort).
...Which is still required to have scientific and medical training.

In all fairness, your point is what ???
The point is that it is an appeal to authority logical fallacy.
Then why do you have such a hard time saying what the functioned was gained?

Because your a moron who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
I don't have to say what was gained, Moron. I proved Fauci funded it, despite his lies under oath.

YOU claimed there was no GOF, so it's on you to back up your bullshit. So far, you failed miserably.

You keep losing. :banana:

Oh, and a little English lesson for ya...It should be "you're" not "your"..............and................should be "what you are talking about", not "what they're talking about". You may want to finish second grade English before calling someone else a moron.

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