Dr. Rand Paul vs lawyer Xavier Becerra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, who does not have a degree in medicine or science

Not saying you are wrong, but based on the CDC's track record of late, I am skeptical of either their motives or their competency. Unless you are on the front line doing research, you must trust their studies and opinions. My wife used to trust them and still does for the most part because she has no choice, but she has started to question their motives with regard to COVID. Unfortunately, politics and money have spilled over into science and the medical community to a point where they trump science and medical ethics.
As we’ve talked before, I don’t share your paranoia. You are taking subjects you have a poor understanding of and filling in the gaps with right wing narrative.

The CDC does plenty of research but far more is done by people outside their walls.

There’s plenty of room for honest debate about strengths of studies and interpretation of incomplete and imperfect data. Don’t assume that a different opinion has a sinister motive.
I don't know. I was proposing the question. Just because you can Google something to find evidence to support a theory doesn't make you an expert.
What does expertise have to do with objective scientific facts, Knowledge-Envy Breath?
Rand Paul is an eye doctor who has not practiced in well over ten years. He was never board certified. He is an idiot.

And before you start whining about Becerra's qualifications, have a look at many if not most of Donnie's appointments. They were loyalists - not experts.

Start with Scott Atlas, who Donnie hired for pandemic advice after sidelining Fauci and Birx. The man took X-rays and had not even taken one of those in over ten years.
The WHO likely commanded that the CDC change already-published material on their variants page. We have already shown on another thread how this was a mistake to do, even if it was a typo to begin with, which it was not. The WHO has played with its schmuck for many months concerning it’s handlers’ virus.
There’s plenty of room for honest debate about strengths of studies and interpretation of incomplete and imperfect data. Don’t assume that a different opinion has a sinister motive.

What did it for me was when they stated that HCQ was not just an ineffective treatment for COVID but that it was dangerous when they knew it wasn't when given in appropriate doses. They retracted the statement regarding its dangers, but the fact that they made that accusation was very telling.
Rand Paul is an eye doctor who has not practiced in well over ten years. He was never board certified. He is an idiot.

And before you start whining about Becerra's qualifications, have a look at many if not most of Donnie's appointments. They were loyalists - not experts.

Start with Scott Atlas, who Donnie hired for pandemic advice after sidelining Fauci and Birx. The man took X-rays and had not even taken one of those in over ten years.
Becerra proven to be an ignorant moron by Paul..............but...............but................but...................ORANGE MAN BAD!
The WHO likely commanded that the CDC change already-published material on their variants page. We have already shown on another thread how this was a mistake to do, even if it was a typo to begin with, which it was not. The WHO has played with its schmuck for many months concerning it’s handlers’ virus.

Yes, the WHO and the CDC have become very political.
You clearly can't argue this on the facts.

Paul owned Becerra on the Israelis study just like he owned the weasel Fauci on gain of function. Fauci lied under oath by claiming he didn't fund it, and it has been proven he did.

So, fuck you and your dumbass spin.

If Fauci had spanked little Randy any harder - He'd still have welts on his ass ;)
If Fauci had spanked little Randy any harder - He'd still have welts on his ass ;)
Sure thing, Sparky.

As my earlier link proved, Paul was right about Fauci funding GOF despite Fauci lying under oath about it.
Rand Paul is an eye doctor who has not practiced in well over ten years. He was never board certified. He is an idiot.

And before you start whining about Becerra's qualifications, have a look at many if not most of Donnie's appointments. They were loyalists - not experts.

Start with Scott Atlas, who Donnie hired for pandemic advice after sidelining Fauci and Birx. The man took X-rays and had not even taken one of those in over ten years.
That doesn’t change the fact that objective scientific facts are on Paul’s ophthalmology side, not Monkeyshine’s side.
Fauci is an idiot. Only fellow idiots are unaware of this fact.

Yeah, Fauci is only one of the top three virologists in the world who was also instrumental in cracking the code on HIV/ AIDS. Rand Paul? A loudmouthed, grandstanding fool who knows NOTHING about virology.
Rand Paul is a medical doctor.

Xavier Becerra is a lawyer who has no degree in medicine or science. Despite this, he is the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

In this video, Dr. Paul explains why Becerra is a complete idiot when it comes to the subject of natural immunity for people who have been infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Paul also explains why Becerra is a totalitarian control freak who has no respect for individual freedom.

Video at

Rand Paul is an eye doctor who dispenses reading glasses. He knows less than nothing about immunity or anything else. He’s such a tool I wouldn’t even go to him to get my eyes checked.
That doesn’t change the fact that objective scientific facts are on Paul’s ophthalmology side, not Monkeyshine’s side.

You have your facts wrong. Paul knows nothing about infectious diseases or public health. Just because someone has a “doctor” in front of their name doesn’t make them competent or well trained, especially outside their own specialty. Rand Paul is proof positive that.

And his staff sued him for exposing them to Covid by refusing to social distance or wear a mask after he had been diagnosed with it. He called a maskless staff meeting to announce his diagnosis.

So of course you think he’s clever.
What did it for me was when they stated that HCQ was not just an ineffective treatment for COVID but that it was dangerous when they knew it wasn't when given in appropriate doses. They retracted the statement regarding its dangers, but the fact that they made that accusation was very telling.
You mean the FDA, not the CDC, right?

Where is this retraction?
Becerra proven to be an ignorant moron by Paul..............but...............but................but...................ORANGE MAN BAD!

Rand Paul has only to raise his voice against a Democrat and become indignant for you to think he's the bitchinest, most knowledgeable dude in the universe. You don't ask for much. ;)
Link? Where is the report that shows natural immunity antibodies attaching to the same spike protein locations that the vaccines attach to? Does natural immunity attach to more of them than do the vaccines, or not?

People who have had a "hybrid" exposure to the virus. Specifically, they were infected with the coronavirus in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year. "Those people have amazing responses to the vaccine," says virologist Theodora Hatziioannou at Rockefeller University, who also helped lead several of the studies. "I think they are in the best position to fight the virus. The antibodies in these people's blood can even neutralize SARS-CoV-1, the first coronavirus, which emerged 20 years ago. That virus is very, very different from SARS-CoV-2."

In fact, these antibodies were even able to deactivate a virus engineered, on purpose, to be highly resistant to neutralization. This virus contained 20 mutations that are known to prevent SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from binding to it. Antibodies from people who were only vaccinated or who only had prior coronavirus infections were essentially useless against this mutant virus. But antibodies in people with the "hybrid immunity" could neutralize it.
As we’ve talked before, I don’t share your paranoia. You are taking subjects you have a poor understanding of and filling in the gaps with right wing narrative.

The CDC does plenty of research but far more is done by people outside their walls.

There’s plenty of room for honest debate about strengths of studies and interpretation of incomplete and imperfect data. Don’t assume that a different opinion has a sinister motive.
The CDC fellates The WHO and The WHO is owned by the CCP and The UN.

Corona was a bio weapon released on the world but specifically The US to get as many Nationalists out of office as the WEP-UN could so they could ramp up the Great Reset AKA AntiChrist Global Government.

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