Dr. Rand Paul vs lawyer Xavier Becerra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, who does not have a degree in medicine or science

Did you go to Duke Medical School or an equivalently selective one? Granted, even if you didn't, that wouldn't preclude you from having an opinion or even that your opinion is not potentially valid, just wondering why lefties always believe their opinions to be beyond reproach.
I went to a state medical school, and prestigious residency and fellowship.

The difference was about a quarter million dollars.

Is Paul’s opinion beyond reproach? I have little tolerance for his antics.
How could you prove something without even knowing the most fundamental element of your accusation?

It’s like saying you proved someone was a murderer but have no idea who was murdered.
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Fun fact. Paul invented his own medical board so that he could declare himself board certified rather than take the boards every other ophthalmologist takes.
So Putin goes to the proctologist, takes his pants down and bends over. The Proctologist puts on a glove to check his prostate out.

His face goes white and Putin looks concerned.

"What's the matter Doc, Putin says?"

Doc tells him the Bad news:

"I think something crawled up there and died.

There is good news though.

It was only colfax_m so eat some fiber and you will be able to excrete that little commie turd out in just a day or two."
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Please point to where I made any statement whatsoever about Rand Paul in a medical capacity on this forum, other than my one post in this thread that you quoted (which says nothing of the sort).

"So? He attended 4 years of medical school, studied the same core curriculum as all medical doctors, and passed his boards. That's 4 years and a medical degree more than Xavier Becerra and pretty much every other congress person, executive official, bureaucrat, local mayor, city counsel member and CEO making policy decisions regarding Covid."

That's the only statement you really had to make.

You also haven't addressed the fact that he's not board certified...
How could you prove something without even knowing the most fundamental element of your accusation?

It’s like saying you proved someone was a murderer but have no idea who was murdered.
The Marxist Mask Religion is not scientific. Neither is Da Jabz.
I went to a state medical school, and prestigious residency and fellowship.

The difference was about a quarter million dollars.

Is Paul’s opinion beyond reproach? I have little tolerance for his antics.

No his opinion is not beyond reproach. In this particular case, are you arguing that natural immunity is not at least as effective as the vaccine?
How could you prove something without even knowing the most fundamental element of your accusation?

It’s like saying you proved someone was a murderer but have no idea who was murdered.
You are now so desperate you have to resort to highly editing my posts.

No his opinion is not beyond reproach. In this particular case, are you arguing that natural immunity is not at least as effective as the vaccine?
You won't get a straight answer out of that hack.
No his opinion is not beyond reproach. In this particular case, are you arguing that natural immunity is not at least as effective as the vaccine?
Sure. It’s at least as effective.

But is natural immunity more or less effective with a vaccine?

The answer is more.
No his opinion is not beyond reproach. In this particular case, are you arguing that natural immunity is not at least as effective as the vaccine?
Link? Where is the report that shows natural immunity antibodies attaching to the same spike protein locations that the vaccines attach to? Does natural immunity attach to more of them than do the vaccines, or not?
Sure. It’s at least as effective.

But is natural immunity more or less effective with a vaccine?

The answer is more.

Not saying you are wrong, but based on the CDC's track record of late, I am skeptical of either their motives or their competency. Unless you are on the front line doing research, you must trust their studies and opinions. My wife used to trust them and still does for the most part because she has no choice, but she has started to question their motives with regard to COVID. Unfortunately, politics and money have spilled over into science and the medical community to a point where they trump science and medical ethics.
Dr. Paul demonstrated that Biden's HHS Sec is completely ignorant of a study that clearly proves natural immunity is better than the vaccine.

This entire regime is full of bumbling idiots.
Link? Where is the report that shows natural immunity antibodies attaching to the same spike protein locations that the vaccines attach to? Does natural immunity attach to more of them than do the vaccines, or not?

I don't know. I was proposing the question. Just because you can Google something to find evidence to support a theory doesn't make you an expert.
Dr. Rand Paul graduated from Duke Medical School. Xavier Becerra went to Stanford Law. Both have good educational credentials but one is obviously more educated in the field of medicine, which is far more applicable to a discussion regarding natural immunity from COVID. The bulk of your education regarding how the body works is in medical school, not residency, so his specialty is irrelevant.
No Dipshit, his specialty is quite relevant because the eyes can be reservoirs for the commie virus, Dipshit.

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