Draft Dodger Donnie: I Would Have Been A Good General

You gotta scratch your head when angry lefties bring up the draft dodging issue barely two years after the enabler wife of a real draft dodger ran for president. When draft dodging student Bill Clinton was spotted demonstrating against his own Country in England he was invited on a grand tour of mother Russia courtesy of the KGB. During his presidency Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country when he was literally caught with his pants down in the Oval Office. Somehow the crazy angry left has managed to erase their memory of Hillary's husband and replace it with incoherent anger for the current President.
Oh, I had a lot of fun picking on Clinton for dodging the draft.

So Trump gets no break either.

Turnabout is fair play. Ain't karma a BITCH?

All caught up now, tu quoque boi?
It ain't "karma" when it ain't true. Somehow the hypocrite left that once celebrated avoiding military service and applauded Carter pardoning all those deadbeats who fled to Canad to avoid the draft now criticize the President of the United States when he did nothing.
Somehow, all the tards who attacked Obama for massive overspending, and Clinton for adultery and draft dodging, are suddenly okay with all of the above!
You must've been sleeping during the Obummer years....Barry spent $13 TRILLION...more than all of the past presidents...COMBINED!!!!

Go back to sleep...

Where they hell did you drag that bullshit number from?

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

From the start of Obama's first full Fy till the start of Trump's first full FY the national debt went up a total of $8,324,380,851,734

1 Oct 2009 the national debt was: $11,920,519,164,319
30 Sept 2017 the national debt was: $20,244,900,016,053
for a difference of $8,324,380,851,734

If you wish to count from the day he took office then...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The amount added under Obama was $9,317,552,168,193.
Trump Says He 'Would Have Been a Good General' While Feuding With Generals

After ranting about General Mattis, President Bone Spur claimed he would make a good general.

This is a guy who has never been in a combat theater until a few days ago, and only for a few hours.

Based on his cut-and-run policy on Iraq in 2008, and his running away from ISIS in Syria, General Trump only knows how to retreat.


BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.


Sooo...you only vote for combat veterans.

Bush 92! you sly devil....

Actually, I did vote for Bush, Sr. Twice.

Really? You always seemed like a Ross Perot kind of guy.

Anyway, there are no combat veterans on the horizon...so who do you like for 2020?

...Cherokee indians, alzapalectic socialists, billionaire millenials...?
When and where did CLINTON serve? What branch was Obama in?

When did Obama or Clinton say they would have made a good general?

LMAO For all you know Trump might have been the best general this country ever had.

Oh and both Clinton and Obama had nothing but disdain for the military so I doubt either of them would have ever served.

You and I can say anything on this board and it is good for a laugh.
LMAO For all you know Trump might have been the best general this country ever had.

You and I can say anything on this board and it is good for a laugh.

No, I know that he would not have been. Being a good general requires leadership and Trump lacks leadership. Trump is a boss, not a leader.
Gotta disagree with that.

My Dad served for 22 years and my brother for 20 and both were staunch conservatives.

My Dad passed in 2003 and I can guarantee you my brother would have never voted for Obama and he did vote for Trump and likes him just fine.

Lord, let God's chillins start to get my sarcasm someday....thanks, Amen
You gotta scratch your head when angry lefties bring up the draft dodging issue barely two years after the enabler wife of a real draft dodger ran for president. When draft dodging student Bill Clinton was spotted demonstrating against his own Country in England he was invited on a grand tour of mother Russia courtesy of the KGB. During his presidency Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country when he was literally caught with his pants down in the Oval Office. Somehow the crazy angry left has managed to erase their memory of Hillary's husband and replace it with incoherent anger for the current President.
Oh, I had a lot of fun picking on Clinton for dodging the draft.

So Trump gets no break either.

Turnabout is fair play. Ain't karma a BITCH?

All caught up now, tu quoque boi?
It ain't "karma" when it ain't true. Somehow the hypocrite left that once celebrated avoiding military service and applauded Carter pardoning all those deadbeats who fled to Canad to avoid the draft now criticize the President of the United States when he did nothing.
Somehow, all the tards who attacked Obama for massive overspending, and Clinton for adultery and draft dodging, are suddenly okay with all of the above!
You must've been sleeping during the Obummer years....Barry spent $13 TRILLION...more than all of the past presidents...COMBINED!!!!

Go back to sleep...
Trump just submitted a $4.407 trillion budget. From his desk.

That's a full trillion dollars more than Obama ever spent in his worst year. That's the biggest budget in human history.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump.

And yet you far left uber-Keynesian tards stay silent about Trump's massive overspending.
Maybe the crazy angry (daft dodging?) left has the wrong idea about what Generals do. Generals don't lead men into battle, they plan strategy and are responsible for the welfare of the Troops and the maintenance and sometimes the funding of the tools of war. In that case Donald Trump who established and planned and ran a business empire would be the guy you wanted to head up an Army division. When you think back on LBJ who recommended himself for a Silver Star for being a passenger in a plane during WW2 and Bill Clinton who dodged the draft and Barry Hussein Obama who's friend and political mentor was a guy who used to blow up recruiting stations and was planning to murder Ft. Dix soldiers with his last bomb, you gatta admit that Trump comes closest to being a General than the riff raff that democrats put up in modern history.
LMAO For all you know Trump might have been the best general this country ever had.

You and I can say anything on this board and it is good for a laugh.

No, I know that he would not have been. Being a good general requires leadership and Trump lacks leadership. Trump is a boss, not a leader.

Well you may be right but for a boss he's done a pretty good job and he knows how to be a boss.
Gotta disagree with that.

My Dad served for 22 years and my brother for 20 and both were staunch conservatives.

My Dad passed in 2003 and I can guarantee you my brother would have never voted for Obama and he did vote for Trump and likes him just fine.

Lord, let God's chillins start to get my sarcasm someday....thanks, Amen

Sorry totally missed it. LOL
Draft Dodger Donnie: I Would Have Been A Good General

But of course he would have, why, he would een run into a live mass school shooting without a gun.
LMAO For all you know Trump might have been the best general this country ever had.

You and I can say anything on this board and it is good for a laugh.

No, I know that he would not have been. Being a good general requires leadership and Trump lacks leadership. Trump is a boss, not a leader.

Well you may be right but for a boss he's done a pretty good job and he knows how to be a boss.

He knows how to be a trust fund baby, a serial bankruptcy artist to the point where US banks won't go near him, and how to engage in money laundering for decades. He also knows americans worship the aristocracy and will follow anything they are told by even an illusion of a wealthy man as our messiah of prosperity.
LMAO For all you know Trump might have been the best general this country ever had.

You and I can say anything on this board and it is good for a laugh.

No, I know that he would not have been. Being a good general requires leadership and Trump lacks leadership. Trump is a boss, not a leader.

Well you may be right but for a boss he's done a pretty good job and he knows how to be a boss.
He knows how to be a trust fund baby, a serial bankruptcy artist to the point where US banks won't go near him, and engagin in money laundering fro decades. He also knows americans worship the aristoctracy and will follow anything they are told by even an illusion of wealth and power.

Well he turned that money into billions and the rest of your post is something you believe but isn't fact.

Carry on clueless.
Actually, I did vote for Bush, Sr. Twice.

Of course you did, because you're a conservative and ain't really crazy as a shit house rat. :eusa_whistle:
I know how insane truth and integrity must sound to a pseudocon tard like yourself. I understand.

You allowed yourself to become a useful idiot.
I served for 20 years on active duty, bitch.

Nice try.

Of course you did....every lifer I've ever run into turned into a leftist lunatic...yep, sure nuff.

g5000 is a far right Conservative, that is why he is against the liberal known as Trump.

Trump is the biggest spender in the history of the universe. And unfaithful adulterer to all three wives. And a liar. And he bears false witness against others every single day. And a bigot.

No conservative would ever support him.

No normal person would support this complete fail of a human being.
Bill Clinton & Obama never trashed the military, claimed to know more about ISIS than generals, Trashed war heroes, trashed gold star families, & had their Daddy pay off a doctor for a false medical report to keep little Donnie out of the draft.

Ya know, Dave, the NYTimes walked back that bullshit story....Nobody's daddy paid off any doctor for a false medical report...Dave? you still awake? No MD would risk his license to dummy up x-rays. And as a Trooper who knows, nobody with bone-spurs in their ankles could do what we were required to do. Write this on your wrist,. Dave "I promise to find a new lie to tell about Trump".
I know how insane truth and integrity must sound to a pseudocon tard like yourself. I understand.

You allowed yourself to become a useful idiot.

Uh huh, you're straight out of a Fellini movie....a commie who's really a right-winger, a pacifist who's really a lifer (branch unknown MOS unknown dd212 unknown), an Obozo cultist who's incensed about Trump "spending" and suddenly a defense hawk about Syria...you're a fun house mirror, freak

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