Drop The Screwdriver

The guy charged at cops with a screwdriver. Yeah, the cops have body armor, which is great if the crazy guy stabs them in the chest. But a stab in the face with a screwdriver would be fatal. The woman came out talking about him being schizo and talking about chopping people up. As close as that guy was, the cops drew the first weapon they could. A taser MIGHT have worked, if it went off fast enough. Pepper spray would not have stopped the guy if he took those next 2 steps.

Anyone calling these cops murderers needs to look up the 21 foot rule.
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.
I can run three feet and stab you in the neck in about one second. You think cops have fucking ninja skills or something? Here's an idea. When the cops are called as they surely were based on the womans reaction maybe you shouldn't come to the fucking door with a screwdriver in your hand! That would be a good idea.
A screwdriver. 2 cops with guns and vests... against a screwdriver.

Ninja skills? You are a pussy.
Actually you're a fucking retard and I could kill you in less than a second with full armor on. Fucking vests? Are you seriously that god damn stupid? You do realize the gun is there so you never get stabbed with a screwdriver right? This idiot got what he deserved.
The cops were never in danger. They failed in their duty.

What's the lesson from this video? Never call the police unless you're okay with someone in your family being murdered.

If I shove a scredriver through your eye socket...or through your jugular or windpipe....or into your heart....would that be in danger?
Well since the police blasted the well known, mentally ill victim with overwhelming firepower we'll never know. :cool:

Right, the police shot a mentally ill man who was charging them with a weapon. Justified shooting.
Nutz thinks the cops are supposed to drop their guns and fight with the guy
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.

They were told he was crazy and talking about chopping people up. Then he charged them with a weapon capable of killing them. Pussy? Their job is not to show how tough or brave they are. Do you want to be the one to tell his wife that he was stabbed to death because he was trying to restrain a crazy man who was attacking him with a weapon?
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.

They were told he was crazy and talking about chopping people up. Then he charged them with a weapon capable of killing them. Pussy? Their job is not to show how tough or brave they are. Do you want to be the one to tell his wife that he was stabbed to death because he was trying to restrain a crazy man who was attacking him with a weapon?
2 cops...trained to defend themselves can surely stop a man with a screwdriver. Shooting him is the pussy way out Why do we waste money on training cops to deal with such situations if they just shoot and kill? The cop was a pussy...afraid when he should have been brave. He is stealing tax payer money...he isn't qualified to be a cop on account that he is a PUSSY. This cop chose to put himself in harms way and is compensated for it...and he is trained to be tough. He is a pussy and doesn't deserve a badge.
Nutz thinks the cops are supposed to drop their guns and fight with the guy
Not at all...I think they should use appropriate force as they are trained. Billy clubs, mace, stun guns....self defense. PUSSY. Yeah...he may be justified in the end...but he should forever be branded a pussy and forced to retire.
Nutz thinks the cops are supposed to drop their guns and fight with the guy
Not at all...I think they should use appropriate force as they are trained. Billy clubs, mace, stun guns....self defense. PUSSY. Yeah...he may be justified in the end...but he should forever be branded a pussy and forced to retire.

First of all, next time you see a cop look and see where his mace and tazer are on his belt. Not right at his dominant hand. And you want them to draw a billy club from its loop while being charged by a guy with a weapon that could kill them?? If that is being macho, you equate macho with dead.

They will not be branded by anyone with sense. The guy was too close to do anything but draw the quickest weapon and the one that would absolutely stop him right away. Mace would not have done that. The taser MIGHT have, depending on how fast it hit him. But anything less than an instant stop and the cop would have been stabbed.

This idea that cops should risk their lives by acting tough is ridiculous.
Grandma should have raised him better
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.

They were told he was crazy and talking about chopping people up. Then he charged them with a weapon capable of killing them. Pussy? Their job is not to show how tough or brave they are. Do you want to be the one to tell his wife that he was stabbed to death because he was trying to restrain a crazy man who was attacking him with a weapon?
2 cops...trained to defend themselves can surely stop a man with a screwdriver. Shooting him is the pussy way out Why do we waste money on training cops to deal with such situations if they just shoot and kill? The cop was a pussy...afraid when he should have been brave. He is stealing tax payer money...he isn't qualified to be a cop on account that he is a PUSSY. This cop chose to put himself in harms way and is compensated for it...and he is trained to be tough. He is a pussy and doesn't deserve a badge.

YOU'RE RIGHT. The cops are trained to defend themselves.

A large psychotic man with a weapon charged them within a few feet.

Both cops left without a scratch.

Id say their self defense vs a weapon training...worked pretty damn well.

Had one cop lost an eye...or nearly bled out from getting stabbed in the neck...id say training failed.
The guy was told to drop the screwdriver, he saw the cops guns pointed at him. and he still came at the cop.

What's the cop supposed to do, run away?
Not be so fast to shoot someone would help,they didn't wait 2 seconds,they guy was not rushing them,this was totally unnecessary,we have a huge training problem,and some really chicken shit cops,they were NOT in mortal danger by any means. Then while they guy is expiring they still go on with the drop it,that is an excuse to use more force,at what point should we as people be able to protect our self from a out of control cop,after all dead is a one way trip
Look at how they guy was holding the screw drive,not in an attack mode at all,this is a bad shoot and there should be hell to pay for it.
The guy was told to drop the screwdriver, he saw the cops guns pointed at him. and he still came at the cop.

What's the cop supposed to do, run away?
Not be so fast to shoot someone would help,they didn't wait 2 seconds,they guy was not rushing them,this was totally unnecessary,we have a huge training problem,and some really chicken shit cops,they were NOT in mortal danger by any means. Then while they guy is expiring they still go on with the drop it,that is an excuse to use more force,at what point should we as people be able to protect our self from a out of control cop,after all dead is a one way trip
Look at how they guy was holding the screw drive,not in an attack mode at all,this is a bad shoot and there should be hell to pay for it.

Let me that close to you with a screwdriver. Youdbe dead and/or blind in 5-10 seconds. Unless you shot me of course.
so you have 30 foot arms? that guy was not a threat.if you think he was your just as chicken as the cops.
so you have 30 foot arms? that guy was not a threat.if you think he was your just as chicken as the cops.

Um...he was within 3-5 feet when he lunged.

So if I attacked you with a screwdriver and my goal was to shove that 8 inch steel rod through your eyes into your brain...or...into your neck and hopefully destroy you windpipe and jugulars....and I was within 3-5 feet if you...what would you do?

Pepper spray me? OC spray takes 30-45 seconds to "kick in". Youd be dead by then.

Taze me? Go ahead. Reach across your belt for it. You get one shot. Better work...or you're dead.

Run? Better be faster than me. With that 25 pounds of gear on...I bet you arent.

Fight me hand to hand? Better win. Or...yep you're dead again.

So which is it? Oh...and your wife is planning your kids birthday party tomorrow so you better be home tonight to help with the cake.
so you have 30 foot arms? that guy was not a threat.if you think he was your just as chicken as the cops.

30 feet? He wasn't 30 feet away from the cops from the time we first saw him.

In the video, at 1:05 he is still inside the house. He is instructed to drop the screwdriver. At 1:08 you can see the place where he will be when he is shot, so there is no indication that he has moved from the doorway. 2 seconds later he is shot. Stop the video at 1:10. He is 3 feet from where he was at 1:05, and his shirt is up on the right side, which shows his arm is raised. He had teh screwdriver in his right hand.

Plus, as the woman came out she said he was "off the chain" and "incoherent". She also said he was talking about chopping people up.

No, the cops were justified. The man was less than a step away from being able to stab the officer when he was shot.
so you have 30 foot arms? that guy was not a threat.if you think he was your just as chicken as the cops.

Um...he was within 3-5 feet when he lunged.

So if I attacked you with a screwdriver and my goal was to shove that 8 inch steel rod through your eyes into your brain...or...into your neck and hopefully destroy you windpipe and jugulars....and I was within 3-5 feet if you...what would you do?

Pepper spray me? OC spray takes 30-45 seconds to "kick in". Youd be dead by then.

Taze me? Go ahead. Reach across your belt for it. You get one shot. Better work...or you're dead.

Run? Better be faster than me. With that 25 pounds of gear on...I bet you arent.

Fight me hand to hand? Better win. Or...yep you're dead again.

So which is it? Oh...and your wife is planning your kids birthday party tomorrow so you better be home tonight to help with the cake.

so you have 30 foot arms? that guy was not a threat.if you think he was your just as chicken as the cops.

Um...he was within 3-5 feet when he lunged.

So if I attacked you with a screwdriver and my goal was to shove that 8 inch steel rod through your eyes into your brain...or...into your neck and hopefully destroy you windpipe and jugulars....and I was within 3-5 feet if you...what would you do?

Pepper spray me? OC spray takes 30-45 seconds to "kick in". Youd be dead by then.

Taze me? Go ahead. Reach across your belt for it. You get one shot. Better work...or you're dead.

Run? Better be faster than me. With that 25 pounds of gear on...I bet you arent.

Fight me hand to hand? Better win. Or...yep you're dead again.

So which is it? Oh...and your wife is planning your kids birthday party tomorrow so you better be home tonight to help with the cake.


You're a fair man. We've disagreed before but you always seem fair minded. And you're absolutely right on this one.
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.

They were told he was crazy and talking about chopping people up. Then he charged them with a weapon capable of killing them. Pussy? Their job is not to show how tough or brave they are. Do you want to be the one to tell his wife that he was stabbed to death because he was trying to restrain a crazy man who was attacking him with a weapon?
2 cops...trained to defend themselves can surely stop a man with a screwdriver. Shooting him is the pussy way out Why do we waste money on training cops to deal with such situations if they just shoot and kill? The cop was a pussy...afraid when he should have been brave. He is stealing tax payer money...he isn't qualified to be a cop on account that he is a PUSSY. This cop chose to put himself in harms way and is compensated for it...and he is trained to be tough. He is a pussy and doesn't deserve a badge.

YOU'RE RIGHT. The cops are trained to defend themselves.

A large psychotic man with a weapon charged them within a few feet.

Both cops left without a scratch.

Id say their self defense vs a weapon training...worked pretty damn well.

Had one cop lost an eye...or nearly bled out from getting stabbed in the neck...id say training failed.
Charged my ass you din't watch the clip did you,the guy din't charge,they didn't give him time to,your stretching big time if you think he charged anyone,he was twiddling the screw drive around in his hand,not in a fighting stance or grip. Cop have every right to defend themselves just as we have a right not to get killed because of authoritarian ass hole with a gun,that would rather shoot then deal with a problem.
This was totally done wrong,you call the cops and anyone can get shot.
If a citizen shot a man with a screw driver, he would be under extreme scrutiny...no? Should be the same with cops...and to add...a cop that needs to shoot someone with a screwdriver and has no injuries...doesn't need to be a cop...he is a pussy.

They were told he was crazy and talking about chopping people up. Then he charged them with a weapon capable of killing them. Pussy? Their job is not to show how tough or brave they are. Do you want to be the one to tell his wife that he was stabbed to death because he was trying to restrain a crazy man who was attacking him with a weapon?
2 cops...trained to defend themselves can surely stop a man with a screwdriver. Shooting him is the pussy way out Why do we waste money on training cops to deal with such situations if they just shoot and kill? The cop was a pussy...afraid when he should have been brave. He is stealing tax payer money...he isn't qualified to be a cop on account that he is a PUSSY. This cop chose to put himself in harms way and is compensated for it...and he is trained to be tough. He is a pussy and doesn't deserve a badge.

YOU'RE RIGHT. The cops are trained to defend themselves.

A large psychotic man with a weapon charged them within a few feet.

Both cops left without a scratch.

Id say their self defense vs a weapon training...worked pretty damn well.

Had one cop lost an eye...or nearly bled out from getting stabbed in the neck...id say training failed.
Charged my ass you din't watch the clip did you,the guy din't charge,they didn't give him time to,your stretching big time if you think he charged anyone,he was twiddling the screw drive around in his hand,not in a fighting stance or grip. Cop have every right to defend themselves just as we have a right not to get killed because of authoritarian ass hole with a gun,that would rather shoot then deal with a problem.
This was totally done wrong,you call the cops and anyone can get shot.

Um...I saw he was in the doorway. Then he was 4-5 feet outside the doorway suddenly moving towards the cop...with a weapon. All in a split second he didnt tip toe out that door.

Oh well. Another dangerous psycho chose death.

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