Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

You can sue for whatever

Proving it on the hand and not having the case dismissed immediately is another story
well again, there is an active investigation, and as such, the info in it is relevant to the suit.Meaning Trump's lawyers can request the Mueller info. without it going to court. How awesome is that?
on the stuff mueller needs for the charges he's brought will be saved for the trials....discovery to the defendants.... but on that kind of stuff we can get afterwards....
naw, the entire investigation is up for discovery at that point. Anything and everything is opened up for all to see. Doh!!!

Me thinks they ain't too bright.
me thinks they know EXACTLY what they are doing! :)
why would they give up the advantage they had? that seems irresponsible. I love it, but really, they want the mueller stuff exposed? they want to see the nothing burger in full plate?
THEY have nothing to hide my dear one! On the other hand finding out what Mueller has found out, is good for all! I hope we get to see it all! Though I doubt it....Trump will have his goons try to stop it!
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

COMEDY GOLD,Drudge has always been much more accurate in his reporting than the MSM news.LOL apples and oranges.LOL

Trump is not going to fire Mueller, who is doing a great job destroying his credibility in his obvious fishing expedition.

Perhaps not - But he WILL be firing either Sessions or Rosenstein on short order - Bet?
Using that logic they should sue themselves and the MSM, for colluding to dump Bernie.

Why not sue Barry Hussein? He was in charge.

Because we got a corrupt congress that serves the bankers instead of the people and Obomination was a servant for the bankers as well,that is WHY.

Thank god trump got in,he is the first president since carter to try and fight the deep state.same as carter,he is demonized by the corporate controlled media for doing so.
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Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

COMEDY GOLD,Drudge has always been much more accurate in his reporting than the MSM news.LOL apples and oranges.LOL

And the fact a paid shill for the government is trying to laugh it off in smileys proves it in spades.LOL
I think this lawsuit just illustrates that democrats believe their own lies
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!

Muller has no evidance. He is about to be out of a job.
by all means, keep telling yourself that! :p

Pleas, do present the evidance. 6.5 million dollars and a year and change later Muller has shit, and at least two men of authority are staring down the barrel of criminal charges. Russia is dead, been dead. There just isn’t anything to it.
no matter what it exposes Mueller's investigation and all material collected. how can you sue without the investigation information?

You can sue for whatever

Proving it on the hand and not having the case dismissed immediately is another story
well again, there is an active investigation, and as such, the info in it is relevant to the suit.Meaning Trump's lawyers can request the Mueller info. without it going to court. How awesome is that?
on the stuff mueller needs for the charges he's brought will be saved for the trials....discovery to the defendants.... but on that kind of stuff we can get afterwards....
naw, the entire investigation is up for discovery at that point. Anything and everything is opened up for all to see. Doh!!!

Me thinks they ain't too bright.
me thinks they know EXACTLY what they are doing! :)

yes, and the people with the lowest IQ's are the ones who don't think so.
well again, there is an active investigation, and as such, the info in it is relevant to the suit.Meaning Trump's lawyers can request the Mueller info. without it going to court. How awesome is that?
on the stuff mueller needs for the charges he's brought will be saved for the trials....discovery to the defendants.... but on that kind of stuff we can get afterwards....
naw, the entire investigation is up for discovery at that point. Anything and everything is opened up for all to see. Doh!!!

Me thinks they ain't too bright.
me thinks they know EXACTLY what they are doing! :)
why would they give up the advantage they had? that seems irresponsible. I love it, but really, they want the mueller stuff exposed? they want to see the nothing burger in full plate?
THEY have nothing to hide my dear one! On the other hand finding out what Mueller has found out, is good for all! I hope we get to see it all! Though I doubt it....Trump will have his goons try to stop it!
why would trump do that? Mueller has nothing. He said so. So has Rosenstein now as well.
You can sue for whatever

Proving it on the hand and not having the case dismissed immediately is another story
well again, there is an active investigation, and as such, the info in it is relevant to the suit.Meaning Trump's lawyers can request the Mueller info. without it going to court. How awesome is that?
on the stuff mueller needs for the charges he's brought will be saved for the trials....discovery to the defendants.... but on that kind of stuff we can get afterwards....
naw, the entire investigation is up for discovery at that point. Anything and everything is opened up for all to see. Doh!!!

Me thinks they ain't too bright.
me thinks they know EXACTLY what they are doing! :)

yes, and the people with the lowest IQ's are the ones who don't think so.
I can't wait to view the nothing burger exposed finally on the big plate.
Democratic Party sues Trump, Russia, WikiLeaks over 2016 email hack

WASHINGTON — Taking a page from its response to the Watergate break-in, the Democratic National Committee filed suit on Friday against President Donald Trump's campaign, the Russian government and WikiLeaks for allegedly engaging in a conspiracy to damage the Democratic Party during the 2016 presidential race.

The DNC is seeking recompense for what it says was millions of dollars in damages from Russia’s hacking of its internal emails, which were then published by WikiLeaks, with the encouragement of then-candidate Trump and his campaign.

The civil complaint, filed in federal district court in Manhattan on Friday, is unrelated to the criminal investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, as well as congressional investigations into Russian meddling.

The DNC has retained the law firm Cohen-Milstein, which has been involved in settlements for large data breaches in the past, including one against health insurer Anthem, which affected 80 million people.

The DNC's 66-page complaint lays out in the detailed alleged conspiracy among Trump, WikiLeaks and hackers working for the Russian government. “Each defendant knowingly aided, abetted, encouraged, induced, instigated, contributed and assisted” the hack and subsequent publication of the emails, the complaint alleges.

Foreign governments are generally immune from U.S. prosecution, but the DNC claims this suit falls into one of the exemptions to that law, since the hack amounted to the Russian government trespassing on the committee's private property.

More: Democratic Party sues Trump, Russia, WikiLeaks over 2016 email hack

Great move by the DNC. What do you think?
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WASHINGTON — Taking a page from its response to the Watergate break-in, the Democratic National Committee filed suit on Friday against President Donald Trump's campaign, the Russian government and WikiLeaks for allegedly engaging in a conspiracy to damage the Democratic Party during the 2016 presidential race.

The DNC is seeking recompense for what it says was millions of dollars in damages from Russia’s hacking of its internal emails, which were then published by WikiLeaks, with the encouragement of then-candidate Trump and his campaign.

The civil complaint, filed in federal district court in Manhattan on Friday, is unrelated to the criminal investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, as well as congressional investigations into Russian meddling.

More: Democratic Party sues Trump, Russia, WikiLeaks over 2016 email hack

Great move by the DNC. What do you think?

I think the DNC is so broke they are so desperate to get some cash. Doesn’t help when your base are a bunch of bottom-feeders on welfare.
This was all laid out by Soros at Nancy's Resistance Workshop.
Notice that nothing ever is proven, the goal is to regurgitate one roadblock after another. It requires the stupids to absorb the bullshit like it's fact and then react to it badly and publicly. The rest of us are so sick of you that it is having the reverse effect. The more you say, "Go south", the more we'll head north.
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