Duck Dynasty?

Are you a queer? You seem to be an expert.:confused:

The correct term is gay. I could be. Does that frighten you?

Whats the difference? When I was growing up gays insisted on queer instead of Sodomite, but now queer is wrong, though other queers use it, and we are supposed to turn another word to its use of what sodomite was once used for now?

You guys need to get over yourselves.

I know.

Almost passed out on one of my brit friends who just came over and started wailing away on fags. And how you can't suck on a fag ............omg...................


I can't breathe even thinking about it. :lol::lol::lol:
Are you a queer? You seem to be an expert.:confused:

The correct term is gay. I could be. Does that frighten you?

Yes, it does frighten many on the right.

And in essence that’s what this is all about: fear; conservative reactionaries who fear diversity and dissent.
It's not about 'fear' - I seriously doubt anybody sweats them, as a group, in a 'fear' context.

And it's not about 'diversity' - it's about perversity.

And whether the current trend at-law favoring LGBT's should be reversed in accordance with moral perspective on homosexuality held by the vast majority of the population.

Just to be clear...
Is it safe to post? Are the Bible thumpers in evening services now? I'm terrified of being condemned by Pat Robertson. He, too, has a red phone to God...

No no no...

The only red phone to God according to normal christians is the Bible.

Here's a passage right now, and on topic too:

Jude 1:

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ....

...7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities....

...16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit....

...22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:

23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
A&E thought they had another "All in the Family" a show that would mock. Instead of mockery and ridicule people took to liking the Robertsons. A&E asked the Robertsons to stop praying, they replied no. So A&E played the only card left, they had to destroy the show
Why is it only people on the right have to watch how they say things. The left calls us arsonist, terrorist, bigots, racist, granny killers, polluters and a myriad of other names and no one tells them they need to tone it down because they won't win friends or influence people. Their tactics have proven effective but by some magic circumstance it won't work for us, can you explain that?

Those on the left that call you "arsonists and terrorists" and mean it should be ashamed of themselves.

That being said, the doctrine of the left is acceptance of same sex marriage, a woman's right to reproductive choice, benefits for same sex couples, equal pay for women. The policies of the right is to oppose all of those things.

This is why "it won't work" for you.

candyass you really are a piece of work, fag marriage will be a passing fad that will not stand the test of time. Women's reproductive choice ends when she decides to crawl in bed with a person capable of knocking them up and they don't take proper precautions, after all that's when the guy choice ends. Don't you believe in sexual equality? And show me where anyone on the right opposes a woman making the same as a man if she is really doing the same job, hell when I had my business I paid men differently that were technically in the same job because some were more productive than others.

So much hate from such a small person.. How do you do it?
Those on the left that call you "arsonists and terrorists" and mean it should be ashamed of themselves.

That being said, the doctrine of the left is acceptance of same sex marriage, a woman's right to reproductive choice, benefits for same sex couples, equal pay for women. The policies of the right is to oppose all of those things.

This is why "it won't work" for you.

candyass you really are a piece of work, fag marriage will be a passing fad that will not stand the test of time. Women's reproductive choice ends when she decides to crawl in bed with a person capable of knocking them up and they don't take proper precautions, after all that's when the guy choice ends. Don't you believe in sexual equality? And show me where anyone on the right opposes a woman making the same as a man if she is really doing the same job, hell when I had my business I paid men differently that were technically in the same job because some were more productive than others.

So much hate from such a small person.. How do you do it?

Too gutless to address my points, loser.
I just did though. What on earth do you think you can do about it?

What is the correct term du jour? This does get tedious you know.

The correct term is already posted. If you are tired or tired looking go get some sleep.

If conservatives don’t respect the civil liberties of gay and lesbian Americans, then it comes as no surprise they refuse to respect them as individuals.

And of course that’s consistent with the fearful reactionary right: in order to justify and promote their agenda hostile to the civil liberties of homosexuals, they seek to demonize and dehumanize gays; once perceived as ‘not worthy’ of 14th Amendment protections, it helps facilitate the process of denying gays their civil liberties in state legislatures and in the courts.
Those on the left that call you "arsonists and terrorists" and mean it should be ashamed of themselves.

That being said, the doctrine of the left is acceptance of same sex marriage, a woman's right to reproductive choice, benefits for same sex couples, equal pay for women. The policies of the right is to oppose all of those things.

This is why "it won't work" for you.

candyass you really are a piece of work, fag marriage will be a passing fad that will not stand the test of time. Women's reproductive choice ends when she decides to crawl in bed with a person capable of knocking them up and they don't take proper precautions, after all that's when the guy choice ends. Don't you believe in sexual equality? And show me where anyone on the right opposes a woman making the same as a man if she is really doing the same job, hell when I had my business I paid men differently that were technically in the same job because some were more productive than others.

So much hate from such a small person.. How do you do it?

Ignorance and fear have a lot to do with it; and in fact hate and fear are very closely related emotions – some might say the same emotion.

And the use of a term such as “fag marriage” is an expression of a conservative very much afraid of change and diversity, and consequently hostile to the civil liberties of those perceived to be ‘different.’

This of course is why we have a Constitution, to protect Americans from the hate and ignorance exhibited by so many conservatives.
I dont see how that keeps them from being backwoods, dirty, white trash? Just look at them and look at their views. David Duke is the same and he ran for office. I just dont get your point in mentioning that.

Asclepias, with your saying that, I'm going to assume that you've watched the show?
I will agree:

1. They are literally backwoods.
2. Sometimes the men are dirty. They've given rational reasons for wearing dirty clothing, while hunting ducks.
3. The beards-according to Willie (the CEO) are partially for marketing.
4. I don't think that ALL of them have the exact same beliefs, as Phil.
5. White trash-would not describe them very accurately, because they aren't financially poor, claiming that they're inferior to subjective, but in the old definition...they would be white trash, because they aren't slave owners.

I've known MANY wealthy people, who wear overalls daily. My uncle was worth about $40 million when he died, and was buried in a denim shirt, jeans, and a Members Only jacket. He could have been perceived as being white trash, because he'd dropped out of school, at age 13.
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I dont see how that keeps them from being backwoods, dirty, white trash? Just look at them and look at their views. David Duke is the same and he ran for office. I just dont get your point in mentioning that.

Asclepias, with your saying that, I'm going to assume that you've watched the show?
I will agree:

1. They are literally backwoods.
2. Sometimes the men are dirty. They've given rational reasons for wearing dirty clothing, while hunting ducks.
3. The beards-according to Willie (the CEO) are partially for marketing.
4. I don't think that ALL of them have the exact same beliefs, as Phil.
5. White trash-would not describe them very accurately, because they aren't financially poor, claiming that they're inferior to subjective, but in the old definition...they would be white trash, because they aren't slave owners.

I've known MANY wealthy people, who wear overalls daily. My uncle was worth about $40 million when he died, and was buried in a denim shirt, jeans, and a Members Only jacket. He could have been perceived as being white trash, because he dropped out of school, at age 13.

I watched a couple of minutes of one show and saw what was going on some time ago. Never watched it again. To me white trash doesn't necessarily have anything to do with money. i dont think all white people fit that mold at all. Matter of fact I have met many upstanding white people. This guy saying Black people had no issue with Jim Crow ranks up there as one of the stupidest comments I have ever heard someone say. Thats pure ignorance talking.
I dont see how that keeps them from being backwoods, dirty, white trash? Just look at them and look at their views. David Duke is the same and he ran for office. I just dont get your point in mentioning that.

Asclepias, with your saying that, I'm going to assume that you've watched the show?
I will agree:

1. They are literally backwoods.
2. Sometimes the men are dirty. They've given rational reasons for wearing dirty clothing, while hunting ducks.
3. The beards-according to Willie (the CEO) are partially for marketing.
4. I don't think that ALL of them have the exact same beliefs, as Phil.
5. White trash-would not describe them very accurately, because they aren't financially poor, claiming that they're inferior to subjective, but in the old definition...they would be white trash, because they aren't slave owners.

I've known MANY wealthy people, who wear overalls daily. My uncle was worth about $40 million when he died, and was buried in a denim shirt, jeans, and a Members Only jacket. He could have been perceived as being white trash, because he dropped out of school, at age 13.

I watched a couple of minutes of one show and saw what was going on some time ago. Never watched it again. To me white trash doesn't necessarily have anything to do with money. i dont think all white people fit that mold at all. Matter of fact I have met many upstanding white people. This guy saying Black people had no issue with Jim Crow ranks up there as one of the stupidest comments I have ever heard someone say. Thats pure ignorance talking.

I don't care for the show, but I don't believe they are any kind of trash, these are smart people that have marketed themselves very well.

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