Duck Dynasty?

I thought the only thing unforgiveable was blasphemy?
Not an expert on the bible, so pardon if I am in error.
Your non-sequitur aside, I'm not seeking your forgiveness. I'm seeking consistency in the fanatical position that some sins are acceptable whereas others are not.

The only sin that isn't forgivable is the non-repentant sin.

Phil knows this as do all Christians. The homosexuals of today are not only non-repentant they actually are forcing their queer agenda upon the rest of us regardless of our beliefs.

Your push to normalize a sin has taken on a life of its own. Phil isn't blind to that nor or any of us from the right.

We know the left's MO and we're standing up to it.

You hate that. We get it.
You dumbfuck. Even the House can't pass a budget without the approval of the Senate and the president. Don't you know that??

But even dumber than that -- you said Democrats controlled the Congress during those years. How fucking rightarded is that?

All spending bills have to originate in the House and the Dems had the balls to make the GOP respect that.

Too bad historical facts are inconvenient to your lies.
You said Democrats controlled the Congress. You can't get any dumber than saying that than actually trying [and failing] to defend such idiocy. The Democrats controlled the House, not the Congress. They didn't control the Senate and they didn't control the Executive branch.

But fear not, your ignorance in U.S. civics was noted.

And BTW, where does the Bible say that keeping kosher is a sin? or being Jewish?

You lie, lie, lie but still lie some more.
Again, I said nothing about Judaism being a sin. I said the Bible states eating cloved hoofed beasts is a sin...

Leviticus 11

7 and the swine, though he divide the hoof and is cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud, he is unclean to you.

8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

9 “‘These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you.

11 They shall be even an abomination unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall hold their carcasses in abomination.

LOL! Even after you've been told multiple times in this thread you insist on quoting the OT to "prove" your point. Obviously, you aren't interested in talking about the topic in a truthful way.

Not surprising.
LRN....soon as you get your posts to 50...I can pm ya!

ok....carry on. Just a quickie message to my friend LRN.
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?
But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.

That's the same old shopworn argument that always comes out just before the left starts dropping the "homophobe" and "closet gay" comments.

It's the first flag of defeat you fly.

It's just unfathomable for you to believe that we believe in The Bible and what it says. It's then that the name calling comes forth.

haters, bigots, closet homosexuals, homophobes - it's the MO of the liberal. It's their mantra.
Again, sin is sin. If what you're saying is true, that sinners must stop their sinful ways, that would apply to folks like Robertson, who continue to sin by eating cloved hoofed animals, eat shellfish, or wear clothes made from blended fabrics. Unless they stop their sinning ways, why would they still be accepted into the kingdom of G-d, but not homosexuals?

I don't know what to tell you. You conveniently continue to ignore that Jesus was the fulfillment of the old Law and that a new system was put into place by the hand of God through Jesus.

You insist that we cater to your notion that the OT still applies. Our belief and conviction is that it doesn't.

If that's what you think I'm saying then you don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not saying Christians should be adhering to OT laws. I'm saying that homosexuality is just one of the many sins defined in the Bible and that it's hypocritical to claim that gays are the only Christ accepting sinners who will be denied the kingdom of G-d for their sins.

He quoted 1 Corinthians and he didn't single out gays, and didn't say if they accepted Christ they would be denied. Have you read what Duck guy said?
Sin is sin. Again, show me where the Bible says only certain sins are condemnable....

He didn't say that, you did.

So if all sins are treated the same, how is Robertson, an unrepentant hog eater, going to inherit the kingdom of G-d, whereas homosexuals are not?

Either they're all "in" or they're all "out," isn't that right?

You refuse to answer a single damned question you are just full of shit, hate and lies.

The Bible does not condemn as sin not keeping kosher, that is OT for Jews, not Christians, dude.
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?
But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because the queers at GLAAD threatened Cracker Barel and A+E for not punishing Phil Robertson for speaking about his religious beliefs.

If that doesn't bother you, little fascist, then fuck off we are not addressing you, shit pants.
I thought the only thing unforgiveable was blasphemy?
Not an expert on the bible, so pardon if I am in error.

[blas-feem, blas-feem] Show IPA

verb (used with object), blas·phemed, blas·phem·ing.
to speak impiously or irreverently of (God or sacred things).

Wouldn't homosexuals claiming homosexuality is not an abomination before God be blasphemy? Yes, I think it qualifies. Here's what the Bible says about homosexuality:

Jude 1:

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ....

...7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities....

...16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit....

...22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:

23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

In today's langauge this means "hey, remember we told you that homosexuality and any physical sexual indulgence is not OK. Remember how we destroyed two cities to make that implicitly clear to you how we feel about the topic? We are calling upon those of you who remember this obvious lesson and stance that God holds, to get active in opposing it or else you will be judged along with these wrongdoers via your complacency in doing nothing to stop it. Use compassion when dealing with them but do not hesitate to call them out on their BS. You need to do this to pull them [and yourselves] out of Big Pit."

It is blasphemy to ignore the warnings in Jude.

Just know...if you want to get literal about definitions of words and what they actually stand for...
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?
But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because the queers at GLAAD threatened Cracker Barel and A+E for not punishing Phil Robertson for speaking about his religious beliefs.

If that doesn't bother you, little fascist, then fuck off we are not addressing you, shit pants.

You are obviously in the closet. Everyone can see you though.
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because it is the Christians duty to worry about sinners, to save as many sinners from eternal death as we can.
Every single one of us are sinners and without Christ's birth and death none of us would have a chance at eternal life.
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?
But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because the queers at GLAAD threatened Cracker Barel and A+E for not punishing Phil Robertson for speaking about his religious beliefs.

If that doesn't bother you, little fascist, then fuck off we are not addressing you, shit pants.

You are obviously in the closet. Everyone can see you though.

heheheh, lolol
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because it is the Christians duty to worry about sinners, to save as many sinners from eternal death as we can.
Every single one of us are sinners and without Christ's birth and death none of us would have a chance at eternal life.

Maybe yours do, I will help those that come to me, but its on them if they don't.

I am just sick to death of the PC fascists scaring people into compliance with threats, forcing various businesses to fire people for simply expressing their beliefs.

That is un-American and fascist.
No one is forcing any "queer agenda" on me.
Sounds as if some of you are a little intimidated with maybe being tempted or something.
Why else are folks so hell bent on worrying what gay folks do and think?
But folks that spend their cash have a right to bitch and moan all they want and the ones paying the cash and obtaining the X on the contract rule the day.
Be they gay, queer, straight, bipolar or homosapien.
But watch out for them thespians.

Because the queers at GLAAD threatened Cracker Barel and A+E for not punishing Phil Robertson for speaking about his religious beliefs.

If that doesn't bother you, little fascist, then fuck off we are not addressing you, shit pants.

Get real time and put the pipe down.
Yesterday Cracker Barrel reached an agreement with whoever or whatever "queer" group and they now are selling Quack junk in their stores again.
Go tonight and get your Quack camo crayons and coloring book with your meal.
More power to them because I eat there no matter what they or anyone do/does.
But keep up the compliments. Your fear, intimidation and perceived threats by gay folk define you very well.
I agree with what you said in principle and love the cat

It's just that all the "fagtivist".."commie assholes" and such tends to alienate people who otherwise agree with your basic stance of pushing back at the gay agenda. If you're looking for numbers on your side to combat numbers on the opposing side, grandma always said it's best to lure flies with honey and not vinegar. You get that, right?

I mean, I'm kind of a "commie asshole" when it comes to other topics like wanting universal healthcare, green energy and such. And I have a thick skin so your comments just make me laugh. But some "commie assholes" who are on your side about the gay marriage thing and what's happening to Duck Dynasty etc might get really offended if they are on the fence and decide to side with the gays just to spite "people like you". So you can see how if you are engaged in a cause to defeat another cause, that that might be counterproductive. No?

Why is it only people on the right have to watch how they say things. The left calls us arsonist, terrorist, bigots, racist, granny killers, polluters and a myriad of other names and no one tells them they need to tone it down because they won't win friends or influence people. Their tactics have proven effective but by some magic circumstance it won't work for us, can you explain that?

Those on the left that call you "arsonists and terrorists" and mean it should be ashamed of themselves.

That being said, the doctrine of the left is acceptance of same sex marriage, a woman's right to reproductive choice, benefits for same sex couples, equal pay for women. The policies of the right is to oppose all of those things.

This is why "it won't work" for you.

candyass you really are a piece of work, fag marriage will be a passing fad that will not stand the test of time. Women's reproductive choice ends when she decides to crawl in bed with a person capable of knocking them up and they don't take proper precautions, after all that's when the guy choice ends. Don't you believe in sexual equality? And show me where anyone on the right opposes a woman making the same as a man if she is really doing the same job, hell when I had my business I paid men differently that were technically in the same job because some were more productive than others.

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