Earth just had hottest 12 months in recorded history

The last 12 months were 1.33C (2.4F) above preindustrial temperatures. And that does take West Antarctica into account.

No it didn't. You are lying as usual.

Recorded history goes back over three thousand years and we no idea what the world wide temperature was back then or even now.

You are always confused about things like this, aren't you?

Do you have any plans to ever pull your Environmental Wacko head out of your ass?
Recorded history goes back over three thousand years and we no idea what the world wide temperature was back then or even now.
Anything before the industrial revolution (not counting the 1930s of course) doesn't count!
They use a model that fails empirical verification to make these claims. Then ignore basic scientific practice and make claims their own measuring equipment says is impossible due to its PHYSICAL limitations. They lie blatantly as if it is fact. The desperation to keep the AGW lie alive is stunning.
Anything before the industrial revolution (not counting the 1930s of course) doesn't count!
These Wackos always fail to mention how hot it must have been during the Roman Warming Period or the Medieval Warming Period.

I wonder how warm it was during the time Yucatan Peninsular suffered the couple hundred years of drought that destroyed the Mayan civilization? What do you think?

The thing about now is that we can't believe anything that we hear from the Wackos. They have been caught lying so many times their credibility is completely shot.

Then you have the problem of separating natural from man made. These stupid wackos are obsessed with their AGW bullshit. There is absolutely no credible scientific proof that any climate change is caused by man made activities.
How do we fix it? Will we save the planet by convincing these ignorant rednecks that the scientists aren't lying to us?
I thought the Paris Accord was supposed to fix this? Hundreds of billions of dollars burnt, err, i mean "invested" (huh?).Oh yeah right, China isn't bound as they are a "developing nation". The worlds.greatest polluter who increased emissions 10% year over year while the rest of the world decreased by 1% wll be arriiving on Wednesday to ask you to pony up more cash for them. Their intelligence agencies deserve a major pay increase. Well played China, well played.
How do we fix it? Will we save the planet by convincing these ignorant rednecks that the scientists aren't lying to us?
Stop all funding of pro ACC/AGW "research" and it will go away when those "scientists" have to do real work and real science
How do we fix it?
You can't fix it....That's the point....Find a "problem" that is intractable, claim that you can "fix it", and you have a grift for life....As previously mentioned, think "war on poverty".
Will we save the planet by convincing these ignorant rednecks that the scientists aren't lying to us?
There are thousands of scientists who say that there's either not a problem at all or that it's greatly exaggerated...Are they lying?
How do we fix it? Will we save the planet by convincing these ignorant rednecks that the scientists aren't lying to us?
Presenting facts that can be verified and proven is a start. These people hide their methods and data from others who want to check the veracity of their claims. These people make wild claims knowing the equipment used to gather the data has an MOE of +/- 1 deg C. Their tenths of a degree warmer are in the MOE and cannot be verified.

How about we start doing science how it was meant to be done, openly and allowing others to check their work outside of the alarmist echo chamber.
You can't fix it....That's the point....Find a "problem" that is intractable, claim that you can "fix it", and you have a grift for life....As previously mentioned, think "war on poverty".

There are thousands of scientists who say that there's either not a problem at all or that it's greatly exaggerated...Are they lying?
Almost no scientists are saying that AGW is not happening.

The disagreement is over the severity of the threat. Not all scientists agree with the hair on fire outlook. Some scientists think it's not so bad. Some scientists think it's too late, etc. Views vary, but almost all of them agree and understand that it is happening.
Almost no scientists are saying that AGW is not happening.
Nonsense...Over 30,000 have signed the Oregon Petition alone.
The disagreement is over the severity of the threat. Not all scientists agree with the hair on fire outlook. Some scientists think it's too late. Views vary, but almost all of them agree and understand that it is happening.
Wrong again....There's tons of disagreement...Get your ear out of the media echo chamber.
Nonsense...Over 30,000 have signed the Oregon Petition alone.

Wrong again....There's tons of disagreement...Get your ear out of the media echo chamber.
30,000 scientists said that AGW is not happening at all? No, I think you're confused. The scientists are saying that it's not a catastrophe. There are reputable scientists that feel that way. That we have exaggerated and are panicking too much. That doesn't mean that they're saying the climate scientists are lying or are wrong about AGW existing.

What you said doesn't even make sense. You told me I'm wrong and that there's tons of disagreement when the text you quoted literally said that there is a lot of disagreement about certain things. It's like you didn't even read what I said.
How do we fix it? Will we save the planet by convincing these ignorant rednecks that the scientists aren't lying to us?
We don't "fix" jackshit.

Natural climate change has been going on ever since the earth was formed. Except for The Boring Billion climate change has been a frequent event.

Climate change has been the cause of 99% of all the species that ever lived on earth to become extinct.

There is absolutely no credible evidence that humans have affected the climate. All we have are a stupid non scientific correlation, shit in and shit out computer models paid for with Wacko research money and a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data.

What we have to do is what all species have to do to survive climate change. We adapt. Just like our ancestors had to adapt to the Ice Age. Humans are good at adapting. We live in the both the warmest and coldest areas on the planet.

The last ten thousand years have been a time of really great climate for humans. It allowed us to go from a few hundred thousand people to eight billion. However, it ain't gonna last.

One of the days the last human will die. If we don't die from war, comet impact or a Chinese virus it will probably be because of climate change.
Almost no scientists are saying that AGW is not happening.

The disagreement is over the severity of the threat. Not all scientists agree with the hair on fire outlook. Some scientists think it's too late. Views vary, but almost all of them agree and understand that it is happening.
This is a false statement. No scientist would make an AGW claim if they were doing real science. First and foremost, they have not done the work to rule out natural variation factors. How can you make these claims without knowledge of the systems and all of the components which affect it? Todays Climate Alarmists took limited information and ran with it. That is why over 60,000 scientists refuse to jump on the AGW band wagon. They see factors like land use changes and UHI (Urban Heat Islands) which affect the global average not being addressed and the running with a political control narrative. The fraud is blatant and obvious. Yet we are the ones called deniers of science when it is they themselves denying the science.

First rule in politics is to blame your opponent of that which you yourself is doing.

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