CDZ Economic Carnage Is Coming

I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Sure I agree with all that. What was your point again?

You just pointed out that the Fed is fighting against runaway printing of money. Yes, I agree with that.

So.... Ok what?
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
There are people still using the gold standard.

They buy gold

So yea I do recommend the gold standard more so when idiotic governments print fake money
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Sure I agree with all that. What was your point again?

You just pointed out that the Fed is fighting against runaway printing of money. Yes, I agree with that.

So.... Ok what?
No the Fed said not to print money, then started printing money itself

Please pay attention
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Do you understand the concept of inflation?


If China sells $1 trillion in T-Bills, how does that cause inflation?

Take you best shot. In your own words.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Sure I agree with all that. What was your point again?

You just pointed out that the Fed is fighting against runaway printing of money. Yes, I agree with that.

So.... Ok what?
No the Fed said not to print money, then started printing money itself

Please pay attention

No the Fed said not to print money,

The Fed said not to follow AOC's advice to print money to pay the government's bills.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Do you understand the concept of inflation?


If China sells $1 trillion in T-Bills, how does that cause inflation?

Take you best shot. In your own words.
You are really not very bright

Was that supposed to help any of your claims?

It failed.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
There are people still using the gold standard.

They buy gold

So yea I do recommend the gold standard more so when idiotic governments print fake money

Well yes. You can do that. I have yet to meet anyone that worked out well for.

So for example I knew this guy at a company I worked for, and he bought a bunch of gold in 2011.

Now if you know what happened after 2011.... The price of gold fell by nearly half.

Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 2.15.42 PM.png

Now you could say that prices, extremely recently have gone back up, and that's true.....

But he found out something the hard way.... You can't pay bills with gold. Believe it or not, when your mortgage is due, you can't mail them a bar of gold.

I can't remember if he said he had to sell in 2014 or 2015, but I know he said he lost nearly half the value. Between the transaction fees, and storage cost, he lost half the value he purchased gold with. If you want to turn $1000 into $500, buy yourself some gold right now. Prices are good an high.

Gold is a garbage investment. You can do want you want of course, I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. But my recommendation is, buy mutual funds in company stocks.

I've doubled my money. Even to this day right now, with my portfolio value depressed.... I still have double the value I put in. Roughly a 110% return on investment.

And when this whole thing blows over, and stock prices go back up, I'll likely have a vastly larger return on my investment.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Do you understand the concept of inflation?


If China sells $1 trillion in T-Bills, how does that cause inflation?

Take you best shot. In your own words.
You are really not very bright

Was that supposed to help any of your claims?

It failed.
Because you are a following shrinky dinky

What's it like always following and never leading?

Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

“With all due respect sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour.”
- Gene Kranz
I disagree, 1987, 2001, 2008, and 2020 are far from our finest hour.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
There are people still using the gold standard.

They buy gold

So yea I do recommend the gold standard more so when idiotic governments print fake money

Well yes. You can do that. I have yet to meet anyone that worked out well for.

So for example I knew this guy at a company I worked for, and he bought a bunch of gold in 2011.

Now if you know what happened after 2011.... The price of gold fell by nearly half.

View attachment 330936

Now you could say that prices, extremely recently have gone back up, and that's true.....

But he found out something the hard way.... You can't pay bills with gold. Believe it or not, when your mortgage is due, you can't mail them a bar of gold.

I can't remember if he said he had to sell in 2014 or 2015, but I know he said he lost nearly half the value. Between the transaction fees, and storage cost, he lost half the value he purchased gold with. If you want to turn $1000 into $500, buy yourself some gold right now. Prices are good an high.

Gold is a garbage investment. You can do want you want of course, I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. But my recommendation is, buy mutual funds in company stocks.

I've doubled my money. Even to this day right now, with my portfolio value depressed.... I still have double the value I put in. Roughly a 110% return on investment.

And when this whole thing blows over, and stock prices go back up, I'll likely have a vastly larger return on my investment.
1 million dollars in confederate gold was worth exactly the same as 1 million in confederate paper money at one time. A day later the gold price was still one million and the paper was burned in the stove for warmth as it had no value

The purpose of Obamacare was not to provide healthcare but to bankrupt the USA as is shutting down the economy. They predicted a lot more patients that did not materialize
Last edited:
Prior the corona virus, we as consumers had a great deal of debt and not much in the way of savings.

Which consumers?
One-third of American households have zero savings and 60 percent have less than $1000.

Consumer debt is now more than double the amount prior to the last housing crisis, student loans are now more than $1.6 trillion, and the combined consumer credit of households and nonprofits is over $4 trillion. OK, this debt is not evenly distributed across the population, as some people have enormous debts relative to their ability to pay and some have none.

On one hand we have no savings, and on the other we have huge debt

And on the third hand, we have even more assets.

We? Who exactly? And which assets?
Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

“With all due respect sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour.”
- Gene Kranz
I disagree, 1987, 2001, 2008, and 2020 are far from our finest hour.

I wouldn't put 1987 and 2008, in the same group as 2001 and 2020.

In fact, even 2001 and 2020 are different.

1987 and 2008, were government created problems.

In 1987, the cause was removal of tax cuts, that changed the value of owning property. As a result, there was a large shake up in property markets.

In 2008, that was a bubble created by government pushing sub-prime loans.

So it's hard to claim "that's are finest hour" when it was government that created the disaster to be recovered from.

Not to mention, the recovered was made much worse by burdensome government intervention.

2001, was an attack, and a dot-com burst. Neither of which were directly created by government, but they were recovered from.

2020 is different. Nothing we did caused this. But we're dealing with it. So yeah, I think we're doing pretty good.
FEAR is part of the problem.
People stop spending when they are afraid.
When people stop spending it causes the economy to shrink.
We need to be optimistic.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
There are people still using the gold standard.

They buy gold

So yea I do recommend the gold standard more so when idiotic governments print fake money

Well yes. You can do that. I have yet to meet anyone that worked out well for.

So for example I knew this guy at a company I worked for, and he bought a bunch of gold in 2011.

Now if you know what happened after 2011.... The price of gold fell by nearly half.

View attachment 330936

Now you could say that prices, extremely recently have gone back up, and that's true.....

But he found out something the hard way.... You can't pay bills with gold. Believe it or not, when your mortgage is due, you can't mail them a bar of gold.

I can't remember if he said he had to sell in 2014 or 2015, but I know he said he lost nearly half the value. Between the transaction fees, and storage cost, he lost half the value he purchased gold with. If you want to turn $1000 into $500, buy yourself some gold right now. Prices are good an high.

Gold is a garbage investment. You can do want you want of course, I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. But my recommendation is, buy mutual funds in company stocks.

I've doubled my money. Even to this day right now, with my portfolio value depressed.... I still have double the value I put in. Roughly a 110% return on investment.

And when this whole thing blows over, and stock prices go back up, I'll likely have a vastly larger return on my investment.
1 million dollars in confederate gold was worth exactly the same as i million in confederate paper money at one time. A day later the gold price was still one million and the paper was burned in the stove for warmth as it had no value

The purpose of Obamacare was not to provide healthcare but to bankrupt the USA as is shutting down the economy. They predicted a lot more patients that did not materialize

Not factually true.

It was not backed by hard assets, but simply by a promise to pay the bearer after the war, on the prospect of Southern victory and independence. As the war began to tilt against the Confederates, confidence in the currency diminished, and inflation followed.

So no, one confederate dollars was not worth the same in confederate gold. The value of the Confederate dollar went up and down, and mostly down as the war dragged on, and it seemed less likely they would win.

And it was never directly backed by hard assets to begin with.

The purpose of Obamacare was not to provide healthcare but to bankrupt the USA as is shutting down the economy. They predicted a lot more patients that did not materialize

You are stumbling into a assumption. The fact things didn't turn out as expected, does not automatically mean something nefarious was going on.

Nor do I actually think Obama's goal was to destroy the country. Remember, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

I never once suggested that Obama had bad intentions. Doesn't matter. Socialism doesn't work. The more we socialize, the worse it will get.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
There are people still using the gold standard.

They buy gold

So yea I do recommend the gold standard more so when idiotic governments print fake money

Well yes. You can do that. I have yet to meet anyone that worked out well for.

So for example I knew this guy at a company I worked for, and he bought a bunch of gold in 2011.

Now if you know what happened after 2011.... The price of gold fell by nearly half.

View attachment 330936

Now you could say that prices, extremely recently have gone back up, and that's true.....

But he found out something the hard way.... You can't pay bills with gold. Believe it or not, when your mortgage is due, you can't mail them a bar of gold.

I can't remember if he said he had to sell in 2014 or 2015, but I know he said he lost nearly half the value. Between the transaction fees, and storage cost, he lost half the value he purchased gold with. If you want to turn $1000 into $500, buy yourself some gold right now. Prices are good an high.

Gold is a garbage investment. You can do want you want of course, I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. But my recommendation is, buy mutual funds in company stocks.

I've doubled my money. Even to this day right now, with my portfolio value depressed.... I still have double the value I put in. Roughly a 110% return on investment.

And when this whole thing blows over, and stock prices go back up, I'll likely have a vastly larger return on my investment.
1 million dollars in confederate gold was worth exactly the same as i million in confederate paper money at one time. A day later the gold price was still one million and the paper was burned in the stove for warmth as it had no value

The purpose of Obamacare was not to provide healthcare but to bankrupt the USA as is shutting down the economy. They predicted a lot more patients that did not materialize

Not factually true.

It was not backed by hard assets, but simply by a promise to pay the bearer after the war, on the prospect of Southern victory and independence. As the war began to tilt against the Confederates, confidence in the currency diminished, and inflation followed.

So no, one confederate dollars was not worth the same in confederate gold. The value of the Confederate dollar went up and down, and mostly down as the war dragged on, and it seemed less likely they would win.

And it was never directly backed by hard assets to begin with.

The purpose of Obamacare was not to provide healthcare but to bankrupt the USA as is shutting down the economy. They predicted a lot more patients that did not materialize

You are stumbling into a assumption. The fact things didn't turn out as expected, does not automatically mean something nefarious was going on.

Nor do I actually think Obama's goal was to destroy the country. Remember, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

I never once suggested that Obama had bad intentions. Doesn't matter. Socialism doesn't work. The more we socialize, the worse it will get.
What I said was factually absolutely true after the civil war. The fact that white supremacist now collect confederate notes does not impress me.

Copper 1943 pennies impress me
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

If you do not know what dissipate means

I know what dissipate means.
I don't know what your claim about China selling assets causing our economy to dissipate means.

So explain it.

How does China selling $1 trillion in Treasuries cause our economy to evaporate, disappear, vanish?

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

T-bills aren't backed by gold.

She (assuming that esalla is she) doesn't know what's she's talking about.

First, Even if China sells assets, they do not disappear, someone has to buys them.
Second, they cannot just send them back and demand cash, since they're long term based, for what they're getting paid interest. If they sell them, ownership changes, everything else, including terms stays the same.
FEAR is part of the problem.
People stop spending when they are afraid.
When people stop spending it causes the economy to shrink.
We need to be optimistic.

The best sentence of the day.

We are being pumped by False Evidence Appearing Real.

Main stream media is obsessed overstating the mortality numbers to gain audience. Government authorities are tossing a lot of alarming numbers at us. Eighty percent of the reported deaths are caused by other co-morbid diseases, but were counted as COVID-19. Most of these people were headed for their deathbed within days regardless of the virus. With numbers appearing so high, we developed fear of those numbers.

Out of 66,000 that have succumbed to COVID-19 corona virus infections, roughly 54,000 of them died of an age related disease (cancer, heart disease, diabetes), not the corona virus, and only 12,000 were actually verified by (flawed) lab testing, and even among these, there were a lot of false positives. The patients were sick, but overwhelmed to some other bacterium or virus. The corona virus show has become a Las Vegas stage trick, that took no more than handful of deaths among one million people.

When corona virus deaths rose steeply, suddenly there was a sharp corresponding decline in pneumonia deaths. That wasn’t a body count it was a paperwork adjustment. All that was being done was to shift some of the 50,000 pneumonia deaths that occur each year into different column in their spread sheet, the column that says "COVID-19 related deaths". Corona virus death are not additional deaths to all the other deaths we have every year, it replaces the other deaths by simply moving them from other columns in the death chart to "corona virus" column.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money

Do you understand the concept of inflation?


If China sells $1 trillion in T-Bills, how does that cause inflation?

Take you best shot. In your own words.
You are really not very bright

Was that supposed to help any of your claims?

It failed.
Because you are a following shrinky dinky

What's it like always following and never leading?

I agree, when it comes to idiocy, you're the leader.
Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

“With all due respect sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour.”
- Gene Kranz
I disagree, 1987, 2001, 2008, and 2020 are far from our finest hour.

Prior the corona virus, we as consumers had a great deal of debt and not much in the way of savings.

Which consumers?
One-third of American households have zero savings and 60 percent have less than $1000.

Consumer debt is now more than double the amount prior to the last housing crisis, student loans are now more than $1.6 trillion, and the combined consumer credit of households and nonprofits is over $4 trillion. OK, this debt is not evenly distributed across the population, as some people have enormous debts relative to their ability to pay and some have none.

On one hand we have no savings, and on the other we have huge debt

And on the third hand, we have even more assets.

We? Who exactly? And which assets?

One-third of American households have zero savings and 60 percent have less than $1000.

I've never believed those BS polls.

Consumer debt is now more than double the amount prior to the last housing crisis,



student loans are now more than $1.6 trillion,

Yeah, government student loans, worst idea ever.

and the combined consumer credit of households and nonprofits is over $4 trillion.

And the combined net worth was $118 trillion.


We? Who exactly? And which assets?

All of us. All of them.

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