CDZ Economic Carnage Is Coming

I'm more of an optimist than some on this thread. There is going to be (IMO) 2-3 quarters of hurt as the economy is gearing up again.
Most places in the US weren't hit has hard as the 4-5 states that got nailed. Those other states will get back to normal a lot sooner and
will lead the way for those other hard hit states. This event overall, is a short lived event in the scheme of things. Our economy was fairly
strong before the virus and had good numbers right up to when the virus hit, so there weren't a lot of other negatives affecting us.
Our local "leaders" have just extended the cower in place edict for another month.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
You first.
I am just pointing out that everything is either made in china or has parts made in china. A computer fully made in the USA might cost 5,000 dollars and be half as fast
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
Not defaulting.... Making China pay.
By coming up with a price if a price can actually be put on it now. Them getting the hell out of our lives would be a great starter, and us getting the hell out of that communist hell hole would be in conjunction with it all. We have traitor's among us, and they need to be sought out, and then everything that they made off of these Chinese communist stripped from them as payment also.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
As if we can't make the crap ourselves.
Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...

This is spending by the US Treasury, funded by borrowing, no inflationary impact.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
You first.
I am just pointing out that everything is either made in china or has parts made in china. A computer fully made in the USA might cost 5,000 dollars and be half as fast
Really, and you know this how ?? Have faith in America, we ain't so ignorant that we don't know how to make products in quantities, and then based upon demand place the price to where everybody wins for those products created.
I'm more of an optimist than some on this thread. There is going to be (IMO) 2-3 quarters of hurt as the economy is gearing up again.

I would agree with you until debt, and leverage, and credit default swaps come into play :(

Did I mention derivatives?
Wiping out a lot of debt and screwing over the peasants seems to be a possibility.

Derivatives add up to over a thousand-trillion dollars.

If even 1 or 2% of them default...the world is bankrupt.

Warren buffet called derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction".

If even 1 or 2% of them default...the world is bankrupt.

How does a derivative "default"?

Warren buffet called derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction".

He's a drama queen. A drama queen who isn't afraid to use derivatives himself.

"Considering the ruin I've pictured, you may wonder why Berkshire is a party to 251 derivatives contracts...The answer is simple: I believe each contract we own was mispriced at inception, sometimes dramatically so.


Our derivatives dealings require our counterparties to make payments to us when contracts are initiated. Berkshire therefore, always holds the money, which leaves us assuming no meaningful counterparty risk. As of yearend, the payments made to us less losses we have paid - our derivatives "float," so to speak - totaled $8.1 billion. This float is similar to insurance float: If we break even on an underlying transaction, we will have enjoyed the use of free money for a long time."

I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them

The buyer would pay the Chinese, not the USA.

as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

The bigger question is, what is China going to do with the dollars they them?
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
As if we can't make the crap ourselves.
Who can make stuff? Have you seen the dumb asses being turned out of colleges? They don't even know where France is.
This is spending by the US Treasury, funded by borrowing, no inflationary impact.

If a trillion dollars comes from anywhere and all goes to buying cans of tuna...the price of tuna will go up.

It ain't that difficult.

If a trillion dollars comes from anywhere and all goes to buying cans of tuna...the price of tuna will go up.

A trillion dollars spent on tuna isn't being spent on automobiles or gasoline.
Inflation is measured across all goods, not just one.

It isn't that difficult.
I'm tired of seeing everyone live in fear

I miss normal

I agree!

But changing times often brings opportunity.

If we could put our heads together...Identify needs of the public & fill those needs quickly...we could stand to make a sizable profit!

We just need to thunk a step ahead of the crowd and be ready to act.

What are new needs that are developing?

One I can see as businesses re-open and schools do not...what do parents do with their kids?
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
As if we can't make the crap ourselves.
Who can make stuff? Have you seen the dumb asses being turned out of colleges? They don't even know where France is.
You've got a point there. They are more interested in community activism by the time they graduate, and thus the brainwashing was completed at that point.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
As if we can't make the crap ourselves.
No we can not make it as cheaply as they can, so if your plan comes true expect $500.00 toasters at Walmart, and that's the cheap one
That's not the derivative defaulting.
That's the counterparty defaulting.
If you default on a bet with me, how does that make the world go bankrupt?

Be specific.

Oh FFS...If you just want to endlessly argue...fine...I'll type it all out.

A large bank own a ton of greek bonds...They decide they have too much exposure to greek bonds and incase they default the large bank will go under, so they buy an insurance policy (called a credit default swap...which is a derivative) against greece defaulting on its bonds.

Greece defaults on its bonds...the seller of the CDS can't pay (defaults)...the bank goes under...this bank owed a shit tone of money to other they go under...and the dominos keep falling...

Remember bear stearns & washing mutual? (even though they had nothing to do with derivatives).
A trillion dollars spent on tuna isn't being spent on automobiles or gasoline.
Inflation is measured across all goods, not just one.

It isn't that difficult.

Tuna was just an example...and you know that!

Stop being difficult just for the sake of being difficult!
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge
They own about $1.2T. As we have seen the Fed can simply create that out of thin air. I used to think the "The Chinese will sell all of the US debt and crash our economy!" line as well.
However, it's all funny money...I mean look at the Dow Jones! We literally have 30% of our economy running at the moment, and that thing is still in the mid twenties. It's a fucking clown world...who knows?
The amount of american stock owned by china is harder to quantify

However if the chinese sell their t Bill's how would the USA pay them as we now pay all of our Bill's with money borrowed from china

All in all we are fucked
No we aren't. China has allowed an act of terrorism to come upon us in the form of a virus due their cover up and lies. This should negate any and all obligations we have towards China, otherwise they have done this to themselves. We should actually be conducting investigations on American's who allowed a communist nation to overthrow this nation, just as it had since done by way of those American's within certain sectors of our economy, and within certain sectors of our military.

If traitor's are found, where as they ignored the soverienty of our nation, and the security of our nation, then a price should be paid.
I don't think it's a good idea to default on our China loans. There is a reason we don't intentionally antagonize a nation of 1.4 billion people, who have been a civilization for 4,000 years.

They play the long game. We don't.

The only way to change things is to shut China off economically and exert worldwide pressure for them to change their ways.

We like cheap China products and cheap China labor in the country, so that is not going to happen. Seems like all that cheap China shit, and takeover of manufacturing, just might be part of their long game.
You start by throwing away your computer, car, phone and every electronic devise you own
You first.
I am just pointing out that everything is either made in china or has parts made in china. A computer fully made in the USA might cost 5,000 dollars and be half as fast
Really, and you know this how ?? Have faith in America, we ain't so ignorant that we don't know how to make products in quantities, and then based upon demand place the price to where everybody wins for those products created.
Dude the price of made in America is more because of union wages that will make a cheap motherboard in a computer cost 2 grand without the rest of the machine. It's not that America can't make the stuff it's the price. You want a 4 thousand dollar phone that does half of what the korean one does.

Really do you

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