CDZ Economic Carnage Is Coming

And do you think the President will ask Americans to sacrifice/ Advise Americans of the impending austerity?

I think if it will do any good he will...if it wont then he wont.

If it really becomes a matter of the masses starving...then yes, I think he'd get on TV and ask us all to plant gardens.

But it does no good to tell somebody they're about to suffer just before they start suffering...unless you can tell them how to avoid the suffering.

I'm trying to decide if I want to plant corn or a great wall of tomatoes in my garden this year...decisions decisions :dunno:
And do you think the President will ask Americans to sacrifice/ Advise Americans of the impending austerity?

I think if it will do any good he will...if it wont then he wont.

If it really becomes a matter of the masses starving...then yes, I think he'd get on TV and ask us all to plant gardens.

But it does no good to tell somebody they're about to suffer just before they start suffering...unless you can tell them how to avoid the suffering.

I'm trying to decide if I want to plant corn or a great wall of tomatoes in my garden this year...decisions decisions :dunno:

You don’t feel that (if there is supposedly going to be this giant shortage upcoming) the president should push supermarkets to keep limits in place on canned goods to lessen the chance of shortages?

Also, We used to have “commodities”that were distributed by the State back in Louisiana


The states and AG dept could be distributing these or at least could be ramping up.
You don’t feel that (if there is supposedly going to be this giant shortage upcoming) the president should push supermarkets to keep limits in place on canned goods to lessen the chance of shortages?

Limits only apply when there is a demand overload (like toilet paper)...when it's a SUPPLY shortage then all bets are off.

I agree with limits in the supermarkets...I DON'T agree with the president doing it! That's gotta be done at a more local level. (the store...the city...maybe even the state).

I would have a problem if even the state did it...something like that NEEDS to be done at a local level.
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You don’t feel that (if there is supposedly going to be this giant shortage upcoming) the president should push supermarkets to keep limits in place on canned goods to lessen the chance of shortages?

Limits only apply when there is a demand overload (like toilet paper)...when it's a SUPPLY shortage then all bets are off.

I agree with limits in the supermarkets...I DON'T agree with the president doing it! That's gotta be done at a more local level.

Enforcement is a local issue; leadership should come from the leader. We don't have one right now at the federal level.
Enforcement is a local issue; leadership should come from the leader. We don't have one right now at the federal level.

I am looking to save your life.

You are looking to blame Trump for something.

Blaming the duly elected leader for not leading is not valid? If it makes you feel any better, governors of individual states should be doing the same thing, red/blue or otherwise.

As for "saving my life", recommending gardening is great if you have land. I live in a condo. I support your gardening efforts--nothing was better when I was growing up than the figs and carrots my mom used to grow. But its certainly not practical for many if not most Americans. The leader urging supermarkets to keep limits in place on corn, carrots, potatoes, canned meats, etc... is one of the most responsible things a leader can do if they foresee upcoming shortages and times of want.

Trump did a good thing invoking the DPA with meat processing plants.
As for "saving my life", recommending gardening is great if you have land. I live in a condo. I support your gardening efforts--

I understand...That's why I said not everybody will have the means to do these things. Even though I have a yard & a garden...there is no possible way I could grow all my own food. My entire yard wouldn't be big enough to even get close.

You need to walk a very fine line when you are a governor or have to give a warning without inciting panic. Lets say you needed an entire large city to evacuate...people are going to die in that evac (even under the best of circumstances)...many more will die if people panic`. And then if the disaster doesn't occur YOU will be blamed for those deaths.

When it comes to the economy you have to walk an even finer line because it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. If your words scare people out of the stock market, the stock market will crash! If your words make people fearful for thir bank deposits and withdraw them...the bank will fold.
As for "saving my life", recommending gardening is great if you have land. I live in a condo. I support your gardening efforts--

I understand...That's why I said not everybody will have the means to do these things. Even though I have a yard & a garden...there is no possible way I could grow all my own food. My entire yard wouldn't be big enough to even get close.

You need to walk a very fine line when you are a governor or have to give a warning without inciting panic. Lets say you needed an entire large city to evacuate...people are going to die in that evac (even under the best of circumstances)...many more will die if people panic`. And then if the disaster doesn't occur YOU will be blamed for those deaths.

When it comes to the economy you have to walk an even finer line because it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. If your words scare people out of the stock market, the stock market will crash! If your words make people fearful for thir bank deposits and withdraw them...the bank will fold.


Also however imagine if we did have leadership from DC and started the CARES act 10 days earlier. Instead of rushing the $2.2T through the Congress, we could have put rules in place to keep the Lakers from getting a bailout. The DEMS, you gotta admit, at least tried to put some rules in place. But the delay caused haste and we wound up bailing out companies that didn’t need the money.

Erring on the side of caution would be better.
Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.
We have been taken over I'm not even sure by who.
The left is up to their teeth in the bullcrap, and all that has to be done is to follow the money trail or the trail of destruction in which they have left behind them.
The DEMS, you gotta admit, at least tried to put some rules in place. But the delay caused haste and we wound up bailing out companies that didn’t need the money.

The dems didn't put any rules in place...they wanted funding for the arts, abortion, and make mail-in voting a possibility for all dead voters!

But I agree there was haste and some people got the money who didn't need it. That should be expected sending out trillions in a matter of days or weeks.

You understand that there is no playbook for anybody to look at...Everybody (inluding fauci, trump, and the scarf woman) are flying by the seat of their pants.
The DEMS, you gotta admit, at least tried to put some rules in place. But the delay caused haste and we wound up bailing out companies that didn’t need the money.

The dems didn't put any rules in place...they wanted funding for the arts, abortion, and make mail-in voting a possibility for all dead voters!

But I agree there was haste and some people got the money who didn't need it. That should be expected sending out trillions in a matter of days or weeks.

You understand that there is no playbook for anybody to look at...Everybody (inluding fauci, trump, and the scarf woman) are flying by the seat of their pants.
In the first place, if you are going to bail out airlines for no one traveling, you have to bail out museums, theaters and the like for nobody attending.

The “dead voters” nonsense is disappointing. People have been voting by mail for decades. Very little fraud occurs.

There is a playbook. You appoint an incident commander and let her/him operate out of the political sphere. Thad Allen of the USCG did an excellent job on Deepwater Horizon. General Honoree (sp?) cleaned up Katrina mess left by the political appointee.

I mean really...can you imagine any other President in modern times installing his son-in-law as an officer in this “no playbook” disaster?

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We have been taken over I'm not even sure by who.

Honestly...I suspect this is a binary Bio-weapon. We've only seen the first half of it. The next virus will combine with this virus & be MUCH worse!

If you look at the reaction of the gov't of china...and then the reaction from the USA gov''s the only thing that makes sense.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

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