CDZ Economic Carnage Is Coming

That's not the derivative defaulting.
That's the counterparty defaulting.
If you default on a bet with me, how does that make the world go bankrupt?

Be specific.

Oh FFS...If you just want to endlessly argue...fine...I'll type it all out.

A large bank own a ton of greek bonds...They decide they have too much exposure to greek bonds and incase they default the large bank will go under, so they buy an insurance policy (called a credit default swap...which is a derivative) against greece defaulting on its bonds.

Greece defaults on its bonds...the seller of the CDS can't pay (defaults)...the bank goes under...this bank owed a shit tone of money to other they go under...and the dominos keep falling...

Remember bear stearns & washing mutual? (even though they had nothing to do with derivatives).

Nice try.

The CDS seller defaults on the $1 billion they owe to the buyer.
The buyer doesn't get the billion, the seller didn't pay the billion.
Zero sum.
The world didn't go bankrupt because of a zero sum bet.
A trillion dollars spent on tuna isn't being spent on automobiles or gasoline.
Inflation is measured across all goods, not just one.

It isn't that difficult.

Tuna was just an example...and you know that!

Stop being difficult just for the sake of being difficult!

Tuna was just an example...and you know that!

If you want to whine about the price of tuna, go right ahead, but don't pretend
that's the same thing as inflation.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
The DEMS, you gotta admit, at least tried to put some rules in place. But the delay caused haste and we wound up bailing out companies that didn’t need the money.

The dems didn't put any rules in place...they wanted funding for the arts, abortion, and make mail-in voting a possibility for all dead voters!

But I agree there was haste and some people got the money who didn't need it. That should be expected sending out trillions in a matter of days or weeks.

You understand that there is no playbook for anybody to look at...Everybody (inluding fauci, trump, and the scarf woman) are flying by the seat of their pants.

This economic bust wasn't caused by a virus. It was caused by a government(s).

Sounds familiar? Previous bust was cause by government too, when Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act repealed Glass-Steagall Act, allowed subprimed lending, and when they forced banks to lend money to those who could not afford it. However, that is another story, let's stay on this one.

In mid February the stock markets were at all time highs, with the Dow 30 at almost 30,000. The unemployment rate was at an all time low and interest rates around most of the world were at all time lows. With interest rates near zero for an entire decade, the value of stocks, bonds, real estate, land, and virtually any asset was artificially inflated. As a result, total household net worth doubled, increasing from $60 trillion to $120 trillion. Things were too good to be true.

Now the popular refrain is that the corona virus caused the economy to collapse. The government shut down the economy, putting people out of work. so there has been less consumption. Whole industries have been shuttered, and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed, increasing by more than 10 percent in the last couple of weeks. It is easy to see how politicians, the media, and even real people see this corona virus situation as causing the economic collapse. All this is true if A caused B. This in turn created the supposed need for trillions of dollars in subsidies, bailouts, and unemployment benefits. Plus the Federal Reserve would have to inject many more trillions of dollars to bail out every aspect of the financial industry including junk bonds and student loans, and who knows what else.

All that is false if A did not caused B. Correct? The corona virus (A) did not cause the economic crisis (B), it merely triggered it to occur earlier that it would have, and accelerate the collapse that would happen anyways. Would this happen if economy was strong, if fundamentals were strong, if balance sheets were strong? I don't think so... This weakness could be clearly seen when President Trump began to publicly attack Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell for raising interest rates by 2 percent, which he rightly thought would hurt the stock market and his reelection chances. The stock market thrived when interest rates were negative when adjusted for price inflation. However, when Powell pushed the inflation-adjusted rate to near zero, stock markets stalled and all political hell broke loose.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
We have been taken over I'm not even sure by who.

Honestly...I suspect this is a binary Bio-weapon. We've only seen the first half of it. The next virus will combine with this virus & be MUCH worse!

If you look at the reaction of the gov't of china...and then the reaction from the USA gov''s the only thing that makes sense.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

We were long overdue for market correction. Corona virus came just in time to trigger it and to take a blame. The number of corona virus deaths in US are inflated by five-fold, while number of other deaths are reduced by almost exact number of corona virus related deaths.
Feel free to disagree with me...but this is not a left or right thread...leave politics out of it please.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

We have massive shutdowns of business which has cause massive loss in tax revenue.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

We have massive money printing going on (stimulus checks) which will cause inflation...primarily with food because that is primarily where the printed money is going.

Not likely. At least not based on current policy. Also where the money goes in the short term, doesn't really matter. The only way inflation takes over, is when it filters into the general economy.

We had unsustainable pension plans that have been hanging on by their finger tips for years...the loss of tax revenue will certainly be enough to tip these over.

Yes, No.

Yes, we have unsustainable pensions.
No, the current loss of tax revenue will not be enough to tip these over, unless the lock down continues for the next full year, which some ridiculous "experts" have demanded.

I don't think that is going to happen.

The job losses have caused millions to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage...landlords and mortgage companies CAN'T TAKE THAT HIT...they'll go bankrupt.

Again, still depends on how long the lock down happens. If we open up, and soon, jobs will come back, people will get to work, and bills will be paid.

It is said that 4 out of 5 businesses that are closed right now will not re-open. That will hit the commercial mortgage sector. (not to mention the MBS's and the CDO's which is what started the 2008 financial crisis).

The nice thing about capitalism, is that if it is allowed to function, it will recover very quickly. In India, when they liberalized, the economic growth was dramatic, and fast.
Same with China. When the economy was liberalized, the growth was swift, and large.

Same is true of the economy in the US. Say you have 10 businesses in a strip mall, and 8 of them fold.

What is that mall going to do, when the economy opens up? They are going to be giving away leases for a very low price, because a low payment, is better than no payment.

Equally you are going to have people who are going to swoop in, and make a killing. For example, someone could now open a cheap barber shop, for a very low price. The demand for getting hair cut is going to be extraordinary.

What we are about to see is going to be biblical in scope! And if you are not afraid, you are not paying attention.

No I'm not a afraid. What is there to be afraid of? I'll find another job. In fact, I have had two job offers in the past two weeks, and I declined them.

Biblical scope? No. No not even close. Now I'm only replying with the Bible, because you invoked the Bible... but the Bible says in Revelations that when the real troubles hit, 1/3 of the population of the Earth is going to die.

One third of the planet, is going to be wiped out. That's 2.6 Billion people.

No, we're not there. Not even close to there.

Further, even if everything you said happened, still wouldn't be 2.6 Billion dead. Even if it gets so bad, that we move to Canada and Mexico, we're not going to be as bad off as you think.

Even in Zimbabwe, when the government went absolutely insane, they didn't low half the population in chaos and death.

So, no. I'm not denying that bad things could happen. Sure, any government can fall into anarchy and tyranny, and certainly we could have a dictatorship installed, and the nation could go insane.

I agree.

But as things are right now? Not worried. This is like trickle of pee in the ocean, and thinking the world flood is upon us. No, we're not there yet.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead

LOL..... what? Owning a T-bill, means you own the Federal Reserve?

No. No you don't. What are you smoking lol.

If you own stock in a company, you own a small small piece of that company. You can go to court over that small certificate of ownership.

If you own a company bond, you do not have voting rights, or have any legal ownership of that company. You do have legal rights to have the bond paid back.

You know what the difference is between owning a company stock, and a company bond, and have a T-Bill?

You have zero rights of any kind, with a T-Bill. If the Federal government decided it simply can't pay back the T-Bill... you are not even getting paid back what you paid in... and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

When Argentina simply openly declared default, and refused to pay.... people that owned Argentina bonds, got barely 1/3rd of the amount they paid in. You paid $1,000 in Argentina bonds, you got back $333 if you were lucky.

You own a piece of the Federal Reserve? hahahahahahahahahahaha XD.... no.... nice thought though.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.

I agree, something doesn't add up. You and I, and many others don't see big picture seen by those up high. We know our own economics, or of our neighbors, but we don't see every detail of the state's or federal government economics. Or we don't care.

Prior the corona virus, we as consumers had a great deal of debt and not much in the way of savings. Persona savings rate was at less than 2 percent before the last housing bubble crises, and there was effort to increase it since then, so it rose to 7 percent. For comparison, during gold standard, personal saving rates were 10 percent and higher. Low interest is suppressing personal savings, since there is no reason to keep savings if there is no interest to earn from it.

On one hand we have no savings, and on the other we have huge debt (housing, student loans, car loans, credit cards), especially by state governments, and biggest of all, federal government. Despite stellar numbers in stock market, and all time unemployment numbers, we were already heading into correction, in a year or even earlier. Corona virus suppose to "fix" that and Chinese will take a blame.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

If you do not know what dissipate means

I know what dissipate means.
I don't know what your claim about China selling assets causing our economy to dissipate means.

So explain it.

How does China selling $1 trillion in Treasuries cause our economy to evaporate, disappear, vanish?

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

T-bills aren't backed by gold.
Last edited:
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Not even close. We're not in 1971 anymore.

Treasury bills, bonds, and a dollar itself are backed by "full faith and credit" of the U.S. Government. Nothing else.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

If you do not know what dissipate means

I know what dissipate means.
I don't know what your claim about China selling assets causing our economy to dissipate means.

So explain it.

How does China selling $1 trillion in Treasuries cause our economy to evaporate, disappear, vanish?

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

T-bills aren't backed by gold.
How many American stock portfolio dollars dissipated in the last selloff caused by C19

Be specific
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.

I agree, something doesn't add up. You and I, and many others don't see big picture seen by those up high. We know our own economics, or of our neighbors, but we don't see every detail of the state's or federal government economics. Or we don't care.

Prior the corona virus, we as consumers had a great deal of debt and not much in the way of savings. Persona savings rate was at less than 2 percent before the last housing bubble crises, and there was effort to increase it since then, so it rose to 7 percent. For comparison, during gold standard, personal saving rates were 10 percent and higher. Low interest is suppressing personal savings, since there is no reason to keep savings if there is no interest to earn from it.

On one hand we have no savings, and on the other we have huge debt (housing, student loans, car loans, credit cards), especially by state governments, and biggest of all, federal government. Despite stellar numbers in stock market, and all time unemployment numbers, we were already heading into correction, in a year or even earlier. Corona virus suppose to "fix" that and Chinese will take a blame.

Prior the corona virus, we as consumers had a great deal of debt and not much in the way of savings.

Which consumers?

On one hand we have no savings, and on the other we have huge debt

And on the third hand, we have even more assets.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

If you do not know what dissipate means

I know what dissipate means.
I don't know what your claim about China selling assets causing our economy to dissipate means.

So explain it.

How does China selling $1 trillion in Treasuries cause our economy to evaporate, disappear, vanish?

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

T-bills aren't backed by gold.
How many American stock portfolio dollars dissipated in the last selloff caused by C19

Be specific

Trillions. And?
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

Well that's not exactly true.... I can buy a ton of paper, for the value of a few dollars. Six $1 Bills, can buy a whole ream of paper. That's way more paper, than the value of the paper used to make the bills.

So not so much.

But, yes there is inflation, that's true. However I would point out, that we had inflation under the gold standard. We had inflation of 20% in 1918, and that was when money was backed by gold.

By the way, we had inflation before the Federal Reserve was even created.

Widely known that having a gold standard, didn't mean that inflation didn't exist. In fact, in some ways inflation and deflation were worse before the Federal Reserve, because no one knew it was happening.

Not to mention that sometimes if the bank that your notes were from, failed, and then you ended up with zero. A bit risky.

Now granted, the reason banks failed, is because government put in place bad policies that caused them to fail (much like today honestly). And they created Federal Reserve as a fix to a problem they created. Granted.

But, regardless inflation is normal. There has never been a time where inflation didn't exist.

What? So you are now advocating that we go back to a gold standard?

Not going to happen. In fact, can't happen. Not possible.
I have been saying this from the start...this strain is faaaar faaaar too weak to justify this response. They know something. They know...and the next time it's really gonna kill people...a lot of people.

And that response continues to this day...So the threat must still exist!
Yeah, something doesn't add up. There is something that is just not right about this. Well, lots of somethings. We can't count on the media to ask, my God they are nothing but worthless, if not straight out harmful themselves.
We are at war with china, no one who knows this wants the conflict to escalate to millions of degrees
The Chinese have controlling interest in many of the media companies. We have paid for our own destruction. Through purchase of cheap plastic shit at big box America we have ensured our own destruction.
The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve. If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Why? Because the inmates are in charge

The chinese own a piece of the us federal reserve.


If we sue them and win they could sell us treasuries and stock to pay us back and totally destroy our economy in the process

Hilarious! And wrong.
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve everyone who owns t bills does, China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies. None of this is speculative it's all fact. If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate and inflation would make a loaf of bread cost a hundred bucks at least

All in all we are fucked and idiots walking around in masks would all be better off dead
Dude I own a piece of the federal reserve

You're lying.

everyone who owns t bills does

T-bills are debt issued by the US Treasury, not the Fed.

China owns Trillions in t bills and more trillions in stock of American companies.

About $1.1 trillion in Treasuries. I doubt they own anywhere near that in us stocks.

If China sold all of it's American assets our economy would dissipate

Dissipate? What do you mean?
If you do not know what dissipate means ask your homeroom teacher who will instruct you to use a dictionary

T bills are issued by the treasury and are backed in gold bullion in the federal reserve.

Play on little one

Total Gold Reserves $388 Billion.

Total US debt (not including unfunded future liabilities of $23 Trillion)...... $25 Trillion.

Let's review.... We have $388 Billion in gold.... in order to "back" $25 Trillion in T-bills.

My friends, what we have here, is a math problem.
It's not a math problem it's called inflation which means the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on. So genius, thanks for making my point

the paper money and or t bills are not worth the paper that they are printed on.

That's why they're in such high demand. Because no one wants them. DURR.
Do you understand the concept of inflation?

Read what the Fed said last year before they started printing money


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