Eden Garden of the GodS

I don't drink, you lose. :biggrin:
I suggest not posting like an alcoholic or a spoiled brat.
My questions are uncomfortable for you so you call me names. What took you so long? :biggrin:
Your questions are infantile.
Actually, you don’t pose questions, you simply call everyone an asshole.
I don't remember calling anyone names, and certainly not an asshole. We're discussing something from 2 different sides, apparently, you're having trouble coping. I understand. And you can stop anytime it gets to be too much for you. I'll understand.
You’re an angry, ignorant, bleeding heart Liberal asshole who needs to be smacked every now and then to behave.
Your religious convictions mean zero to me as Jews do not proselytize.
On the other hand, I don’t repeatedly insult anyone I disagree with; I simply show them where I’m coming from.
:lol: The little guy can't take it so he lashes out. They teach that in the Torah? Maybe the part about god drowning everyone because they pissed him off, even the babies? :biggrin:
You have to post it, so I can see what you're working with, first. :)
Ok, I'll play.

Pangaea - Wikipedia

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
I suggest not posting like an alcoholic or a spoiled brat.
My questions are uncomfortable for you so you call me names. What took you so long? :biggrin:
Your questions are infantile.
Actually, you don’t pose questions, you simply call everyone an asshole.
I don't remember calling anyone names, and certainly not an asshole. We're discussing something from 2 different sides, apparently, you're having trouble coping. I understand. And you can stop anytime it gets to be too much for you. I'll understand.
You’re an angry, ignorant, bleeding heart Liberal asshole who needs to be smacked every now and then to behave.
Your religious convictions mean zero to me as Jews do not proselytize.
On the other hand, I don’t repeatedly insult anyone I disagree with; I simply show them where I’m coming from.
:lol: The little guy can't take it so he lashes out. They teach that in the Torah? Maybe the part about god drowning everyone because they pissed him off, even the babies? :biggrin:
We learn to how tob respond to atheists who behave with a complete lack of dignity.
An agnostic does not enter into a discussion telling everyone that God is a delusion.
Read your plethora of God hating posts and discover why almost everyone here has nothing but complete contempt for you.

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
Yes; the Big Bang.
The origin of existence is from expanding light.
Don’t you read any Torah commentaries from 2,000 years ago?
You think you have anything original to offer?
You don’t.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.

Does Noah get drunk and his son sodomizes him (despite having a wife) in that version?

Yeah, that's a "WTF?" moment of the Bible.
I bet 10 bucks Ham was sober

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
Another clown who criticizes a Hebrew work poorly translated into English.
“Evening and morning”...what a pathetic translation.
You can thank your Catholic friends for that.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.

Does Noah get drunk and his son sodomizes him (despite having a wife) in that version?

Yeah, that's a "WTF?" moment of the Bible.
I bet 10 bucks Ham was sober
Ham was sober.
An asshole, but sober.
That’s why his father cursed him.
Will you go ahead and bring it so I can refute it already?
Go ahead and refute it, I could use another laugh.

You have to post it, so I can see what you're working with, first. :)
Ok, I'll play.

Pangaea - Wikipedia

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)

I'll tell you this: There's no "Pangea" in the Encyclopedia.

Must not be too important or widely known.
Encyclopedia? What year IS this? 1952? :lmao:

Here ya go princess. Pangea Supercontinent - Pangaea Supercontinent

Total fiction. Where's the science, jackass? From your link: "It is thought that" and "According to this theory,"

That means it's not known, or scientifically proven, sir.
Last edited:
Go ahead and refute it, I could use another laugh.

You have to post it, so I can see what you're working with, first. :)
Ok, I'll play.

Pangaea - Wikipedia

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
My questions are uncomfortable for you so you call me names. What took you so long? :biggrin:
Your questions are infantile.
Actually, you don’t pose questions, you simply call everyone an asshole.
I don't remember calling anyone names, and certainly not an asshole. We're discussing something from 2 different sides, apparently, you're having trouble coping. I understand. And you can stop anytime it gets to be too much for you. I'll understand.
You’re an angry, ignorant, bleeding heart Liberal asshole who needs to be smacked every now and then to behave.
Your religious convictions mean zero to me as Jews do not proselytize.
On the other hand, I don’t repeatedly insult anyone I disagree with; I simply show them where I’m coming from.
:lol: The little guy can't take it so he lashes out. They teach that in the Torah? Maybe the part about god drowning everyone because they pissed him off, even the babies? :biggrin:
We learn to how tob respond to atheists who behave with a complete lack of dignity.
An agnostic does not enter into a discussion telling everyone that God is a delusion.
Read your plethora of God hating posts and discover why almost everyone here has nothing but complete contempt for you.
God is a delusion until proven otherwise. And you sure have yet to prove a god. But I leave the door open in case someone, probably not you, comes to me with some real empirical proof of a god, and especially one who cares what we do and gets pissed off at us and kills off nearly everyone.
You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
Yes; the Big Bang.
The origin of existence is from expanding light.
Don’t you read any Torah commentaries from 2,000 years ago?
You think you have anything original to offer?
You don’t.
But the earth wasn't made "in the beginning". Earth is around 4 billion years old and the universe 13.8. How do you explain that?
You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
Another clown who criticizes a Hebrew work poorly translated into English.
“Evening and morning”...what a pathetic translation.
You can thank your Catholic friends for that.
I never mentioned "evening and morning", wtf are you on about?
Go ahead and refute it, I could use another laugh.

You have to post it, so I can see what you're working with, first. :)
Ok, I'll play.

Pangaea - Wikipedia

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)

I'll tell you this: There's no "Pangea" in the Encyclopedia.

Must not be too important or widely known.
Encyclopedia? What year IS this? 1952? :lmao:

Here ya go princess. Pangea Supercontinent - Pangaea Supercontinent

Total fiction. Where's the science, jackass? From your link: "It is thought that" and "According to this theory,"

That means it's not known, or scientifically proven, sir.
That they use those terms is what you're going to stick with? Ok, then you reject science, and we're done here I think. I don't debate fools who reject science. It's a waste of time, you prefer making up your own "facts".
You have to post it, so I can see what you're working with, first. :)
Ok, I'll play.

Pangaea - Wikipedia

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

My belief is faith-based, and I'll admit that.

What you're calling "Science" is not science, it is also faith-based, but I have my doubts you'll admit that.

You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

sure----multipotential cells in bone marrow are ideal for CLONING------with a bit of manipulation----
the Y chromosome drops out-------and the X chromosome DOUBLES
You automatically lose for invoking Wikipedia. Thx for playing.

At least I know you're not serious now. :)
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

My belief is faith-based, and I'll admit that.

What you're calling "Science" is not science, but is also faith-based, but I have my doubts you'll admit that.

Q: How many ribs does a man have?
12 pairs------the lowest one is very accessible
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

My belief is faith-based, and I'll admit that.

What you're calling "Science" is not science, but is also faith-based, but I have my doubts you'll admit that.

Q: How many ribs does a man have?
12 pairs------the lowest one is very accessible

Yeah, that's the wrong road to go down.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?

That's what it says, baby. I'm not one to dispute it.
Because that makes sense to you?

My belief is faith-based, and I'll admit that.

What you're calling "Science" is not science, but is also faith-based, but I have my doubts you'll admit that.

Q: How many ribs does a man have?
12 pairs------the lowest one is very accessible

Yeah, that's the wrong road to go down.

you don't even need rib # 12
Notice how Taz never quotes a Biblical verse or a sentence from an article.
Genesis 2:22 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Is this a joke or what?
Start from Genesis 1:1 and we’ll talk.
I’m sure when it comes to money you do not react out of context.
So you can't respond to this quote because you have nothing so we'll move on.

"Genesis 1:1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
So is that the Big Bang, or something else? Because planets weren't formed until a long time after the BB.
Yes; the Big Bang.
The origin of existence is from expanding light.
Don’t you read any Torah commentaries from 2,000 years ago?
You think you have anything original to offer?
You don’t.
But the earth wasn't made "in the beginning". Earth is around 4 billion years old and the universe 13.8. How do you explain that?
1 Explanation...No stars and planets for the first 3 cycles of increasing and decreasing energy.
And if you don’t think out of the box like the ancient rabbis you’ll get nowhere.

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