election night results in Michigan, Ohio & 3 other states thread

Kobach is 1% behind lead in Kansas governor race!

This is what the current situation is:

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This is the current situation with 86% of the vote counted, there is just one remaining County that has not started counting that is the one below shown which is Morris County every other County has reported 100% vote counts:

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This is the current situation with 87% of the vote counted, before I made an error and had not noticed that the below Johnson County had not finished counting, they are very slow and have only completed 11% of their count of 56 out of 502 precincts, Morris County that I mentioned before have now completed 100% of their vote count and that result is Jeff Colyer 370 votes 40.7%, Kris Kobach 318 votes 35.0% and Jim Barnett 120 votes 13.2%.

In the below Johnson County Kris Kobach is going to have to significantly increase his share of the vote and hope this Spoiler Candidate Jim Barnett does not do what he's been doing in more than HALF of the existing counted vote which is to take a small percentage of the vote but ENOUGH to give the County by a narrow margin to Jeff Colyer, if he does and Colyer wins Johnson County then he of course will narrowly win the race, not sure what the Recount Rules in this are but the win could be narrow enough for a Recount situation.

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Jeff Colyer is staying just in the lead because the Spoiler Candidate Jim Barnett who has ZERO hope of winning ANYTHING is keeping Colyer in the lead narrowly, from my reading the situations in HALF of the other County totals if this Barnett was NOT in this race then Kris Kobach would have easily already have won this race, on my estimates not withstanding some EXTRAORDINARY turnaround ie. the Barnett tiny percentage comes to an almost stand still then I'm calling this now for Jeff Colyer but as I commented it will be a very narrow win and might be subject to a Recount IF Kris Kobach requests a Recount.

Tremendous win for The Donald and the candidates he supported, though butthurt, fake news is saying it is all "too close to call" and coming in close second is actually a win for dems! :p
Following the stunning loss of every Alexandria Ocasio Cortez backed candidate, she announces her first piece of legislation: Participation trophies for all contestants.

She's the star doncha know. She will be on the View talking about how powerful she is as the new kingmaker.
Following the stunning loss of every Alexandria Ocasio Cortez backed candidate, she announces her first piece of legislation: Participation trophies for all contestants.

She's the star doncha know. She will be on the View talking about how powerful she is as the new kingmaker.
She's a grinning idiot.

She also has a set of crazy eyes ...

Yeah, but Crazy Eyes on OITNB seems saner compared to her.
The Reps should have EASILY taken Ohio - with the (supposedly) BOOMING economy.

The fact that the Reps will probably only barely win shows just how much trouble they are in.

It looks like Trump is the great equalizer...for the Dems.

"We ALMOST won...it was SOOOO close!!!"

That's how you know you've gotten used to losing.
Hopefully the Trump administration is cracking down on the routine election fraud perpetrated by democrats over the years instead of the fake, insanity of Russian tinkering with voting machines they have no access to.
Ocasion-Cortez endorsed a slate of candidates for yesterday's primaries, all of them lost.
For people wondering why socialist Germans hated socialist Russians in the 1930s, I offer the Democrats vs the Green Party
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Lots of close races though I wondered why they just didn't appoint someone to fill the seat till Nov??
It looks like O'Connor lost by 1766 votes - but he should be proud. Democrats should be proud. I understand there are still some provisional ballots to be counted (3435) - but may not be counted for 10 days. It's possible that provisional ballots could trigger a recount if the difference is within 0.5%.

NBC says this race is currently too close to call.


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