election night results in Michigan, Ohio & 3 other states thread

"Looks like Trump's endorsement is helping John James in the Michigan GOP race for Senate: He’s up 58-42 on Sandy Pensler at 21% reporting."

The Leftists nightmare having to run against a Black Conservative, of course being Leftists and the purest type of Racists they will resort to their favourites of Race Baiting and screaming that John James is an Uncle Tom etc. Hopefully the voters in Michigan will REJECT Leftist Racism and vote for John James.
They are horrible to black right wingers, period. They send in the hookers to accuse them of sexual improprieties and crimes, they drag out every racist attack they can think of...
Kobach is 1% behind lead in Kansas governor race!

This is what the current situation is:

The Reps should have EASILY taken Ohio - with the (supposedly) BOOMING economy.

The fact that the Reps will probably only barely win shows just how much trouble they are in.

It looks like Trump is the great equalizer...for the Dems.
Excuses, excuses... now shut the fuck up
"Congratulations to a future STAR of the Republican Party, future Senator John James. A big and bold victory tonight in the Great State of Michigan - the first of many. November can’t come fast enough!

Congratulations to Bill Schuette. You will have a Big win in November and be a tremendous Governor for the Great State of Michigan. Lots of car and other companies moving back!" - President Trump
It looks like O'Connor lost by 1766 votes - but he should be proud. Democrats should be proud. I understand there are still some provisional ballots to be counted (3435) - but may not be counted for 10 days. It's possible that provisional ballots could trigger a recount if the difference is within 0.5%.

NBC says this race is currently too close to call.
Washington redskin,
Just like in 2016 you silly little fuckers lost
A vast majority of Democrats said that OH-12 was, and I quote directly, “a referendum on Donald Trump’s Presidency.” We won. Tonight, a Trump-endorsed candidate beat a middle-of-the-road Democrat with huge donations from around the country. A red wave is coming.

LOL...keep spinning. Maybe it will look better.

Trump won in 2016 by 11 points. And the 12'th has been represented by a Rep since 1983 (35 years ago). Plus, the economy is (supposedly) BOOMING. And Trump had his BIG rah rah speech over the weekend there. Finally, the reps poured TONS of money into this area:

'With a battleground seat in play, both national parties are engaged in the race. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee added the district to its list of midterm targets, while the National Republican Congressional Committee spent $1 million on advertising for Balderson.[5][6][7] President Donald Trump—who won the district by 11 points in 2016—appeared at a rally with Balderson in the final weekend before the election.'

Ohio's 12th Congressional District election, 2018 - Ballotpedia

The Reps should have won in a landslide. Yet, they barely won it...by a FAR smaller margin then Trump won it in 2016.

Anyone who says this is a good result for the Reps is completely bereft of political intelligence and/or is so biased as to be delusional.

Once again, I am neither Dem nor Rep...thank goodness. But I DO want that psychopathic whacko Trump out of office as fast as possible.
Once again you are one stupid little fucker
"Looks like Trump's endorsement is helping John James in the Michigan GOP race for Senate: He’s up 58-42 on Sandy Pensler at 21% reporting."

The Leftists nightmare having to run against a Black Conservative, of course being Leftists and the purest type of Racists they will resort to their favourites of Race Baiting and screaming that John James is an Uncle Tom etc. Hopefully the voters in Michigan will REJECT Leftist Racism and vote for John James.
They are horrible to black right wingers, period. They send in the hookers to accuse them of sexual improprieties and crimes, they drag out every racist attack they can think of...

As Leftists are Repeat Offenders then John James should fully expect that the week of the election the Leftists will produce some random women, probably who will have been paid and prompted what to accuse him of, which will be he sexually harrassed them 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago or whatever, there will be minimal witnesses to these alleged events but the MSM will push the thing around the clock and IF the smear campaign works then post election all these random women will suddenly disappear and NOBODY will hear from them again as they will have served their purpose.

Hopefully the voters in Michigan will not fall for the Leftists usual Dirty Tactics and they will elect John James in a near landslide. Also I would suggest that ICE Agents monitor all the polling stations in Detroit because the Leftists could do the bussing Illegals to multiple vote and the poorer Blacks to multiple vote, this is why ONLY Leftists DON'T want a Voter ID Law situation.
"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov." - President Trump

Of course Trump takes credit. Yet he's probably the only reason the race was close to begin with. It's a deep red district where the republican almost lost. And from what I understand, it's not like O'Connor was some brilliant, inspiring figure.
Lol no its not you idiot. Its near the capitol which like ALL major cities is a liberal cesspool! Its got Ohio State university there again a bastion of liberalism.

Everything You Need To Know About The Ohio 12th Special Election

"Ohio’s 12th District is traditionally Republican. According to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric, it is 14 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole."

Yeah, not surprising that the self-described racist is also an idiot.
As you can see from Lucy's post COLUMBUS is a blue hole....just not enough leftists came out and voted...wah wah
In a 100% result, everyone emdorsed by Cortez lost. Which proves she has nothing to sell outside of the Bronx.
Not yet...the candidate she endorsed for congress in Kansas's 3rd district is winning but hasn't won.
"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov." - President Trump

Of course Trump takes credit. Yet he's probably the only reason the race was close to begin with. It's a deep red district where the republican almost lost. And from what I understand, it's not like O'Connor was some brilliant, inspiring figure.
Lol no its not you idiot. Its near the capitol which like ALL major cities is a liberal cesspool! Its got Ohio State university there again a bastion of liberalism.

Everything You Need To Know About The Ohio 12th Special Election

"Ohio’s 12th District is traditionally Republican. According to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric, it is 14 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole."

Yeah, not surprising that the self-described racist is also an idiot.
As you can see from Lucy's post COLUMBUS is a blue hole....just not enough leftists came out and voted...wah wah
In a 100% result, everyone emdorsed by Cortez lost. Which proves she has nothing to sell outside of the Bronx.
Not yet...the candidate she endorsed for congress in Kansas's 3rd district is winning but hasn't won.

In Columbus the Democrat got basically maximum level of Leftist voters out to vote, that's Franklin County the ONLY Democrat county and it's only because the Republican vote turnout was a lot lower in Delaware County and Licking County that this race was as close as it was, as I commented before I expect in November when they all have to repeat the vote again that the Democrat vote in Franklin County will be nearly identical to this one BUT the Republican vote turnout in Delaware County and Licking County will be at the SAME levels or nearly the SAME levels it was in the 2016 election ie. a lot higher and this is why I predict that in November the Republican will easily win this seat again but with a much higher percentage of the vote.

I think a lot of my vote predictions are pretty good, for example two days BEFORE the 2016 Presidential Election I said that on my estimates from reading a ton of Internal Polling Data that The Donald would win Michigan, Pennsylvania and either Minnesota or Wisconsin, I was only off because I said I thought Minnesota more likely to vote Trump than Wisconsin but on the night Wisconsin went for Trump and Minnesota didn't but both Michigan and Pennsylvania did, there were a lot of Hillary supporters who thought that prediction two days before the election was bizarro and funny, they thought it ridiculous to suggest that Michigan AND Pennsylvania would vote Trump and they thought it beyond ridiculous to suggest that either Minnesota or Wisconsin would vote for Trump, but on election night the same crowd didn't think it was so funny anymore.
Trump won my state by 19 points.

Senator Roy Blunt, the Republican incumbent, on the same ballot only won by 3 points.

Candidates matter.

Eh, not really all that much. People are stupid. They vote for letters, not for people or ideas. Letters are a lot easier to understand.

No essentially they vote for a candidate.

Most voters have no idea what the candidate they're voting for is about. Most people don't even know what their candidate of choice looks like when they vote. Most people don't even come out for midterms; they vote for the president and then just vote downticket for a bunch of faceless names they couldn't care less about.

So you are saying that the MAJORITY of voters are Mindless Zombies and totally ignorant?


Well then if that's what you think it's YOU who are ignorant and also possibly a Mindless Zombie.
"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov." - President Trump

Of course Trump takes credit. Yet he's probably the only reason the race was close to begin with. It's a deep red district where the republican almost lost. And from what I understand, it's not like O'Connor was some brilliant, inspiring figure.
Lol no its not you idiot. Its near the capitol which like ALL major cities is a liberal cesspool! Its got Ohio State university there again a bastion of liberalism.

Everything You Need To Know About The Ohio 12th Special Election

"Ohio’s 12th District is traditionally Republican. According to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric, it is 14 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole."

Yeah, not surprising that the self-described racist is also an idiot.
As you can see from Lucy's post COLUMBUS is a blue hole....just not enough leftists came out and voted...wah wah
In a 100% result, everyone emdorsed by Cortez lost. Which proves she has nothing to sell outside of the Bronx.
Not yet...the candidate she endorsed for congress in Kansas's 3rd district is winning but hasn't won.

Being a political junkie even though I know nothing about the general politics of Kansas, I am following the below race because I have read about Kris Kobach and I think he's a good SOLID Conservative and NOT a RINO and I hope he wins.

This is the situation with 83% of the vote counted:

In a 100% result, everyone emdorsed by Cortez lost. Which proves she has nothing to sell outside of the Bronx.


Jeez man...this is the most ridiculous post I recall reading here today.

This OH-12 was for a portion of Ohio - consisting of only 758,000 people.

How the 'f' does one RIDICULOUSLY CLOSE result in a longtime Rep stronghold, in a part of Ohio - equate to the ENTIRE country?


Are you under the impression that the girl ONLY endorsed ONE candidate? That's where your problem is. She endorsed and campaigned for Brent Welder and James Thompson in Kansas, Fayruz Saad in Detroit, Cori Bush in Missouri, Abdul El Sayed for governor of Michigan.

Does that clear it up for you. All her backed candidates lost.
"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov." - President Trump

Of course Trump takes credit. Yet he's probably the only reason the race was close to begin with. It's a deep red district where the republican almost lost. And from what I understand, it's not like O'Connor was some brilliant, inspiring figure.
Lol no its not you idiot. Its near the capitol which like ALL major cities is a liberal cesspool! Its got Ohio State university there again a bastion of liberalism.

Everything You Need To Know About The Ohio 12th Special Election

"Ohio’s 12th District is traditionally Republican. According to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric, it is 14 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole."

Yeah, not surprising that the self-described racist is also an idiot.
As you can see from Lucy's post COLUMBUS is a blue hole....just not enough leftists came out and voted...wah wah
In a 100% result, everyone emdorsed by Cortez lost. Which proves she has nothing to sell outside of the Bronx.
Not yet...the candidate she endorsed for congress in Kansas's 3rd district is winning but hasn't won.

"Not yet...the candidate she endorsed for congress in Kansas's 3rd district is winning but hasn't won."

This is the situation in that race with 21% of the vote counted:


^^^^ Which ever Democrat wins the above will lose to the below Republican Kevin Yoder in November.

"Congratulations to Josh Hawley on your big Senate Primary win in Missouri. I look forward to working with you toward a big win in November. We need you in Washington!" - President Trump
"Political science research shows that if Dem partisans spend enough time online mocking & screaming at & heaping scorn on Green Party voters, they'll eventually decide the Democratic Party is their home and start loyally voting for whatever Democrat you stick in front of them." - Glenn Greenwald
Following the stunning loss of every Alexandria Ocasio Cortez backed candidate, she announces her first piece of legislation: Participation trophies for all contestants.
Kobach is 1% behind lead in Kansas governor race!

This is what the current situation is:

View attachment 209122

This is the current situation with 86% of the vote counted, there is just one remaining County that has not started counting that is the one below shown which is Morris County every other County has reported 100% vote counts:

View attachment 209127

This is the current situation with 87% of the vote counted, before I made an error and had not noticed that the below Johnson County had not finished counting, they are very slow and have only completed 11% of their count of 56 out of 502 precincts, Morris County that I mentioned before have now completed 100% of their vote count and that result is Jeff Colyer 370 votes 40.7%, Kris Kobach 318 votes 35.0% and Jim Barnett 120 votes 13.2%.

In the below Johnson County Kris Kobach is going to have to significantly increase his share of the vote and hope this Spoiler Candidate Jim Barnett does not do what he's been doing in more than HALF of the existing counted vote which is to take a small percentage of the vote but ENOUGH to give the County by a narrow margin to Jeff Colyer, if he does and Colyer wins Johnson County then he of course will narrowly win the race, not sure what the Recount Rules in this are but the win could be narrow enough for a Recount situation.


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