Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters

Where do you get your 'facts'? CNN??

Between Methan Clathrates and Methane Hydrates, there is more energy avaible on this Planet than ten Human Civilizations could use in 10,000 years

Methane Hydrate: The World's Largest Natural Gas Resource

Methane clathrate - Wikipedia

like I said,,,

its not whether its there but what it takes to get it,,

100 yrs ago all you did was drill a hole and stand back,,,now we have to create mini earthquakes to get it,,,

when it takes more than a gallon of fossils to get a gallon of fossils the net gain becomes zero, and that will happen long before the planet runs out of fossils,,
The largest fossil fuel reserves are yet to be discovered

if they havent been discovered then how do you know they are there,,,

and like I said, its not whether they are there but what it takes to get it,,,
Because Oil and Natural Gas are produced in The Earth's Interior every day. Human Beings only occupy 10% of the planet. We will never run out of Oil and Natural Gas.

if you say so,,,



Russians & NASA Discredit 'Fossil Fuel' Theory: Demise of Junk CO2 Science | PSI Intl
The largest fossil fuel reserves are yet to be discovered

No such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource and has nothing to do with fossilzed dinosaurs. :lol:
There are not enough dead dinosaurs or dead fauna to ever make the amount of Hydrocarbons we have used in the last 10 years even.

It's simple, we have unlimited supplies of hydrogen and carbon.


It's common sense....it takes 500 years to produce an INCH of topsoil.....our deep wells are well in excess of 30,000 feet....nothing on this earth, flora or fauna, ever lived at those depths
oil is produced in the earth's core. as long as there are active volcanoes, we will have oil. and we are only using 1/10th of the worlds supply.
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Your post was so fucking stupid that even I was surprised you posted it.

Any house with even two cars charging still would use less power at night than in the day.

You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

you do know that you dont have to charge them everynight???
well it would be if you traveled longer than the charge time. what the fk is wrong with you.

but what if you didnt, and it takes you a week to drive that far???

not everybody drives the same distance everyday you stupid mother fucker,,,
well then it depends on the temperature outside?

why do they need plugs at all parking lots then?

whats the temp got to do with it,,,and I';m not sure you understand this but parking lots hold lots of cars and some of those people drive a lot and might need them,,,

if I had a 200 mile range I might charge once a month

you need to fight off the stupid its corrupting your mind,,,
You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

you do know that you dont have to charge them everynight???
well it would be if you traveled longer than the charge time. what the fk is wrong with you.

but what if you didnt, and it takes you a week to drive that far???

not everybody drives the same distance everyday you stupid mother fucker,,,
well then it depends on the temperature outside?

why do they need plugs at all parking lots then?

whats the temp got to do with it,,,and I';m not sure you understand this but parking lots hold lots of cars and some of those people drive a lot and might need them,,,

if I had a 200 mile range I might charge once a month

you need to fight off the stupid its corrupting your mind,,,
because the batteries don't hold the same charge in cold. You would know that if you knew anything.

Also, don't you need the power from the plants that are coal powered? tell me the difference from oil.
you have to consider what it takes to make a gallon of gas/fuel,,

used to be real cheap,,,now like the ethanol hoax which takes 1 1/2 gal of fossil fuels to make 1 gal of ethanol plus government subsidies,,,,stupid if you ask me

its getting close on crude that its going to take 1 gal to get 1 gal

and fracking is one of the dumber things humans have done

as for methane exactly how does that power a car???

fact is there is still a lot of research need mostly on the waste from all of the materials involved,,,


Where do you get your 'facts'? CNN??

Between Methan Clathrates and Methane Hydrates, there is more energy avaible on this Planet than ten Human Civilizations could use in 10,000 years

Methane Hydrate: The World's Largest Natural Gas Resource

Methane clathrate - Wikipedia

like I said,,,

its not whether its there but what it takes to get it,,

100 yrs ago all you did was drill a hole and stand back,,,now we have to create mini earthquakes to get it,,,

when it takes more than a gallon of fossils to get a gallon of fossils the net gain becomes zero, and that will happen long before the planet runs out of fossils,,
you don't even know what oil actually is. it isn't fossils , fk I wish you'd educate your fking self.
Liberals Refuse to Educate Themselves because to do so means they would have to abandon their Fake Causes.
It's common sense....it takes 500 years to produce an INCH of topsoil.....our deep wells are well in excess of 30,000 feet....nothing on this earth, flora or fauna, ever lived at those depths. <snip>

Oh yeah??

The largest fossil fuel reserves are yet to be discovered

No such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource and has nothing to do with fossilzed dinosaurs. :lol:
There are not enough dead dinosaurs or dead fauna to ever make the amount of Hydrocarbons we have used in the last 10 years even.

It's simple, we have unlimited supplies of hydrogen and carbon.


It's common sense....it takes 500 years to produce an INCH of topsoil.....our deep wells are well in excess of 30,000 feet....nothing on this earth, flora or fauna, ever lived at those depths. The "peak oil" frauds are the same ones trumpeting gorebal warming...it's an agenda, not science.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

It's a Religion. Even the Bible warned us it was coming.

They Will Worship Creation and Not the Creator.

Earth Worship.
Because most of the planet has not been explored yet… They estimate at least 250+ years left under North Dakota alone.

Wait until they open ANWR 1001...they believe there are a BILLION barrels there which is why Barry didn't dare let leases on it....gotta protect the "pristine" tundra that nobody lives on or rarely ever sees. Even the antelope are bored...they cluster around pipelines because you have to warm oil to get it to flow. We've had our hands tied by these fucking opportunists who have stock in solar and wind... WIND, there's a beauty...how many thousand eagles and hawks have to die before those turbines are torn down? The off-shore wind turbines are being put in bountiful fishing areas....they mess up sea bass to where they don't travel in schools and are easy prey for predation. Everything about this "green" agenda is bullshit...it rarely works and ends up costing multiple amounts of traditional energy.
The largest fossil fuel reserves are yet to be discovered

No such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource and has nothing to do with fossilzed dinosaurs. :lol:
Ok, oil/gas/coal you know what I mean... lol
oil is a fossil fuel, it is produced from decayed plants just as biofuel is now synthesized
no it isn't. hly fk, learn something.
Yes Popeye you are clearly an intellectual
so is oil from dinosaurs or not? let us see your real stupid.

Go somewhere but google.
No such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource and has nothing to do with fossilzed dinosaurs. :lol:
Ok, oil/gas/coal you know what I mean... lol
oil is a fossil fuel, it is produced from decayed plants just as biofuel is now synthesized
no it isn't. hly fk, learn something.
Yes Popeye you are clearly an intellectual
so is oil from dinosaurs or not? let us see your real stupid.

Go somewhere but google.
Oil is produced from fauna principally just like it is produced in state of the art biofuel labs

You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

you do know that you dont have to charge them everynight???
well it would be if you traveled longer than the charge time. what the fk is wrong with you.

but what if you didnt, and it takes you a week to drive that far???

not everybody drives the same distance everyday you stupid mother fucker,,,
well then it depends on the temperature outside?

why do they need plugs at all parking lots then?

whats the temp got to do with it,,,and I';m not sure you understand this but parking lots hold lots of cars and some of those people drive a lot and might need them,,,

if I had a 200 mile range I might charge once a month

you need to fight off the stupid its corrupting your mind,,,
Do you know anything about electricity and electrons?

You know, if anyone is paying attention, you people are getting a college level education today in energy, hydrocarbons, chemical reactions, electricity, chemistry etc.

Batteries are drained much faster at colder temperatures because of the rate of electron flow or Ions are altered by the cold, and the chemical reactions which produce and release those ions and electrons for usage is impeded.

"Moments later, the device was dead. The short answer is that batteries rely on chemical reactions to work, and freezing temperatures slow or stop those reactions. ... In fact, cold temperatures prevent the kind of slow discharge battery ions do under room temperatures, as the engineering website Lithiumpros.com explains."
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.


As opposed to 900 million cell phones and tablets? I'm not sure power grid capacity is going to be an effective argument here. There is far less power consumption going on overnight than the rest of the day.
The abiotic theory comes from Russia...they were perplexed how old wells that were abandoned started producing again....and it was light-sweet crude, not the shit tar sand oil from Venezuela and Canuckistan. So how would "fossils" stop producing crude oil and then suddenly begin producing again? Absurd. The earth has ancient channels/ducts that brought oil up high enough to be drilled and as the inner-core produces it, as some channels refill, it sends it's bounty up other channels...been going on forever....especially since we started using it on the scale we do now. It's all about lift-cost.....shallow ME oil that has to be shipped and Saudi treachery to ruin our oil bidness....thanks to fracking we don't need them anymore.
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.

Funny chit.

What else goes on at night?

Past history not strong with you on black outs? Power lines down in storms, our power grid can't handle a EMP pulse? Our crumbling infrastructure?

You really are that dumb or just a propaganda mouth piece like Rderp, RW and Billy huh?

Your post was so fucking stupid that even I was surprised you posted it.

Any house with even two cars charging still would use less power at night than in the day.

You stupid fuck I said 300 million cars at night...God damn you a fucking brain dead idiot and they run on 220v not 110v

you do know that you dont have to charge them everynight???

Then why have a damn car at all? Seriously it already has limited range and takes hours to charge . Of course people will damn charge it every night.


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