Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption

Uh huh - I am certain you know tons more than the analysts at UPS.

There are no "analysts" at UPS! Don't be such an idiot. The decision to switch a fleet of vehicles to some new model happens all the time, often with regrets-- -- -- companies choosing to switch over to all EV vehicles at this premature stage must see some sort of political or marketing advantage to it, or are subject to someone's really good sales pitch, otherwise they would just DO IT and not make such a big show of it advertising it to all.
There are no "analysts" at UPS! Don't be such an idiot. The decision to switch a fleet of vehicles to some new model happens all the time, often with regrets-- -- -- companies choosing to switch over to all EV vehicles at this premature stage must see some sort of political or marketing advantage to it, or are subject to someone's really good sales pitch, otherwise they would just DO IT and not make such a big show of it advertising it to all.
There are no analysts at UPS - REALLY?? :lmao:

ups job description analyst

Nice try though ... SPARKLES

There are no analysts at UPS - REALLY??
Thanks for showing us the UPS marketing from their marketing department. By your definition I guess if you have to decide straight or curly fries for lunch, you're an "analyst" too.

Like I said, the decision is either political or marketing. Thanks for proving it.

No company in their right mind abandons a PROVEN technology for a nascent one unless it is politics or marketing.
Thanks for showing us the UPS marketing from their marketing department. By your definition I guess if you have to decide straight or curly fries for lunch, you're an "analyst" too.

Like I said, the decision is either political or marketing. Thanks for proving it.

No company in their right mind abandons a PROVEN technology for a nascent one unless it is politics or marketing.
Thanks once again for your brilliant analysis Sparkles. :rofl:
Yeah, I do. Thanks for recognizing that.

Sure Sure - You. can have the UPS guys all deliver in a shiny new fleet of gas guzzling Corvettes .. One package at a time. Thank you JESUS for the analytical skills of you and Tooby! :rofl:
Sure Sure - You. can have the UPS guys all deliver in a shiny new fleet of gas guzzling Corvettes .. One package at a time. Thank you JESUS for the analytical skills of you and Tooby! :rofl:

Another sagacious argument by the Doctor of Glove. I'm surprised you don't have UPS delivering on a pogo stick!
Another sagacious argument by the Doctor of Glove. I'm surprised you don't have UPS delivering on a pogo stick!
Why thank you - Not the first time I've been referred to as sagacious.
Did your GED qualified home schooler teach ya that one? :lol:

having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd:
^^^^Jackass too stupid to even recognize a sarcasm.
"A sarcasm" - Is that like ... a singular or something? :71:

Most of these EVs are made out of lots of petroleum products...
From plastic dashboards to tires and even the foam in the seats.
Of course the fiberglass panels and bumpers are petroleum products.... same thing with the lubricants.

So. No... petroleum products are going to be around for a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng time.
who needs oil ride the bus.jpg

LOL Damn, but you are one stupid ass. That is exactly what it is. In fact, saw one today outside the local Fred Meyer. And it can negotiate slow super market parking lots with and aplomb that the lumpa-lump high horsepower ICE's cannot match. Two Y's now on the block I live on, and we are a middle income neighborhood. That is the beauty of the high end EV's, they can utterly destroy ICE's on the drag strip and act like a docile granny car in normal life.
What color is the sky in your world, Roxy?
They have scientists and analysts who figure out that crap. Obviously the return on investment is solid, or they wouldn't continue to make these purchases.

Oh, you mean like Obama's investment of half a billion taxpayer dollars in Solyndra? Awesome investment.
It needs to be incentivised some ... a little push in that direction ... maybe tax breaks on the capitalization ... small things like requiring solar panel pyres on roofs, so ridiculously cheap and easy to do during re-roofing but something the average homeowner wouldn't think of ... micro-hydro-turbines are half a regular generator; these could be installed everywhere ...

People think we need to get this all on line all at once ... that's foolish ... we did't go through the nation and pave every road as soon as cars became available ... we did this little bits at a time, let the economic advantages pay to further the progress ... maybe by 2090 or 2100 we can build these massive projects ... but starting out, we just need to "pick the low hanging fruit" ... let the free market work for us ...

We have to someday ... let those who can today do so ...
Solar panels aren’t exactly “ cheap and easy”. I had twenty one panels installed and it cost twenty five grand. My new roof cost slightly over a quarter of that
Sure Sure - You. can have the UPS guys all deliver in a shiny new fleet of gas guzzling Corvettes .. One package at a time. Thank you JESUS for the analytical skills of you and Tooby! :rofl:
That's not as dumb as OldRocks claiming a 1,020 horsepower, 0-60 MPH in 1.98 seconds, $131K sedan is a suburban grocery-getter.

The best way for Americans to discover the predictable surprises of widespread EV use is for Americans to experience the predictable surprises of widespread EV use.

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