Elite Psychology

Feb 20, 2013
It's really interesting reading in the book I'm finishing up "Plutocrats" to see what the 1% thinks about the Western middle class. In a general consensus, they more or less say "well, you've had your party." One said it was better for 4 Americans to sink below the middle class level if only ONE Chinese or Indian person rises to the middle class. THESE are the people who buy our politicians! Do some reading on it and see what we're really up against. This link doesn't do it justice but it's almost bedtime so I can get up early to go back to work and make a 1%er's life better...............

1% to Middle Class: ?Stop crying, you?re better off than ever!? | Change to Win
America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!

America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.
America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

The discussion concerns the CLASS, Lad.

While it is certainly true that with luck and pluck individuals might improve their lot in life.

But unless conditions are right with the economic system that can NOT be the case for an entire CLASS of individuals.

Now does that really confuse you?
Obama is more damaging to the American Middle Class than all the Biblical plagues combined
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America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

The discussion concerns the CLASS, Lad.

While it is certainly true that with luck and pluck individuals might improve their lot in life.

But unless conditions are right with the economic system that can NOT be the case for an entire CLASS of individuals.

Now does that really confuse you?

Class is a fictional imposition for people who fail to fall back on.
Making it up? Excuses? Fictional? Obama? Bush? Blaming others? Look, I get that most people here just want to exchange insults about other people's party and beliefs - kind of a smart-ass competition where we try to be more cute than the other smart-ass; after all, that's all we hear in the media.

If I'm so wrong, why are books being written about it, hey? If I'm so wrong, why is it happening regardless of who the politicians are? If you want to stick your heads in the sand because you don't have the witherall to study or read, just say so. If you dont' care, say so. If you wanna play Sean Hannity and Michael Moore, have at it. Jesus H Christ! The world's evolving - the economy is evolving, and all you motherfuckers want to do is talk about Sarah Palin and guns and other non issues that really don't have a direct impact on the huge change forces at work in this world. Sad.
Meritocracy, individual achievement , self respect...........

Concepts unfamiliar to progressive welfare dependents, public civil servants, and pussified , jealous, occutards...........

Loathsome social justice parasites.........
Progressive US Presidents FDR and Obama have presided over the worst economies in human history, and that's not a coincidence.
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And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

The discussion concerns the CLASS, Lad.

While it is certainly true that with luck and pluck individuals might improve their lot in life.

But unless conditions are right with the economic system that can NOT be the case for an entire CLASS of individuals.

Now does that really confuse you?

Class is a fictional imposition for people who fail to fall back on.

Hey skull. YOU a 1%? Fuk no. And no matter how hard you work, you will never be a 1%.
Do you really think that just anyone, with some hard work and education, can amass a fortune of lets say, 500 million dollars?

But I am sure that the real 1% are really appreicative of your hard work in defending their
lot in life. LMAO. BTW skull, why do you care so much for the elite rulers of the country?
Do you think they are doing such a good job that they are above criticism? Or are you so close to their income level you don't want to piss them off? Do you not think that the ultra wealthy view the rest of us as the "lower class" people? Hell there are middle class people on here that view the poor as lower class. So the idea that we as a nation are not class concious is wrong. We have been divided into classes for a long time.
The discussion concerns the CLASS, Lad.

While it is certainly true that with luck and pluck individuals might improve their lot in life.

But unless conditions are right with the economic system that can NOT be the case for an entire CLASS of individuals.

Now does that really confuse you?

Class is a fictional imposition for people who fail to fall back on.

Hey skull. YOU a 1%? Fuk no. And no matter how hard you work, you will never be a 1%.
Do you really think that just anyone, with some hard work and education, can amass a fortune of lets say, 500 million dollars?

But I am sure that the real 1% are really appreicative of your hard work in defending their
lot in life. LMAO. BTW skull, why do you care so much for the elite rulers of the country?
Do you think they are doing such a good job that they are above criticism? Or are you so close to their income level you don't want to piss them off? Do you not think that the ultra wealthy view the rest of us as the "lower class" people? Hell there are middle class people on here that view the poor as lower class. So the idea that we as a nation are not class concious is wrong. We have been divided into classes for a long time.

They THINK they're one of them, or really have a shot. Yea, people who spend all day sitting on a computer know SO MUCH about what happened in world history and what is happening now. Why should they investigate or study when they know everygoddamned thing? No wonder they're called sheep.
Meritocracy, individual achievement , self respect...........

Concepts unfamiliar to progressive welfare dependents, public civil servants, and pussified , jealous, occutards...........

Loathsome social justice parasites.........

Fuck you and your social justice. And fuck your "everyone's a liberal who don't think like me" bullshit.
Meritocracy, individual achievement , self respect...........

Concepts unfamiliar to progressive welfare dependents, public civil servants, and pussified , jealous, occutards...........

Loathsome social justice parasites.........

Fuck you and your social justice. And fuck your "everyone's a liberal who don't think like me" bullshit.

An illiterate prison flunky couldnt have reacted more womanly..........
Meritocracy, individual achievement , self respect...........

Concepts unfamiliar to progressive welfare dependents, public civil servants, and pussified , jealous, occutards...........

Loathsome social justice parasites.........

Fuck you and your social justice. And fuck your "everyone's a liberal who don't think like me" bullshit.

An illiterate prison flunky couldnt have reacted more womanly..........

You know you're an arrogant wanna be elitist, but in reality, just another partisan sheep. Easy to decode.
Making it up? Excuses? Fictional? Obama? Bush? Blaming others? Look, I get that most people here just want to exchange insults about other people's party and beliefs - kind of a smart-ass competition where we try to be more cute than the other smart-ass; after all, that's all we hear in the media.

If I'm so wrong, why are books being written about it, hey? If I'm so wrong, why is it happening regardless of who the politicians are? If you want to stick your heads in the sand because you don't have the witherall to study or read, just say so. If you dont' care, say so. If you wanna play Sean Hannity and Michael Moore, have at it. Jesus H Christ! The world's evolving - the economy is evolving, and all you motherfuckers want to do is talk about Sarah Palin and guns and other non issues that really don't have a direct impact on the huge change forces at work in this world. Sad.

I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?
America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

He's not pointing out his deficiencies, writing so is a stupid comment. And, he's not whining, he's pointing out what's obvious to those of us who pay attention.

Profit is the God Particle of Corporate America, not quality, service or the nation. Are any of you old enough to remember Sears and their policy on tool replacement? Such a company policy no longer exists. Corporate America works to squeeze every dime you earn and offers lesser products and services. Look at the Airlines, bag fees, fuel charges, strip searches (ok, that's hyperbole but not far off for some victims) and more consolidations and bankruptcies (thank you RR, another degregulation snafu).

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm doing fine, but I worry that my kids will live in a plutocratic dystopia. Something middle class voters should consider and not be fooled by the explotation of wedge issues by the GOP at the expense of real debates on substantive issues.
Good god, get over the fact that you little libs will never be a 1%.

Who gives a shit?

Go to work, take care of your families and shut the fuck up already, its their money you idiots.
America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

He's not pointing out his deficiencies, writing so is a stupid comment. And, he's not whining, he's pointing out what's obvious to those of us who pay attention.

Profit is the God Particle of Corporate America, not quality, service or the nation. Are any of you old enough to remember Sears and their policy on tool replacement? Such a company policy no longer exists. Corporate America works to squeeze every dime you earn and offers lesser products and services. Look at the Airlines, bag fees, fuel charges, strip searches (ok, that's hyperbole but not far off for some victims) and more consolidations and bankruptcies (thank you RR, another degregulation snafu).

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm doing fine, but I worry that my kids will live in a plutocratic dystopia. Something middle class voters should consider and not be fooled by the explotation of wedge issues by the GOP at the expense of real debates on substantive issues.

Those of you who allegedly pay attention are the ones whining.

you just can't hear it over the bleating of the flock.

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