Elizabeth Warren Stumped When Asked Why Americans Say They Miss Trump’s Economy (VIDEO)

And I said you should ask the blacks if that helped them. but you aren't smart enough to understand basic conversation.
All you said was ask blacks. I'm not a mind reader.

I guess I should thank Trump for extra $27, because that's all it meant to me.

Put on your thinking cap and put things into perspective, you idiot.
During this period wages rose 14.2%.
Which means buying power has not been hurt much at all.
Now realize the only number that counts is your top number, the 17.3 as all the others numbers are contained on that, idiot.
That is a 3% slide.
Now, moron, why inflation at all?
Did you sleep through the Covid pandemic?
Hey, moron, for perspective, no other country on the globe is doing as well.
Japan is in a recession.
China's economy totally collapsed.

So get your head out of your ass and stop the talking parrot routine.

Put on your thinking cap and put things into perspective, you idiot.
During this period wages rose 14.2%.
Which means buying power has not been hurt much at all.
Now realize the only number that counts is your top number, the 17.3 as all the others numbers are contained on that, idiot.
That is a 3% slide.
Now, moron, why inflation at all?
Did you sleep through the Covid pandemic?
Hey, moron, for perspective, no other country on the globe is doing as well.
Japan is in a recession.
China's economy totally collapsed.

So get your head out of your ass and stop the talking parrot routine.

You do realize you are in the minority dumbass? Hahaha hahaha most people can recognize that the economy sucks and that prices are high, but not you LOL
After you look at whether people like the direction of the country or not note the latest headline below hahaha stupid ass

Oh, we negotiate new deals all the time? No, I did not know that so why don't you prove it. What was negotiated about NAFTA and when was it regularly done? Dates and subjects discussed please.

You are a true idiot.
You honestly don't realize that we constantly renegotiate add and change trade agreements?

You cannot be serious. These are living breathing agreements.
Good God, the ignorance here.
NAFTA took effect in 1992. The renegotiated agreement is called USMCA not NAFTA.
Did you sleep through the Covid pandemic?
the target attack on america? Done because trump couldn't be allowed anymore. You know that right? second impeachment was because trump wouldn't go to war.
Hahaha hahaha most people can recognize that the economy sucks
Yes I do realize most people think this. Most people are idiots who react to emotion not fact. Few of them are economic majors as myself and they only see prices rise, never considering how much more money they make.
You, my friend, fit perfect into this stupid group.
Maybe 1 in 1,000 Americans understand just how well we are doing compared to all other countries.
Yes, you are like the mass morons.
Yes I do realize most people think this. Most people are idiots who react to emotion not fact. Few of them are economic majors as myself and they only see prices rise, never considering how much more money they make.
You, my friend, fit perfect into this stupid group.
Maybe 1 in 1,000 Americans understand just how well we are doing compared to all other countries.
Yes, you are like the mass morons.
when you are the minority should tell you who is actually ignoring reality.
Yes I do realize most people think this. Most people are idiots who react to emotion not fact. Few of them are economic majors as myself and they only see prices rise, never considering how much more money they make.
You, my friend, fit perfect into this stupid group.
Maybe 1 in 1,000 Americans understand just how well we are doing compared to all other countries.
Yes, you are like the mass morons.
Oh so everybody is wrong except for you. LOL hahaha delusional. The economy sucks dude, you suck too for running apologetics for Biden. Do you know what gullible means?


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