Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!

Written by a true blood hack ^^^, species Trumpanzee!

Sen. Warren named her charity, Trump promised the charity one million Trump dollars.

Q. What is a Trump Dollar?

A. Fake Money!

Turn off fake news on Fox, and ignore the author of the OP, watch Trump make this promise at a rally, and deny he made this promise this morning all on the MSM.

Too funny. Breaking News: Trump is incompetent, even in his many lies.

Given the results of her DNA test showing that she was NOT at least 1/32 American Indian, on what basis did she check the box claiming minority status?
If you can't name them, how do you know? I can name my Native American ancestry, Liz Warren can't!
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?
Na, not really
She is not American Indian that she claimed... End of story
This just in… Correction 1/1024
that's ok - they corrected her subject line also where the OP said she was proven NATIVE INDIAN and toned it down for her.

yet the arguing remains.

the fact of the matter is that she simply doesn't have enough indian DNA in her to make this claim. there is nothing the gov will recognize about her claim to this heritage in any legal sense at all.

she's NOT indian and can get NO benefits from it. anyone using the little amount found has never had a DNA test done that shows a lot of shit there but that doesn't mean you actually *are* from that heritage.
The Passamaquoddy tribe allows those with 1/32 heritage to become members. It has to be documented, though.
If her family tradition mentioned a tribe (was it Cherokee?) it's probably right, since the story was also right about the fact that this ancestor existed. I have been able to find out quite a bit about the gr-gr-gr grandmothers I looked into. Maybe now that Warren knows this much, she should hire a genealogist to find this Indian maiden.
The Native American Peoples Of all tribes Should be outraged at E. Warren. They would consider her Ancestors traitors against their people for Giving up the native ways and assimilating into white mans society. Her own people know the truth just like the rest of us.
If you can't name them, how do you know? I can name my Native American ancestry, Liz Warren can't!
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
Apparently it depends on what the definition of is... is

...in all 57 states and under sniper fire
Maybe she has the greatest brain in the world? And she’s stable genius? And she made $10 billion All by herself with a tiny loan of $1 million from her dad?
This just in… Correction 1/1024
that's ok - they corrected her subject line also where the OP said she was proven NATIVE INDIAN and toned it down for her.

yet the arguing remains.

the fact of the matter is that she simply doesn't have enough indian DNA in her to make this claim. there is nothing the gov will recognize about her claim to this heritage in any legal sense at all.

she's NOT indian and can get NO benefits from it. anyone using the little amount found has never had a DNA test done that shows a lot of shit there but that doesn't mean you actually *are* from that heritage.
I could be wrong, but I don’t believe the mods did any such thing. I think they merely merged at least 2 threads on this topic and only one thread title can prevail.
...And she is not American Indian the test proves it so... 1/1024 is not American Indian
If you can't name them, how do you know? I can name my Native American ancestry, Liz Warren can't!
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
The Native American Peoples Of all tribes Should be outraged at E. Warren. They would consider her Ancestors traitors against their people for Giving up the native ways and assimilating into white mans society. Her own people know the truth just like the rest of us.
How do you know what they think? It’s hard to figure out what you think. Or even if you do.
Her family told her there was a native American in her history, she believed her mother, just like I believed mine about history books having my family name in them in my grandmothers time, 50 years later
on a trip to Scotland I found it was true.. it does not change anything about the things I like or dislike about how things are being done TODAY by our political leaders. keeping the focus off things that effect us all ,and focusing on the petty.
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

She never did that nitwit. Are you lying? Or just stupid? It has to be one or the other.
Yes, we do.

The report does not support Warren's assertion whatsoever. A Native American ancestor at least SIX GENERATIONS ago somehow making her Indian is ludicrous. We are all of every nationality then.

Think of how hard you would be scoffing here if a sheet white guy was trying to claim he was black because his great, great, great, great grandmother was black. Someone IN THE 1800's in her family was Indian.

Seriously - 6 generations. How can you look at that and even remotely think that this vindicates her claim.

If white society had known he had black blood sixty or more years ago he would have been called black and subject to the same restrictions as a black person with a higher percentage of black heritage. You really need to let it go and find something else to pick on.

The one drop rule law that was the law of the land in some of the states in the United States for a very long time. Mostly in the south. It's also still considered the standard among the far right conservative white supremacists. So yes had the person you're replying to had been alive in that time in our nation's history, that person would have legally been classified as black in some states in our nation.

One-drop rule - Wikipedia

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms).
This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into the law of some states in the early 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[3]
If an Indian were to sneeze on you, you'd have more Indian DNA than Warren. A LOT more! lol!
We know because a DNA test confirmed it. :eusa_doh:

No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
Apparently it depends on what the definition of is... is

...in all 57 states and under sniper fire
Maybe she has the greatest brain in the world? And she’s stable genius? And she made $10 billion All by herself with a tiny loan of $1 million from her dad?
But, she did she did say she was American Indian....
1/1024 It’s not American Indian. No amount of political correct spin can prove it so
No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

She never did that nitwit. Are you lying? Or just stupid? It has to be one or the other.
Why choose? :dunno:
Yes, we do.

The report does not support Warren's assertion whatsoever. A Native American ancestor at least SIX GENERATIONS ago somehow making her Indian is ludicrous. We are all of every nationality then.

Think of how hard you would be scoffing here if a sheet white guy was trying to claim he was black because his great, great, great, great grandmother was black. Someone IN THE 1800's in her family was Indian.

Seriously - 6 generations. How can you look at that and even remotely think that this vindicates her claim.

If white society had known he had black blood sixty or more years ago he would have been called black and subject to the same restrictions as a black person with a higher percentage of black heritage. You really need to let it go and find something else to pick on.

The one drop rule law that was the law of the land in some of the states in the United States for a very long time. Mostly in the south. It's also still considered the standard among the far right conservative white supremacists. So yes had the person you're replying to had been alive in that time in our nation's history, that person would have legally been classified as black in some states in our nation.

One-drop rule - Wikipedia

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms).
This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into the law of some states in the early 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[3]
Who cares? She never mentioned a drop one time. She talked about heritage. And it turns out she was right.

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