Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Now it’s Republicans who are questioning the definition of the word “is”.
She takes a private test, not a public one. If the test revealed zero% Indian does anyone think the report would have ever seen the light of day?
1. WHOSE DNA did she submit for testing?
- I would not put it past her to have submitted someone else.

2. DNA shows Native American ancestry 10 generations ago.
- Claiming to BE 'Native American' because you have ONE American Indian 'leaf' on your family tree is like claiming YOU are a 'SLAVE' because 10 generations ago ONE member of your family was a slave / indentured servant.

It does NOT make you a Native American Indian.

The vast majority” of Warren’s ancestry is European, but he added that “the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor.”

'unadmixed' - not pure.

So one of Warren's European ancestors came to America, raped a Native American woman, and the pure European bloodline was 'muddied' / 'tainted'. The Europeans enslaved many of the Indians, killed off a large portion of them, and stole their land and took everything they could from them...and now Warren wants to claim that tiny bit of DNA from 10 generations back to ... get WHAT exactly?

I know Warren and snowflakes seem to think she 'WON' something with this move, but it only proves how pathetic she is, still claiming SHE is 'Native American' when the only real Native American in her family's history lived DECADES / apporx a CENTURY ago!

Elizabeth Warren releases results of DNA test on Native American ancesty - The Boston Globe

You dolt, her gr-gr-gr-grandmother would have been from the mid to late 1700's, early 1800's.

Careful, you are being specific.
The Native American Peoples Of all tribes Should be outraged at E. Warren. They would consider her Ancestors traitors against their people for Giving up the native ways and assimilating into white mans society. Her own people know the truth just like the rest of us.
How do you know what they think? It’s hard to figure out what you think. Or even if you do.

Angry lefty? you all hate it when someone doesn't agree with your disingenuous rhetoric. Go talk to yourself you're the only one listening to you!
She takes a private test, not a public one. If the test revealed zero% Indian does anyone think the report would have ever seen the light of day?

Okay 1% we can live with that it shows I wasn't a complete Liar only 99%
she has zero native american dna

Just saying that lie. doesn't make it true.

I understand why you didn't read the article. It doesn't lie to you about this. It tells the truth. Which this is the truth it tells:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So you can stop lying now. Or not. But if you want people to stop laughing at you and believing you're a very stupid fool, you would stop lying.

But then you may not care that you make a fool of yourself to all of cyberspace and we're having a great time laughing at your stupidity.

Carry on. You're wonderful comic relief.
she has zero native american dna

Just saying that lie. doesn't make it true.

I understand why you didn't read the article. It doesn't lie to you about this. It tells the truth. Which this is the truth it tells:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So you can stop lying now. Or not. But if you want people to stop laughing at you and believing you're a very stupid fool, you would stop lying.

But then you may not care that you make a fool of yourself to all of cyberspace and we're having a great time laughing at your stupidity.

Carry on. You're wonderful comic relief.
Conservatives can’t stop lying. If they did, they’d have nothing to post.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
lol This was Warren's " I am not a crook!" speech.
And it turns out the Republican really was a crook. How hilarious is that?
Well, Warren really was a crook. She sought preferences by falsely claiming she was a native American, but Havard has said they never believed her. Clearly, the woman was neither honest nor a competent crook.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.

You do realize you are trying to convince willfully ignorant fools of something they have no interest in believing because they are willfully ignorant fools right?

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

All I'm doing is posting truths then watching the conservatives have melt downs, keep lying or come up with stupid excuses.

It's good for comic relief but sad to see so many Americans so full of hate and ignorance.

We saw lots of hate and ignorance during the Kavanaugh hearings. What we didn't see is people who check the box for Advantage without being qualified to do so. It's not the white Americans you have to worry about it will be the Indian Nation who will be standing at every campaign stop she makes with protest signs and now more than ever that she foolishly handed them the proof.

6th generation back is not that far away.... from Ancestry.com

I know my father's father...my grandfather was Rubin, his father was John, his father was William, his father was Allen, his father was James, his father was John, his father was John Sr.... that's just 7 to 8 generations before me.... brings it to around 1700, here in the American colony
Trump was correct when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NY, and his followers would forgive him, and some claim he was on the 5th T on his golf course in NJ when the victim was shot.
Wow, is 1/64th enough to get her eligible for free treatment at FEDERALLY paid-for "Native Hospitals"? Membership in a tribe to collect benefits?


OK, then she's still Fauxahontas.
No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
No, the DNA confirmed she has a microscopic portion of her DNA that is Native American. That is all.

I don't even claim to Native American even though I am about 4 times more than Liz Warren could possibly be.
That is about what she claimed
A great, great, great grandmother

Her family history was correct

The test didn't prove that.
She said she was told that there was Indian blood in her family. That sometime in the past an American Indian married into her family. The DNA test proves she’s correct. That’s all you need to know. If she said she was an American Indian she would’ve said what tribe. But I don’t remember her saying that do you? Only that she had American Indian heritage. And she does.

Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

Why does the truth always freak out Republicans? Is it because they lie so much?

That's not enough for her to claim she was a minority. She lied about her heritage and showed us the evidence that she lied and had no business checking the box
Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

She never did that nitwit. Are you lying? Or just stupid? It has to be one or the other.
She claimed to be a native American, but Harvard understood she was just full of bullshit.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
lol This was Warren's " I am not a crook!" speech.
And it turns out the Republican really was a crook. How hilarious is that?
Well, Warren really was a crook. She sought preferences by falsely claiming she was a native American, but Havard has said they never believed her. Clearly, the woman was neither honest nor a competent crook.

This is one issue she should have just left alone. All she did whs ratchet it up to industrial strength issue now. She's following some bad advice from somebody.

Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.

You do realize you are trying to convince willfully ignorant fools of something they have no interest in believing because they are willfully ignorant fools right?

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

All I'm doing is posting truths then watching the conservatives have melt downs, keep lying or come up with stupid excuses.

It's good for comic relief but sad to see so many Americans so full of hate and ignorance.

We saw lots of hate and ignorance during the Kavanaugh hearings. What we didn't see is people who check the box for Advantage without being qualified to do so. It's not the white Americans you have to worry about it will be the Indian Nation who will be standing at every campaign stop she makes with protest signs and now more than ever that she foolishly handed them the proof.

Oh? Why would the Indian Nation protest her now since she now has evidence of Natuve American Indian in her heritage?
I understand the TEST was given to a professor. FRIEND of hers are Cornell....He quoted she could be anything from 1/32 to 1/512 part Indian....Fauxahontas, would NOT take a PUBLIC DNA TEST and by a recognized DNA checking company....In other words, she's shitting you again!

Cornell professor: Media headlines 'overstate' Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › news › cornell-p...

21 minutes ago · Elizabeth Warren, that purport to show she likely does have a distant ... The Globe's report said the DNA test, conducted by a Stanford
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
lol This was Warren's " I am not a crook!" speech.
And it turns out the Republican really was a crook. How hilarious is that?
Well, Warren really was a crook. She sought preferences by falsely claiming she was a native American, but Havard has said they never believed her. Clearly, the woman was neither honest nor a competent crook.

This is one issue she should have just left alone. All she did whs ratchet it up to industrial strength issue now. She's following some bad advice from somebody.

Why should it have been left alone when Trump prodded her with a million dollars to prove her claim? Which she did.
Warren has made it even worse for herself with this ludicrous test.
Anyone on the planet can 'purchase' DNA test results 'proving' they are descended from Donald Duck.
That's bullshit. Where is yours, proving your connection to Charlemagne?
1/1024 is not American Indian... End of story
That person is not going to attain tribal membership, but did Warren ever say she had?

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