Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

No. She paid some Stanford liberal to find she may be 1.56% Indian. LOL! What a FRAUD!
You are unhinged dude.

This stupid shit is why you focus on POLICY AND NOT PERSONALITY.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN who mocked her heritage including me now look like childish fucking morons. You can now bet your last damn dollar that there will be ads with various GOP officials mocking her and the ad will end with her DNA results.

This is what happens when you play petty politics.

If you want to pretend she found something that supported the lies she's been telling because the media told you she did, instead of being aware of what she ACTUALLY SAID versus the ACTUAL RESULTS, that's your problem, not ours.
Naw it's not my problem. The perception is the GOP was wrong. People don't give a shit about percentages nor will anyone who isn't a diehard political person bother to do the math.

PERCEPTION is everything

Literally no one perceives this as proof that she was right to claim to be Native American, unless they are a "diehard politlcal person" who wants to believe her.

It's not necessary for people to do any math. It's already done for them, right there in the article.
She always said she had a grandmother who was at least partly Indian and you people have gone absolutely nuts and brainwashed... And she never used it to get a job or anything else. Try reality someday.

She listed herself as a minority, which is a gigantic slap in the face to any real minority.
LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
No. She paid some Stanford liberal to find she may be 1.56% Indian. LOL! What a FRAUD!

The test result page does say that the person working on the sample did not know the identity of the sample donor at the time the work was done. Absent any proof otherwise, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

However, if you read all the way down to the bottom of the report, you find this interesting segment: "For Native American references, we used sample within the 1000 Genomes project of Native American ancestry; these samples come from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. (It is not possible to use Native American reference sequences from inside the United States, since Native American groups within the US have not chosen to participate to participate in recent population genetics studies.)"

So she had her DNA tested to prove her tale of Native American ancestry - which has always focused on US Native Americans - by a group whose reference samples don't actually include any US Native Americans.

And at that, her claim to "Native American" is actually about half what your average white American can claim. Hell, I'M more Native American than she is, and you don't see ME going to around claiming to be one. You certainly don't hear me telling tall tales about how "my parents had to elope to escape racism because my mother was Native American" or asking my employers to list me as Native American ethnicity.
that's gonna leave a mark.
Yep, The test proves that she is even less of the ratio that most Caucasians in this country are...
But she has high cheekbones
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.

What about this story?

Or this one?

During her academic career as a law professor, she had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she taught from 1987 to 1995, and at Harvard University Law School, where she was a tenured faculty member starting in 1995. (She was a visiting professor at Harvard during the 1992-1993 academic year.)

Elizabeth Warren releases results of DNA test on Native American ancesty - The Boston Globe

Her ethnicity is no more "Native American" than is the vast majority of white people in this country, or even a large percentage of black people in this country. She's actually LESS Native American than most of us, if you're not the Boston Globe and carefully talking only about white people in Utah.

Bullshit.Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown—if you're white | Genetic Literacy Project
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
Sorry, I don’t give Huffington Post any cred. It’s as ridiculous a site as Breitbart.
The loopy kunt is not an American Indian in any way...
The Cherokee nation soundly rejects her and tells her to fuck off...
My fathers mothers mothers mothers mothers grandmother was one quarter black. Guess that makes me a minority.
You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
Sorry, I don’t give Huffington Post any cred. It’s as ridiculous a site as Breitbart.
Ok... How about the Cherokee nation themselves?
Cherokee Nation Criticizes Elizabeth Warren Over DNA Test: ‘Undermining Tribal Interests’ With Heritage Claims
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
That link is from before this test result came out, super duper.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
Sorry, I don’t give Huffington Post any cred. It’s as ridiculous a site as Breitbart.
Ok... How about the Cherokee nation themselves?
Cherokee Nation Criticizes Elizabeth Warren Over DNA Test: ‘Undermining Tribal Interests’ With Heritage Claims

That doesn’t disprove there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.

Cons are such brain-dead creatures. :lol:
You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
That link is from before this test result came out, super duper.
Cherokee Nation says Elizabeth Warren's DNA test was "inappropriate"

That doesn’t disprove there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.

Cons are such brain-dead creatures. :lol:
She has no proof, because the numbers do not add up
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
Sorry, I don’t give Huffington Post any cred. It’s as ridiculous a site as Breitbart.
Ok... How about the Cherokee nation themselves?
Cherokee Nation Criticizes Elizabeth Warren Over DNA Test: ‘Undermining Tribal Interests’ With Heritage Claims
Yes using the test to claim Cherokee heritage would be bad. Of course no one is doing that. Garbage propaganda
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
Based on that Trump does too.
I doubt it, super duper.Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown—if you're white | Genetic Literacy Project
Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Sorry, I don’t give Huffington Post any cred. It’s as ridiculous a site as Breitbart.
Ok... How about the Cherokee nation themselves?
Cherokee Nation Criticizes Elizabeth Warren Over DNA Test: ‘Undermining Tribal Interests’ With Heritage Claims

That doesn’t disprove there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.

Cons are such brain-dead creatures. :lol:
She has no proof, because the numbers do not add up
Franco keeps on giggling. Did someone say he is a teacher?

Men teachers <snicker>
You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.
I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity | HuffPost
That link is from before this test result came out, super duper.
"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is prove. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."

- Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr.

Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
she's a dumb bitch
she's NOT NA--final
She never said she was, just that she had the ancestry. D u h dupe...
By that measure you have someone not retarded in your family.
Cherokee nation says fuck off Senator Warren a.k.a. Pocahontis because you’re full of shit
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
Based on that Trump does too.
I doubt it, super duper.Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown—if you're white | Genetic Literacy Project
Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Nobody would have known except for your garbage propaganda machine d u h... She has the ancestry now proven and she has never used it to get a job or anything else, super duper.

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