
The Hebrew word Elohim--is not a name for God-- it is a Hebrew word that carries various meanings of how applied. In many Hebrew words ending with IM = plurality--but in the case of Elohim--the Hebrew translating rule is--never plural when used for the true God. Yet the trinity teachers teach that Moses wrote Elohim in Genesis as gods---- the supposed scholars know the rule but let the lie continue to mislead. Mislead one into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily, because the God of Israel is a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) there is 0 doubt to that fact. There is no trinity god in existence.
Elohim means God Gods, or God of the Gods
Jehovah is Jesus Christ who sometimes would act under his Father's name as though He were the Father
That;s why the doctrine of the trinity is so screwed up. Trinitarians don't know how to interpret scripture.

Jehovah = the Father--only--Jesus is the son.
the first 2 chapter of the Book of Revelations prove that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. I was once dead and am alive
Jesus is the Savior. So is Jehovah
Jehovah will judge us. Jesus will judge us
Jehovah is our redeemer. Jesus is our redeemder.

If Jesus is the Father it is in his capacity as one who begats life, or in his role as Creator.

Rev 1:1 proves Jesus is not God--It states-- a revelation to Jesus from God.
Jehovah and Jesus are called many of the same things because-Acts 2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus--Jehovah is the one doing all of it, but he does it through Jesus. Just like he did through Moses--Moses did not part the red sea--Jehovah parted the red sea, but he did it through Moses. Moses could not do it of his own, it works the same with Jesus-John 5:30)
I don't know how Moses came into this. scratches head.
Jesus is acting in the name of his Father, then He is God....But not the Father.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Lot acted in the name of God as did Jonah as well many mortals throughout the bible--it didn't make them God.
Elohim means God Gods, or God of the Gods
Jehovah is Jesus Christ who sometimes would act under his Father's name as though He were the Father
That;s why the doctrine of the trinity is so screwed up. Trinitarians don't know how to interpret scripture.

Jehovah = the Father--only--Jesus is the son.
the first 2 chapter of the Book of Revelations prove that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. I was once dead and am alive
Jesus is the Savior. So is Jehovah
Jehovah will judge us. Jesus will judge us
Jehovah is our redeemer. Jesus is our redeemder.

If Jesus is the Father it is in his capacity as one who begats life, or in his role as Creator.

Rev 1:1 proves Jesus is not God--It states-- a revelation to Jesus from God.
Jehovah and Jesus are called many of the same things because-Acts 2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus--Jehovah is the one doing all of it, but he does it through Jesus. Just like he did through Moses--Moses did not part the red sea--Jehovah parted the red sea, but he did it through Moses. Moses could not do it of his own, it works the same with Jesus-John 5:30)
I don't know how Moses came into this. scratches head.
Jesus is acting in the name of his Father, then He is God....But not the Father.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Lot acted in the name of God as did Jonah as well many mortals throughout the bible--it didn't make them God.
but they didn't take God's name upon themselves
Ya defeated your own analogy. Lot's name was Lot. Jonah's name was Jonah
Jehovah = the Father--only--Jesus is the son.
the first 2 chapter of the Book of Revelations prove that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. I was once dead and am alive
Jesus is the Savior. So is Jehovah
Jehovah will judge us. Jesus will judge us
Jehovah is our redeemer. Jesus is our redeemder.

If Jesus is the Father it is in his capacity as one who begats life, or in his role as Creator.

Rev 1:1 proves Jesus is not God--It states-- a revelation to Jesus from God.
Jehovah and Jesus are called many of the same things because-Acts 2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus--Jehovah is the one doing all of it, but he does it through Jesus. Just like he did through Moses--Moses did not part the red sea--Jehovah parted the red sea, but he did it through Moses. Moses could not do it of his own, it works the same with Jesus-John 5:30)
I don't know how Moses came into this. scratches head.
Jesus is acting in the name of his Father, then He is God....But not the Father.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Lot acted in the name of God as did Jonah as well many mortals throughout the bible--it didn't make them God.
but they didn't take God's name upon themselves
Ya defeated your own analogy. Lot's name was Lot. Jonah's name was Jonah

they all served the God of the ot= a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
the first 2 chapter of the Book of Revelations prove that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. I was once dead and am alive
Jesus is the Savior. So is Jehovah
Jehovah will judge us. Jesus will judge us
Jehovah is our redeemer. Jesus is our redeemder.

If Jesus is the Father it is in his capacity as one who begats life, or in his role as Creator.

Rev 1:1 proves Jesus is not God--It states-- a revelation to Jesus from God.
Jehovah and Jesus are called many of the same things because-Acts 2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus--Jehovah is the one doing all of it, but he does it through Jesus. Just like he did through Moses--Moses did not part the red sea--Jehovah parted the red sea, but he did it through Moses. Moses could not do it of his own, it works the same with Jesus-John 5:30)
I don't know how Moses came into this. scratches head.
Jesus is acting in the name of his Father, then He is God....But not the Father.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Lot acted in the name of God as did Jonah as well many mortals throughout the bible--it didn't make them God.
but they didn't take God's name upon themselves
Ya defeated your own analogy. Lot's name was Lot. Jonah's name was Jonah

they all served the God of the ot= a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
Agreed, but their was another God behind the scenes.
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever.

And remember what Moses said, "Let Us make man in Our image.
Rev 1:1 proves Jesus is not God--It states-- a revelation to Jesus from God.
Jehovah and Jesus are called many of the same things because-Acts 2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus--Jehovah is the one doing all of it, but he does it through Jesus. Just like he did through Moses--Moses did not part the red sea--Jehovah parted the red sea, but he did it through Moses. Moses could not do it of his own, it works the same with Jesus-John 5:30)
I don't know how Moses came into this. scratches head.
Jesus is acting in the name of his Father, then He is God....But not the Father.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Lot acted in the name of God as did Jonah as well many mortals throughout the bible--it didn't make them God.
but they didn't take God's name upon themselves
Ya defeated your own analogy. Lot's name was Lot. Jonah's name was Jonah

they all served the God of the ot= a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
Agreed, but their was another God behind the scenes.
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever.

And remember what Moses said, "Let Us make man in Our image.

There is no other true God besides YHWH(Jehovah)

Moses served a single being God so the following is correct-
Let us( Jehovah and his master worker)=proverbs 8 = Jesus-1Cor 1:30) make man in our image( the capability of love and reason)

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