Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

This is why the leftists are gnashing their teeth over this Twitter deal with Musk... the sale is a major threat to their control of the narrative, and without controlling the narrative, they are are sunk.
Yes. It’s a turning point. I have hope anew we can squash the Dems’ plans for this country by shining a bright light on the harm they‘ve done - and will continue to do if allowed to proceed.
Yes. It’s a turning point. I have hope anew we can squash the Dems’ plans for this country by shining a bright light on the harm they‘ve done - and will continue to do if allowed to proceed.

You see why they wanted to pass VR-1 in such a hurry, demonized any voting rule changes they used in 2020?
You see why they wanted to pass VR-1 in such a hurry, demonized any voting rule changes they used in 2020?
Yup. If they had gotten away with that, it would have been the end of any fair and true election, and our country would have the same sham vote as the worst corrupt nations.
Yes. It’s a turning point. I have hope anew we can squash the Dems’ plans for this country by shining a bright light on the harm they‘ve done - and will continue to do if allowed to proceed.
I'm almost afraid to see what the left's counterpunch to getting slaughtered in the midterms is going to be... because you know they have a Hail Mary in the playbook somewhere.

I have a feeling it's going to be global, and bigger than anything they have done before. As a political party the Democrats are against a wall at the moment, and the desperation will only grow after the mid term bloodbath that's coming. We could even see a major "crisis" hit prior to the mids. We already know they are screwing with the food and the economy so...
I'm almost afraid to see what the left's counterpunch to getting slaughtered in the midterms is going to be... because you know they have a Hail Mary in the playbook somewhere.

I have a feeling it's going to be global, and bigger than anything they have done before. As a political party the Democrats are against a wall at the moment, and the desperation will only grow after the mid term bloodbath that's coming. We could even see a major "crisis" hit prior to the mids. We already know they are screwing with the food and the economy so...
My fear is they will enable the war in Ukraine to escalate, and I shudder to think of the possibilities. One thing we’ve learned from how they weaponized COVID is that there is no level too low for them.
I find it interesting that so many on the right are overjoyed that Musk has bought Twitter. Especially in light of the fact that many conservatives on these boards seem to not like anyone who isn't American (according to their standards).

Hate to tell you, but very little is known about Musk or his politics. On some things, he appears very liberal, on other things, he appears conservative, but you can't really say he's one side or the other. Can't even do that from his political donations, as he's contributed to both Dems and Republicans. He openly supported Andrew Yang for president in the last elections.

I don't really think that Musk is going to be the conservative Twitter savior that many on here think he's going to be.
Please tell us how you came to the conclusion that Conservatives don’t like anyone who isn’t American by their standards. You know who’s guilty of that? Your Party! Have different ideas about the Virus that are well reasoned? It’s DISINFORMATION! Think Russia and Trumps involvement was a hoax and false ? That’s DISINFORMATION ! Don’t think Transgender Women should be in Female Sports? You’re a BIGOT ! Don’t want CRT and “ different life styles “ taught to elementary School kids you’re a RACIST, BIGOT, HOMOPHOBE . Next time take a long look in the motor
Go start your own platform if you don't like it.

Don't have to. That will be done soon after the takeover. Trumps own site that he started was a major flop. What do you think is going to happen when Twitter turns into just another Trump circle jerk. That $54 a share is going to take a big hit. There isn't enough of you Trump turds to make up for the loss of that many users. Another new site like Twitter will be an instant money maker, when it picks up all of the users that leave.

You fuckwits really don't think things through very well do you
A majority of voters, of all three persuasions seem to see it differently.
That didn’t make sense.

Look, if you have some main point that you would try to make for me, then go ahead and make it. Then I’ll do my best to address what your point is.

Because right now you’re just following me around making what appear to be incoherent arguments that go nowhere.
What planet are you on? :laugh:

Your guy lost. He’s out of office. Your conspiracy theory temper tantrum doesn’t change anything. Cry your heart out. :)

Sure thing, skippy. This photo tells a thinking person all they need.. Look at all the pretty flags, but no people. Heck, Lincoln had 600,000 guests for his inauguration DURING THE CIVIL WAR.


That didn’t make sense.

Look, if you have some main point that you would try to make for me, then go ahead and make it. Then I’ll do my best to address what your point is.

Because right now you’re just following me around making what appear to be incoherent arguments that go nowhere.
Look at his avatar.... he's the poster child for birth control.
Sure thing, skippy. This photo tells a thinking person all they need.. Look at all the pretty flags, but no people. Heck, Lincoln had 600,000 guests for his inauguration DURING THE CIVIL WAR.


Man you are just piling the stupid on faster than I can respond to your nonsense. Let’s go through this slowly.

1. There was an inauguration for Biden. Agree or disagree?

2. There were people at Biden’s inauguration. Agree or disagree?

What a fucking moron you are. :laugh::laugh:
Man you are just piling the stupid on faster than I can respond to your nonsense. Let’s go through this slowly.

1. There was an inauguration for Biden. Agree or disagree?

2. There were people at Biden’s inauguration. Agree or disagree?

What a fucking moron you are. :laugh::laugh:

There were thousands more troops than there were guests. Moron. JUST. LIKE. in a FASCIST. DICTATORSHIP.

There were thousands more troops than there were guests. Moron. JUST. LIKE. in a FASCIST. DICTATORSHIP.

Your first claim: “The fact that there was no inauguration for xiden…”

So you just admitted that this was a lie. There was an inauguration for Biden.

Your second claim: “Look at all the pretty flags, but no people.”

So now you admit that there were people. This is also a lie.

Now to address your point that there weren’t many people there, that’s because of COVID you fucking moron.

Holy shit you’re stupid. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Don't have to. That will be done soon after the takeover. Trumps own site that he started was a major flop. What do you think is going to happen when Twitter turns into just another Trump circle jerk. That $54 a share is going to take a big hit. There isn't enough of you Trump turds to make up for the loss of that many users. Another new site like Twitter will be an instant money maker, when it picks up all of the users that leave.

You fuckwits really don't think things through very well do you
We think, you feel and name call

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