Emma Gonzalez Question

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Still trying to cut down the messenger rather than deal with the issue openly, I see.
We are dealing with the “issue”. The issue is that the left is exploiting tragedy and children yet again - for their fascist control agenda.
These kids are doing it for themselves, and you sissies are scared of them. What connection is there between them and the ill-defined "left." How much money is being transferred to the right-wing by people like the Koch Brothers (John Birchers!), the NRA, the phony "Christian" trash? Go back and listen to the raving speech given by Swaggert's hoochie mama.

None of that makes any sense at all, just partisan rambling. These kids are being used by the anti-gun folks.
We can pry his talking points out of his cold dead fingers.
what are you going to shoot him with first - your cold quick calculating wit?

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

We can pry his talking points out of his cold dead fingers.
what are you going to shoot him with first - your cold quick calculating wit?

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

You need to read your link a little more thoroughly. There are huge caveats and private gun sales being one of them. The studies were small in some cases the weapons were gifted to the criminal which I think needs to go through a background check and I don't expect many criminals to buy their guns at a gun store simply because of the background check. Anyway, your link as Politifact implies is unsubstantiated.
so is this point.

the loophole you speak of *is* for gifts usually to known people. if ANY DEALER OUT THERE is doing more than this, they are breaking the law OF WHICH you seem to think MOAR will help.

how will MOAR help if we don't enforce the ones we have on this?

go to a gun show and try to buy a gun w/o a background check and let me know how it goes.[/QUOTE]

In order to own a gun no matter the means of acquisition you should have to pass a background check. End of story, does that help?

Depending on state law you can buy a gun from a private seller, whether in their house or at a gun show without a background check.
Still trying to cut down the messenger rather than deal with the issue openly, I see.
We are dealing with the “issue”. The issue is that the left is exploiting tragedy and children yet again - for their fascist control agenda.
These kids are doing it for themselves, and you sissies are scared of them. What connection is there between them and the ill-defined "left." How much money is being transferred to the right-wing by people like the Koch Brothers (John Birchers!), the NRA, the phony "Christian" trash? Go back and listen to the raving speech given by Swaggert's hoochie mama.

None of that makes any sense at all, just partisan rambling. These kids are being used by the anti-gun folks.
But surely, folks like you are not being used by the pro-gun lobby and gun manufacturers.
We can pry his talking points out of his cold dead fingers.
what are you going to shoot him with first - your cold quick calculating wit?

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.
1. blame brady for the "loophole" - but if a gunshop is selling guns w/o a background check they're in deep shit. already have laws for them NOT to do this, why have more if we don't enforce the ones we do have?
So, when I talk about private gun sales you think that's a great time to bring up gunshop sales? And no, I don't blame Brady, I blame the NRA who are the ones fighting background checks on all gun sales.

2. then yell at hillary and obama and the left who continue to say 40% or more are sold this way. if we don't know, as you cleverly point out, how do THEY know? either you or they are wrong. have fun with that dilemma.

I'm more intersted in background checks for all sales and transfers of weapons. How about that?
and i'm more interested in fixing the background check process as it sits than to continue to push a busted process out to more people.

I'm also interested in fixing it to better include mental health, improve accuracy within the system, accommodate people accused of domestic violence (have a restraining order as an example) and to include all gun transfers.
LOL ...go for it shit stain

what are you going to shoot him with first - your cold quick calculating wit?

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

what are you going to shoot him with first - your cold quick calculating wit?

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

You need to read your link a little more thoroughly. There are huge caveats and private gun sales being one of them. The studies were small in some cases the weapons were gifted to the criminal which I think needs to go through a background check and I don't expect many criminals to buy their guns at a gun store simply because of the background check. Anyway, your link as Politifact implies is unsubstantiated.
so is this point.

the loophole you speak of *is* for gifts usually to known people. if ANY DEALER OUT THERE is doing more than this, they are breaking the law OF WHICH you seem to think MOAR will help.

how will MOAR help if we don't enforce the ones we have on this?

go to a gun show and try to buy a gun w/o a background check and let me know how it goes.

In order to own a gun no matter the means of acquisition you should have to pass a background check. End of story, does that help?

Depending on state law you can buy a gun from a private seller, whether in their house or at a gun show without a background check.[/QUOTE]
this would be a different conversation debating the merits and intent of the brady bill. if you wish to give your son a gun you have, should you have to make him go through a background check?

if you inherit 1 gun and want to sell it to a neighbor, should you?

i agree the process itself isn't difficult - go to a pawn shop or FFL dealer, pay the $25 and do it. but this process varies from state to state now doesn't it? for others it could be a huge pain to do this. but again, a different debate.

you continue to say this is a huge hole but yet you can't really cite too many crimes committed that we're aware of and/or debating in which guns were obtained in this manner. til you can, it's kinda a pointless point.
^Fix your quotes.

But short answer, acquire a gun, prove you're legally allowed to have one. I don't care if great grand pappy is passing down his prized functioning Winchester rifle, if you aren't responsible enough to prove you should have it then...you don't get it.
What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

What percentage of private sales of guns were sold to people with a criminal background? I bet you don't know and that's a problem.

Google is your friend.

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

You need to read your link a little more thoroughly. There are huge caveats and private gun sales being one of them. The studies were small in some cases the weapons were gifted to the criminal which I think needs to go through a background check and I don't expect many criminals to buy their guns at a gun store simply because of the background check. Anyway, your link as Politifact implies is unsubstantiated.
so is this point.

the loophole you speak of *is* for gifts usually to known people. if ANY DEALER OUT THERE is doing more than this, they are breaking the law OF WHICH you seem to think MOAR will help.

how will MOAR help if we don't enforce the ones we have on this?

go to a gun show and try to buy a gun w/o a background check and let me know how it goes.

In order to own a gun no matter the means of acquisition you should have to pass a background check. End of story, does that help?

Depending on state law you can buy a gun from a private seller, whether in their house or at a gun show without a background check.
this would be a different conversation debating the merits and intent of the brady bill. if you wish to give your son a gun you have, should you have to make him go through a background check?

if you inherit 1 gun and want to sell it to a neighbor, should you?

i agree the process itself isn't difficult - go to a pawn shop or FFL dealer, pay the $25 and do it. but this process varies from state to state now doesn't it? for others it could be a huge pain to do this. but again, a different debate.

you continue to say this is a huge hole but yet you can't really cite too many crimes committed that we're aware of and/or debating in which guns were obtained in this manner. til you can, it's kinda a pointless point.[/QUOTE]

Can people still by guns at gun shows in Nevada and other states without showing any Id or doing a background check?
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Still trying to cut down the messenger rather than deal with the issue openly, I see.
We are dealing with the “issue”. The issue is that the left is exploiting tragedy and children yet again - for their fascist control agenda.
These kids are doing it for themselves, and you sissies are scared of them. What connection is there between them and the ill-defined "left." How much money is being transferred to the right-wing by people like the Koch Brothers (John Birchers!), the NRA, the phony "Christian" trash? Go back and listen to the raving speech given by Swaggert's hoochie mama.

None of that makes any sense at all, just partisan rambling. These kids are being used by the anti-gun folks.
But surely, folks like you are not being used by the pro-gun lobby and gun manufacturers.

Nope, I'm not involved in any of it, sorry. I have all the gun's I want, and I am not involved in any lobbying, I've given no money to any of them. My conscience is quite clean and I seep VERY well at night.
He's going to have to, he would do that now with a purchase at a gun store you paranoid douche.
Exactly, you dimwit. A buyer going through a reputable gun seller has no choice but to provide his drivers license and Social Security number. And your dumb ass wants to remove that and allow people to call in their own “background check”. :laugh:

Hey...I know...maybe defendents can be their own prosecutor too? Oh wait...maybe criminals can be their own police officers and arrest themselves!

God Almighty are you a special kind of stupid. :lmao:
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He's going to have to, he would do that now with a purchase at a gun store you paranoid douche.
Exactly, you dimwit. A buyer going through a reputable gun seller has no choice but to provide his drivers license and Social Security number. And your dumb ass wants to remove that and allow people to call in their own “background check”. :laugh:

Hey...I know...maybe dependents can be their own prosecutor too? Oh wait...maybe criminals can be their own police officers and arrest themselves!

God Almighty are you a special kind of stupid. :lmao:

Have you ever gotten your credit report online? It's the same concept, you prove who you are, the NICS background check is performed and you are given a confirmation number. Noting out of the ordinary to how we handle other aspects of our lives.
And when the potential “buyer” calls - do you really think he will provide the F.B.I. with his own personal information? :lmao:

Please. Stop. Just stop. This is getting too funny and too ridiculous now.
He's going to have to
And...uh....why - exaclty - would be “have to” sweet cakes? He’s on the phone, dimwit. He can pretend to be anybody he wants to be. He can provide his friend names, SS#, etc. He can engage in identity theft and provide someone else’s information.

You’re whining like an uninformed idiot about stricter gun laws and your proposed “solution” is to have people run a background check on themselves.

Have you ever gotten your credit report online?
Yes. Have you ever had your identity stolen and had someone else get your credit report online.
It's the same concept, you prove who you are, the NICS background check is performed and you are given a confirmation number. Noting out of the ordinary to how we handle other aspects of our lives.
Except that I have no motivation to trick myself on my own credit report. But someone buying a gun for nefarious purposes has every motivation to provide misinformation.

And when the potential “buyer” calls - do you really think he will provide the F.B.I. with his own personal information? :lmao:

Please. Stop. Just stop. This is getting too funny and too ridiculous now.
He's going to have to
And...uh....why - exaclty - would be “have to” sweet cakes? He’s on the phone, dimwit. He can pretend to be anybody he wants to be. He can provide his friend names, SS#, etc. He can engage in identity theft and provide someone else’s information.

You’re whining like an uninformed idiot about stricter gun laws and your proposed “solution” is to have people run a background check on themselves.

View attachment 185174

He can pretend to be Santa Claus if he wants, he still has to prove who he is.

You are going with the very fallible argument of if it doesn't work 100% of the time then it;'s not worth it. For example, why have background checks at all if IDs can be stolen or forged? No law would ever exist ever using your logic.

But you support a border wall that will stop less than half of illegal immigration. Don't tell me, you're a rocket scientist.
Have you ever gotten your credit report online?
Yes. Have you ever had your identity stolen and had someone else get your credit report online.
It's the same concept, you prove who you are, the NICS background check is performed and you are given a confirmation number. Noting out of the ordinary to how we handle other aspects of our lives.
Except that I have no motivation to trick myself on my own credit report. But someone buying a gun for nefarious purposes has every motivation to provide misinformation.

View attachment 185179

You're not making sense. Do you have any motivation to 'trick yourself' in a NICS background check? You don't think a lot of damage could be done if someone else gets a hold of your credit report?
He can pretend to be Santa Claus if he wants, he still has to prove who he is.
He’s on the phone, sweetheart. He doesn’t have to prove shit. He just has to provide anyone’s information. Literally anyone.

He also has to show up in person with an id to get the gun.

So, when you get your credit report you have to answer a couple of questions about yourself, more than just your social security number.
You are going with the very fallible argument of if it doesn't work 100% of the time then it;'s not worth it.
Sweetheart, it will fail 100% of the time. No criminal will provide their actual information when trying to purchase a firearm in a private sale if they are doing a “self background check”.

Joy here is literally trying to make the case that someone like Cruz would “police” themselves. :lmao:
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