Emma Gonzalez Question

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But if it makes you feel better we could set up post offices to run background checks. They do passports, why not NICS checks.
Rather than the post office though, I would propose the local police department or sheriff’s department. They are more qualified to handle the background checks and firearm issues/concerns.

Post office already handles passports which this would be more akin too since it's just verifying identify and probably cheaper but sure, why not the police or sheriff.
Also, law enforcement centers are open 24x7. Post Offices have very limited hours. The more convenient you make it for citizens, the less likely they will be to oppose it.

Whatever works.
I'm not freaked out, I'd just like it to happen less, you probably do to.
Yes...I’d like it to not happen at all. But not at the expense of the U.S. Constitution. If the left wants to use local law enforcement for background checks on private sales, I’m 100% ok with that.

If the left wants to limit my magazine capacity or types of firearms, not a snowballs chance in hell.
I'm not freaked out, I'd just like it to happen less, you probably do to.
Yes...I’d like it to not happen at all. But not at the expense of the U.S. Constitution. If the left wants to use local law enforcement for background checks on private sales, I’m 100% ok with that.

If the left wants to limit my magazine capacity or types of firearms, not a snowballs chance in hell.

Ok, well we are in agreement on the background checks. That's great. Now, what the fuck is wrong with the NRA?
Ok, well we are in agreement on the background checks. That's great. Now, what the fuck is wrong with the NRA?
I can’t comment on the NRA with any certainty. I’m not a member and never have been. I can only guess. And my guess is, they are doing their damnedest to protect the rights of the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd Amendment clearly states “shall not be infringed”. And forcing me to have a background check is, in fact, an infringement.

The good news is that technology will soon solve all of this. Facial recognition software will make it so felons and such will immediately be rejected and law abiding citizens won’t need the background check.
You're going after a small percent of crimes, Holmes. And sorry, this doesn't mean the 3-11% couldn't have just bought a gun illegally

"Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

Right, you're just repeating yourself at this point.

Bottom line you're against background checks, most everyone else is not.

That's not exactly my position, but you're thinking criminals who sell illegal guns are going to do background checks? You probably do.

Why are you calling private sellers criminals?

Guns are legal now and most crimes are committed with illegal guns. But when we make guns illegal, poof, they'll disappear, right? LOL

Who said they want to make guns illegal? Please, I beg you Kaz, for once in your little worthless life don't make up someone else's argument, actually read what they post.

Just more inane babble by the bobble head

Right, still a waste of time. I point out that your'e not really responding to my posts but more or less an argument you're having in your head and you reply by basically ignoring my post again.

Color me shocked.

You color with crayons. You're completely inane. You can't follow a simple discussion to save your life.

What day is it?

HappyJoy - Tomato!

Who's buried in Grant's Tomb

HappyJoy - Thursday!

What's 2 + 2

HappyJoy - Skateboard!
The OP question has been asked and answered. Gonzalez's father fled Castro's Cuba in 1968.

Yes, she wears a Cuban flag. And retards jumped to a bogus conclusion because of it.

Here is a photo from an anti-Castro protest:
Bay of Pigs veterans join hundreds of Cuban exiles at Miami anti-Castro protest

The OP question has been asked and answered. Gonzalez's father fled Castro's Cuba in 1968.
That wasn’t the question, you fucking dimwit. :lmao:
Yes, she wears a Cuban flag. And retards jumped to a bogus conclusion because of it.
There is no “bogus conclusion”. You wear a Cuban flat, you’re a piece of shit. You escape Cuba and come to the U.S. for a better life and you wear a Cuban flat, you’re a bigger piece of shit.
It takes an unimaginable lack of self-awareness to stand up in Washington D.C. demanding that the U.S. Constitution be immediately revoked while wearing a Cuban flag on your arms (and pants torn to shreds to the point that your bi-sexual STD’s are hanging out).

It just screams “I literally have no clue what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, or what results I am attempting to achieve...I just want to stand up and scream for attention”.
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.
That was fake, you fool. You guys were such easy pickings for the Russians.
Yes, but there isn't a 'figurative' Constitution, which is what she is tearing up.

I know, it went right over your head.
You'll fall for anything.
I'm not falling for anything.

She is figuratively trying to tear up the Constitution by imposing government where it is specifically banned.

One need not have a physical paper to shred the Constitution.

Speaking of falling for anything. Do you support the removal of a gun to stop school violence?
She's doing no such thing. She's not seeking a repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Of course, she is. She is lying when she says otherwise.
Ok, well we are in agreement on the background checks. That's great. Now, what the fuck is wrong with the NRA?
I can’t comment on the NRA with any certainty. I’m not a member and never have been. I can only guess. And my guess is, they are doing their damnedest to protect the rights of the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd Amendment clearly states “shall not be infringed”. And forcing me to have a background check is, in fact, an infringement.

The good news is that technology will soon solve all of this. Facial recognition software will make it so felons and such will immediately be rejected and law abiding citizens won’t need the background check.

Well constitutionally have already passed the 'infringed' argument. when certain guns were made either illegal or difficult to attain. Background checks are also constitutional.
Right, you're just repeating yourself at this point.

Bottom line you're against background checks, most everyone else is not.

That's not exactly my position, but you're thinking criminals who sell illegal guns are going to do background checks? You probably do.

Why are you calling private sellers criminals?

Guns are legal now and most crimes are committed with illegal guns. But when we make guns illegal, poof, they'll disappear, right? LOL

Who said they want to make guns illegal? Please, I beg you Kaz, for once in your little worthless life don't make up someone else's argument, actually read what they post.

Just more inane babble by the bobble head

Right, still a waste of time. I point out that your'e not really responding to my posts but more or less an argument you're having in your head and you reply by basically ignoring my post again.

Color me shocked.

You color with crayons. You're completely inane. You can't follow a simple discussion to save your life.

What day is it?

HappyJoy - Tomato!

Who's buried in Grant's Tomb

HappyJoy - Thursday!

What's 2 + 2

HappyJoy - Skateboard!

Still the same, you're making up arguments in your head rather than respond to my posts when you quote me.
Ok, well we are in agreement on the background checks. That's great. Now, what the fuck is wrong with the NRA?
I can’t comment on the NRA with any certainty. I’m not a member and never have been. I can only guess. And my guess is, they are doing their damnedest to protect the rights of the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd Amendment clearly states “shall not be infringed”. And forcing me to have a background check is, in fact, an infringement.

The good news is that technology will soon solve all of this. Facial recognition software will make it so felons and such will immediately be rejected and law abiding citizens won’t need the background check.

Well constitutionally have already passed the 'infringed' argument. when certain guns were made either illegal or difficult to attain. Background checks are also constitutional.
where in the constitution are they found?
Ok, well we are in agreement on the background checks. That's great. Now, what the fuck is wrong with the NRA?
I can’t comment on the NRA with any certainty. I’m not a member and never have been. I can only guess. And my guess is, they are doing their damnedest to protect the rights of the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd Amendment clearly states “shall not be infringed”. And forcing me to have a background check is, in fact, an infringement.

The good news is that technology will soon solve all of this. Facial recognition software will make it so felons and such will immediately be rejected and law abiding citizens won’t need the background check.

Well constitutionally have already passed the 'infringed' argument. when certain guns were made either illegal or difficult to attain. Background checks are also constitutional.
where in the constitution are they found?

You can't find it? It's right under the portion where they tell you that automatic weapons are fine for everyone.
That was fake, you fool. You guys were such easy pickings for the Russians.
Yes, but there isn't a 'figurative' Constitution, which is what she is tearing up.

I know, it went right over your head.
You'll fall for anything.
I'm not falling for anything.

She is figuratively trying to tear up the Constitution by imposing government where it is specifically banned.

One need not have a physical paper to shred the Constitution.

Speaking of falling for anything. Do you support the removal of a gun to stop school violence?
She's doing no such thing. She's not seeking a repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Of course, she is. She is lying when she says otherwise.
Great, quote her saying she wants the 2nd Amendment repealed....
So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .

Making false statements about someone and passing them on as truth isn't freedom of expression, it's slander.

And, in my quest to support this country and the Constitution, I spent 20 years in the military.

Clearly you haven't done enough research on these young Antifa enthusiasts, Gomer Pyle. If you want the enabling to continue. Then that's your problem.

Dude..............if you're gonna try to insult me, at least try to make it credible.

Gomer Pyle was in the Marines, not the Navy.

But, it's funny to watch you try to get me riled.
It takes an unimaginable lack of self-awareness to stand up in Washington D.C. demanding that the U.S. Constitution be immediately revoked while wearing a Cuban flag on your arms (and pants torn to shreds to the point that your bi-sexual STD’s are hanging out).

It just screams “I literally have no clue what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, or what results I am attempting to achieve...I just want to stand up and scream for attention”.

Would you have a problem with someone of German descent wearing a German flag? How about the many Canadians who are running around the USA right now wearing Canadian flags? Are you upset about them as well?

She's got the flag on her arm because of her heritage doofus.
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