Emma Gonzalez Question

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99% of parents would consider it an honor to have a child with her ability.
Sorry Otto...I wouldn’t consider it an “honor” to have a child who admits to ostracizing another student so severely, they drove him to go on a shooting rampage.

On top of which - what “ability” does she have? Is she a star athlete? Uh...nope. Has she been admitted to an Ivy League school? Uh....nope. So tell us sparky, what “ability” does she have? She’s a disgusting skinhead bi-sexual who wears a Cuban flag and pants so severely torn and shredded that she could pass her STD’s on to you just by walking past her.

I’m starting to believe you have surpassed wrongwinger as the most ignorant poster on USMB. You are definitely in the running.

Anti-Gun Florida Student Admits To Bullying School Shooter | Populist Brief

There is zero admission on her part that she bullied the shooter in Junior High. But hey, leave it to a wing nut to take the shooters side over the victims, nice job.

Holy shit...I posted the fucking video. Johnny Cochran himself wouldn’t even attempt to deny this one. What the fuck is wrong with you, Joy?!?

Yeah, she never said she bullied the kid. You're taking her words out of context.
99% of parents would consider it an honor to have a child with her ability.
Sorry Otto...I wouldn’t consider it an “honor” to have a child who admits to ostracizing another student so severely, they drove him to go on a shooting rampage.

On top of which - what “ability” does she have? Is she a star athlete? Uh...nope. Has she been admitted to an Ivy League school? Uh....nope. So tell us sparky, what “ability” does she have? She’s a disgusting skinhead bi-sexual who wears a Cuban flag and pants so severely torn and shredded that she could pass her STD’s on to you just by walking past her.

I’m starting to believe you have surpassed wrongwinger as the most ignorant poster on USMB. You are definitely in the running.

Anti-Gun Florida Student Admits To Bullying School Shooter | Populist Brief

There is zero admission on her part that she bullied the shooter in Junior High. But hey, leave it to a wing nut to take the shooters side over the victims, nice job.

Holy shit...I posted the fucking video. Johnny Cochran himself wouldn’t even attempt to deny this one. What the fuck is wrong with you, Joy?!?

Yeah, she never said she bullied the kid. You're taking her words out of context.

Following the liberal lead.
A simple mistake is now misinformation?
What in the hell would you call it? :lmao:

In your infinite “wisdom” I think you’ve confused misinformation (wrong information) with disinformation (intentional misinformation). :laugh:

You really are a dumbass.

  1. false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.
She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

Who is whining about it? She is more than free to advocate whatever foolish position she wants to. My objection is the lie that she is somehow grass roots instead of extremely funded and pretending that because she was locked in an adjacent building she has some sort of shield protecting her from being called out when she says and does stupid things
As usual, the nuts are on the wrong side of the issue.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the high school students leading protests against gun violence across the country?
Favorable ................................. 56%
Unfavorable .............................. 34%
Not sure ................................... 10%

Do you support or oppose stricter gun laws in the United States?
Support ..................................... 60%
Oppose ..................................... 32%
Not sure .......................................8%

Would you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?
Support ..................................... 87%
Oppose ....................................... 8%
Not sure ...................................... 6%

Would you support or oppose banning the sale of assault weapons?
Support .......................................64%
Not sure ..................................... 10%


1) They don't know that teenagers re not leading this effort and those teens involved are the worst sort of con men and liars the left has to offer.

2) Which stricter gun laws? Without specifics you have a nothing burger.

3) What background checks? The ones already required and failed to prevent the church shootings in Charleston and Texas? Those background checks? Without specifics you have a nothing burger.

4) Assault weapons are already effectively banned. More misinformation by leftist gun grabbers?
1) is dismissed as a rightard conspiracy.

2) stricter than they are now.

3) closes the gun show loop hole.

4) semiautomatic rifles like the ones use in Parkland and Vegas are not effectively banned. This would ban such weapons.
A simple mistake is now misinformation?
What in the hell would you call it? :lmao:

In your infinite “wisdom” I think you’ve confused misinformation (wrong information) with disinformation (intentional misinformation). :laugh:

You really are a dumbass.

  1. false or inaccurate information.
Exaclty stupid...false or inaccurate. Just like all of Bikers posts. Again, your dumb ass confused misinformation with disinformation. Not surprised. People with low IQ’s struggle with nuance.
A simple mistake is now misinformation?
What in the hell would you call it? :lmao:

In your infinite “wisdom” I think you’ve confused misinformation (wrong information) with disinformation (intentional misinformation). :laugh:

Disinformation like you conservatives are passing around? The photoshopped tweet to make it look like this young woman tore up the Constitution instead of a target? One is making a statement about being un American (Constitution), and the other is protesting the shootings of students in schools (the target).

Photoshopping that sent the exact opposite message she was intending, yet you conservatives thought it was the gospel truth and she hates America. Hate to tell you, but she's a citizen who was born here.
The photoshopped tweet to make it look like this young woman tore up the Constitution instead of a target?
It was SYMBOLISM, you nitwit. Nobody was attempting to pass it off as her actually tearing up the U.S. Constitution (which nobody is allowed to hold anyway, dumb ass :laugh: ).
Quote her then, where did she say she bullied the kid?
Quote me then, you pathological idiot. Where did I use the word “bully”. God Almighty you are completely incapable of reading comprehension.

It's in the title of the link you posted. Jesus, you're just not having a good day.
I’m sorry - I asked you to quote me. Not the title of an article I didn’t write. You struggle to write your own name, don’t you?

Now...would you like to try again or would you like to admit you lied? I’m perfectly ok with either one.
The photoshopped tweet to make it look like this young woman tore up the Constitution instead of a target?
It was SYMBOLISM, you nitwit. Nobody was attempting to pass it off as her actually tearing up the U.S. Constitution (which nobody is allowed to hold anyway, dumb ass :laugh: ).

Really? Nobody is allowed to hold the Constitution? I know several print shops where I can get a really good copy if I want. I can hold a copy of it any time I want.

Matter of fact, if I want one online, it will only cost me about 30 bucks.

The Constitution Of The United States Of America Art Print by Design Turnpike

Getting ahold of the original? Not so much because they are kept under lock and key, but nobody is going to be able to get their hands on those.
A simple mistake is now misinformation?
What in the hell would you call it? :lmao:

In your infinite “wisdom” I think you’ve confused misinformation (wrong information) with disinformation (intentional misinformation). :laugh:

You really are a dumbass.

  1. false or inaccurate information.
Exaclty stupid...false or inaccurate. Just like all of Bikers posts. Again, your dumb ass confused misinformation with disinformation. Not surprised. People with low IQ’s struggle with nuance.

You literally cut off my post that shows proves you wrong. God damn, you are desperate.

Complete definition below and I've highlighted the part that you removed you dishonest troll.

  1. false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.
Quote her then, where did she say she bullied the kid?
Quote me then, you pathological idiot. Where did I use the word “bully”. God Almighty you are completely incapable of reading comprehension.

It's in the title of the link you posted. Jesus, you're just not having a good day.
I’m sorry - I asked you to quote me. Not the title of an article I didn’t write. You struggle to write your own name, don’t you?

Now...would you like to try again or would you like to admit you lied? I’m perfectly ok with either one.

Oh, I'm sorry I assumed you posted the link because you believed it. Nice to know you're lying again.

Is this how you get by in life? Lie, lie and lie again because you are never right about anything?
The photoshopped tweet to make it look like this young woman tore up the Constitution instead of a target?
It was SYMBOLISM, you nitwit. Nobody was attempting to pass it off as her actually tearing up the U.S. Constitution (which nobody is allowed to hold anyway, dumb ass :laugh: ).

Really? Nobody is allowed to hold the Constitution? I know several print shops where I can get a really good copy if I want. I can hold a copy of it any time I want.

Matter of fact, if I want one online, it will only cost me about 30 bucks.

The Constitution Of The United States Of America Art Print by Design Turnpike

Getting ahold of the original? Not so much because they are kept under lock and key, but nobody is going to be able to get their hands on those.

We both know, well maybe not you that he was talking about the original. NOBODY gets to touch the original. But hey, you're the swabbie who thinks he's more of man than the Marines are.
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