End income tax

No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Consumption tax would devastate and tank our consumer driven economy.

You're an idiot.
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
A Nation Starts Dying When Dynasty Becomes Destiny

Confiscating inheritance from the freeloading HeirHeads in the 1% alone would bring in $3 trillion a year. But the loyal peasants are afraid of ghosts and would rather tax the living than the dead.
No thanks, Karl Marx. :p
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Consumption tax would devastate and tank our consumer driven economy.

You're an idiot.
please elaborate
So how do we collect taxes? A jar outside city hall!?
You cant be serious with that shit? Do you really think I want taxes done away with?
And why are lefties so against ti anyways? Oh yea, because the corporatists have rigged the tax system in favor of the wealthy. But go on about how they don't pay their fair share!
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
We sink more than $20 billion a year into the IRS, an organization that produces nothing.

A permanent income tax used to be unconstitutional. Then the Progressives got their paws on the Constitution.
So how do we collect taxes? A jar outside city hall!?
You cant be serious with that shit? Do you really think I want taxes done away with?
And why are lefties so against ti anyways? Oh yea, because the corporatists have rigged the tax system in favor of the wealthy. But go on about how they don't pay their fair share!

You want the IRS eliminated . They are the tax department .
So how do we collect taxes? A jar outside city hall!?

How did the US fund the military before the income tax?

Silly far left drones!

We didn't have a giant worldwide advanced military at the time . No whiz jets and aircraft carriers .

What % if our budget was military spending 100 years ago!?
So how do we collect taxes? A jar outside city hall!?
You cant be serious with that shit? Do you really think I want taxes done away with?
And why are lefties so against ti anyways? Oh yea, because the corporatists have rigged the tax system in favor of the wealthy. But go on about how they don't pay their fair share!

You want the IRS eliminated . They are the tax department .
No more IRS.

Who would collect the consumption taxes?

Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"

I like the Fair Tax.

Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
Are you kidding?

"The amendments to exempt milk, coal, stock purchases, solar panels, Trump ties, Trump suits, Trump furniture, Nabisco products, anything manufactured by Republican donors, and Wisconsin cheese from consumption taxes hereby passes the House 222 - 87, with 126 absentions..."
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Consumption tax would devastate and tank our consumer driven economy.

You're an idiot.
Any economist will tell you consumption taxes are superior to taxes on production.

So it looks like you are the idiot.
Consumption vs. Income
Consumption Tax
Pure tax economists argue that a consumption tax is superior because it comes closest to attaining “temporal neutrality”. Although impossible to attain in reality, a tax would be considered to have attained temporal neutrality if it did not alter spending habits, change behavior patterns, or affect the natural allocation of resources. Because a consumption tax only taxes consumption, the good or service being consumed is largely irrelevant in reference to the allocation of resources.
Income Tax
An income tax, however, creates a barrier between the value of a person’s labor (how much they earn from working) and what they actually receive (money after taxes). This is a negative force on the economy because it causes people to work less and pursue more leisure activities than would otherwise be the case if income taxes did not exist. In other words, if there were no income taxes people would immediately see a real increase in purchasing power for each additional unit of time they spent working, and thus would be theoretically be more inclined to work.

Consumption vs Income Tax: Which has a Larger Impact?
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

That is, at best, a long term goal. Probably generations from now, we'll all be dead kind of long term.

We're more likely to see some sort of flat tax.....and that's not really all that likely. It's just too damned hard to budge the entrenched bureaucracy and really change the status quo. :dunno:
If you asked 100 taxpayers how much federal tax they paid last year, or even what tax rate they paid last year, I bet 99 of them would not be able to tell you.

Most would be able to recall the size of their refund, though.

That's why it is easy to hide a tax hike when you have taxes on production.

It is much more difficult to hide a consumption tax hike. And a consumption tax ensures everyone has skin in the game.

GOVT: You want to give free puppies to hookers? Fine. We'll tax the rich more to pay for it.

LIBERAL: Yaaaaayyyy!

GOVT: You want to give free puppies to hookers? Fine. We'll raise the sales tax one percent.

Consumption taxes would be the end of, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

That's why liberals hate them. Unless it's a tax on carbon.
Our insane governor wants to do away with state income tax and he has been sockin us with taxes on everything but breathing--that will be next. And we're still paying income tax. Dream on Harley, but they never give back what they took. Believe me.
Doesn't it just seem so much more simple, though?
Yup. The one reason I would have been consoled if that creep Cruz had been elected.
His was a flat tax
Oh. Well it was on a postcard.
Yep. Cruz's plan was an income tax. That's how you know he was lying when he said he would abolish the IRS.

As for the postcard, there is only one way to make that happen. Eliminate most/all tax expenditures. As you probably know, I am very much in favor of banning tax expenditures.

No matter what kind of tax plan you have, it will have failure baked right in if you allow exemptions/deductions/credits.
So how do we collect taxes? A jar outside city hall!?

How did the US fund the military before the income tax?

Silly far left drones!

We didn't have a giant worldwide advanced military at the time . No whiz jets and aircraft carriers .

What % if our budget was military spending 100 years ago!?

See how the far left does not understand anything other than far left religious dogma?

So we had no naval ships or planes before WW I?

And 100 years ago we were entering WW I, so what do you think the military spending was?

Silly far left drone!

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