Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Oh it was perfectly acceptable to take away 200,000,000 people's right to choose if they wanted health insurance or not. And liberals say they are for CHOICE. Fucking Nazi's are the New Democrat Socialist Party.

Wow, how many of you morons are going to cry about this.

If I could tattoo a message on your forehead that said that:
1) If you get taken for medical care and cannot pay in advance, throw this POS out in the street.

2) If you find that you have a chronic or serious meducal condition, you can not buy health insurance, see #1
No one pays for medical expenses in advance. You still don’t get it do you?

Really? I need to either show proof of insurance or pay before I get in. That includes any copay, etc.
So when you order a burger at mickie-d’s do you pay when you get your food or before?

Before, it is prepaid.

At a Restaurant, do you pay before you get your food? No. It is not prepaid.
Is mickie-d’s a restaurant? Yes and yes you do
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, via Institutional means not Individual means.

The right wing claims it is only an Individual problem.
How do the poor get poorer? The rich will always get richer

The real redistribution of wealth has been the flow of our nations wealth to the upper 1% done through influencing Congress & the tax & regulatory code.
You're kind of a commie, aren't you?

Anyone who is hoarding money is a damn idiot. It loses value too fast. This is just an excuse to bring in communism. Don't deny it. You know you are a mothefucking goose-stepper.

The most common commie excuses are:
  • Job Automation
  • Wealth Hoarding
  • Global Warming
  • Oil Production destroys the land
The list goes on and on. Either you are naive as fuck, or you are a dishonest pinko. Which is it?
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, via Institutional means not Individual means.

The right wing claims it is only an Individual problem.
How do the poor get poorer? The rich will always get richer

The real redistribution of wealth has been the flow of our nations wealth to the upper 1% done through influencing Congress & the tax & regulatory code.
You're kind of a commie, aren't you?

Anyone who is hoarding money is a damn idiot. It loses value too fast. This is just an excuse to bring in communism. Don't deny it. You know you are a mothefucking goose-stepper.

The most common commie excuses are:
  • Job Automation
  • Wealth Hoarding
  • Global Warming
  • Oil Production destroys the land
The list goes on and on. Either you are naive as fuck, or you are a dishonest pinko. Which is it?
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
How do the poor get poorer? The rich will always get richer

The real redistribution of wealth has been the flow of our nations wealth to the upper 1% done through influencing Congress & the tax & regulatory code.
You're kind of a commie, aren't you?

Anyone who is hoarding money is a damn idiot. It loses value too fast. This is just an excuse to bring in communism. Don't deny it. You know you are a mothefucking goose-stepper.

The most common commie excuses are:
  • Job Automation
  • Wealth Hoarding
  • Global Warming
  • Oil Production destroys the land
The list goes on and on. Either you are naive as fuck, or you are a dishonest pinko. Which is it?
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The real redistribution of wealth has been the flow of our nations wealth to the upper 1% done through influencing Congress & the tax & regulatory code.
You're kind of a commie, aren't you?

Anyone who is hoarding money is a damn idiot. It loses value too fast. This is just an excuse to bring in communism. Don't deny it. You know you are a mothefucking goose-stepper.

The most common commie excuses are:
  • Job Automation
  • Wealth Hoarding
  • Global Warming
  • Oil Production destroys the land
The list goes on and on. Either you are naive as fuck, or you are a dishonest pinko. Which is it?
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
You're kind of a commie, aren't you?

Anyone who is hoarding money is a damn idiot. It loses value too fast. This is just an excuse to bring in communism. Don't deny it. You know you are a mothefucking goose-stepper.

The most common commie excuses are:
  • Job Automation
  • Wealth Hoarding
  • Global Warming
  • Oil Production destroys the land
The list goes on and on. Either you are naive as fuck, or you are a dishonest pinko. Which is it?
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
Well go give them your money and leave ours alone. It seems that is your gig. Not mine
Why do the rich need a tax break that increases the debt?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
Well go give them your money and leave ours alone. It seems that is your gig. Not mine
The United States of Amerivca provides a safety net. We are an advanced society.

If you such a cheap bastard, anti-Christian asshole, pack up your fat ass & leave. We don't need people like you.
Wow, how many of you morons are going to cry about this.

If I could tattoo a message on your forehead that said that:
1) If you get taken for medical care and cannot pay in advance, throw this POS out in the street.

2) If you find that you have a chronic or serious meducal condition, you can not buy health insurance, see #1
No one pays for medical expenses in advance. You still don’t get it do you?

Really? I need to either show proof of insurance or pay before I get in. That includes any copay, etc.
So when you order a burger at mickie-d’s do you pay when you get your food or before?

Before, it is prepaid.

At a Restaurant, do you pay before you get your food? No. It is not prepaid.
Is mickie-d’s a restaurant? Yes and yes you do
Go fucjk yourself. You are just arguing to argue & not make any point.

Tell your wife that you are taking her out to a restaurant & show up at fucking McDonalds. Let me know how that works out.

total bullshit.

If tax cuts always pay for themselves let's cut taxes by 20% a year & eventually, there will be no taxes & the government will have plenty of money.

You people have no logic, have no experience, have no ability to think. You can only be a sponge in the cesspool of fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and Trump
If cutting taxes worked, we would have no debt.
You have no debt if you balanced spending and revenue so figure what has to change

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

What the fuck happened? In came your buddy Bush who cut taxes several times & led us down the path to huge deficits & the worse recession in 80 fucking yeas.,

You assholes have some serve talking like you want a balanced budget. I have news, borrowing a trillion dollars so the Trump's of the world can get a tax cuts worth millions of dollars is just assinine.

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?
I am sure glad that Trump has simplified the tax code. Reducing the number of brackets & cutting out all those deductions.

Yep, I am being sarcastic.

Remember when he was slobbering that post card like Roy Moore visiting the ninth grade prom.
Who do you imagine pays,(at a much higher rate BTW), for the uncompensated care that health systems provide?

Taxpayers have always paid for the care of those who can't. The difference is the ACA does it with control.

Riiiiiight ACA is working brilliantly that's why Dem's keep telling us we need to fix it, the American people hate it, and it cost you the House, Senate, and White House that's how fantastic ACA is. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Everything needs some tweaking after a few years.

The ACA is running so well, the dumbass Republicans could not find anything better.

We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.
Riiiiiight ACA is working brilliantly that's why Dem's keep telling us we need to fix it, the American people hate it, and it cost you the House, Senate, and White House that's how fantastic ACA is. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Everything needs some tweaking after a few years.

The ACA is running so well, the dumbass Republicans could not find anything better.

We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
Well go give them your money and leave ours alone. It seems that is your gig. Not mine
The United States of Amerivca provides a safety net. We are an advanced society.

If you such a cheap bastard, anti-Christian asshole, pack up your fat ass & leave. We don't need people like you.
Now you’re Christian? LOL. Charities were Christian, the left said fk you to them. They helped the poor and people donated outside the government to help the poor. You flees changed all that. You take care of them. I’m more american then you ever will be.

total bullshit.

If tax cuts always pay for themselves let's cut taxes by 20% a year & eventually, there will be no taxes & the government will have plenty of money.

You people have no logic, have no experience, have no ability to think. You can only be a sponge in the cesspool of fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and Trump
If cutting taxes worked, we would have no debt.
You have no debt if you balanced spending and revenue so figure what has to change

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

What the fuck happened? In came your buddy Bush who cut taxes several times & led us down the path to huge deficits & the worse recession in 80 fucking yeas.,

You assholes have some serve talking like you want a balanced budget. I have news, borrowing a trillion dollars so the Trump's of the world can get a tax cuts worth millions of dollars is just assinine.

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?
Huh? Give me what you’re smoking.
Why do many states give tax breaks to corporations who move their HQ to those states? The rich corporations don’t need tax breaks, right?
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Then have the government withhold extra from your welfare check or blow it out your ass. You fucking libtards are always cool with giving others money away. How bout you assholes put up or move to Mexico.
What other peoples money would that be.? Blue states contribute more to the Treasury than the red states.

Who cares. They want token negro care then they can piney up for it. Fuck the 13 million. They can go back to Mexico or whatever. Or simply get jobs. Don’t care. Your health care ain’t my problem.
Thanks for sharing your Christian values.

Did I ever claim to be a priest or anything like that?then the scripture, where is it written that I can steal from one person to give what I stole to another person? Nowhere, not even in the Dead Sea scrolls. Opinion stands. Fuck the 13 million. They need to get a fucking job and leave me alone.
Everything needs some tweaking after a few years.

The ACA is running so well, the dumbass Republicans could not find anything better.

We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:
I don't think it will take a rocket scientist to see that the Mandate was put there for a reason.Without it, the freeloader Brigade will be back in Action again. Hospitals will have to bear the brunt of economic shortfalls brought on by uninsured ER visits and some could be forced to close.
No one pays for medical expenses in advance. You still don’t get it do you?

Really? I need to either show proof of insurance or pay before I get in. That includes any copay, etc.
So when you order a burger at mickie-d’s do you pay when you get your food or before?

Before, it is prepaid.

At a Restaurant, do you pay before you get your food? No. It is not prepaid.
Is mickie-d’s a restaurant? Yes and yes you do
Go fucjk yourself. You are just arguing to argue & not make any point.

Tell your wife that you are taking her out to a restaurant & show up at fucking McDonalds. Let me know how that works out.
When I win an argument with the lefturds
I posted the premium page earlier so you can look

And you obviously don't know shit about the plans available to me in my state and your article was about 2016 premiums.

Maybe you should read the shit you post

like this part that was from a link in the article you posted

In 2016, the average annual premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance are $6,435 for single coverage and $18,142 for family coverage. The average family premium rose 3% over the 2015 average premium while the increase in the premium for single coverage was not statistically significant.

so now tell me what the differences in 2015 and 2016 insurance premiums has to do with the 2018 premiums I posted

Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links
If that excerpt you posted is true your employees premiums are not rising because of Obamacare. here is what I see on that document: It seems to be the ACA fees only added a little bit over 126.00 dollars to the premium. View attachment 166263

So you think the only thing that makes insurance rates rise is Obammycare fees? I guess those premium hikes have nothing to do with the fact that no one can be denied insurance and that insurance companies cannot cap benefits of the fact that insurance companies must charge for coverage that many people do not need or want.

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