Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Most experts agree that these tax cuts will not pay for themselves. Trump is kicking the debt can down the road to enrich his already rich friends at the expense of future generations of poor and middle class Americans. On Christmas Day - think about the millions who will lose their health insurance in order to help pay for Trump's tax cut con job.
Tax cuts do not have to be paid for.
I posted the premium page earlier so you can look

And you obviously don't know shit about the plans available to me in my state and your article was about 2016 premiums.

Maybe you should read the shit you post

like this part that was from a link in the article you posted

In 2016, the average annual premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance are $6,435 for single coverage and $18,142 for family coverage. The average family premium rose 3% over the 2015 average premium while the increase in the premium for single coverage was not statistically significant.

so now tell me what the differences in 2015 and 2016 insurance premiums has to do with the 2018 premiums I posted

Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising

It doesn't. It's a document that you claim is your employee premiums.

Like I said, post links from your state or from your insurer that speak to such rate hikes.

I don't have to because my insurer told me what my rate hikes are going to be.

Why would I go to a third party to learn what my insurance company told me directly?

And besides my insurance is a group insurance and not individual so all the premiums for individual insurance that you looked at do not apply.

We have been paying 90% of our employees' premiums since we opened 10 years ago but we simply cannot continue to do that in the face of a 70% increase in our costs.

Now we are not legally mandated to offer insurance but we do. We cannot get breaks on group rates because we only have 5 people on insurance. So our only option is to have people get their own insurance and we will reimburse them under Section 105 HRA
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By subsidies you mean other people paying way more than they should have to, to subsidize people who get to pay less, for the same damn policy.
No, that's not what I meant at all. Subsidies to poor folk have no bearing on what you and your insurer agree upon. Subsidies come from tax dollars so you should ask your insurer why they raised your premiums ?
My advice to you is to cancel that policy and join a grouo insurance plan. You'll get a better rate.

Who do you think pays for the subsidies the tooth fairy? :cuckoo:

Who do you imagine pays,(at a much higher rate BTW), for the uncompensated care that health systems provide?

Taxpayers have always paid for the care of those who can't. The difference is the ACA does it with control.

Riiiiiight ACA is working brilliantly that's why Dem's keep telling us we need to fix it, the American people hate it, and it cost you the House, Senate, and White House that's how fantastic ACA is. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Everything needs some tweaking after a few years.

The ACA is running so well, the dumbass Republicans could not find anything better.
Yeah it's running so well the health insurance costs for my small business are going up 70%
Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links
If that excerpt you posted is true your employees premiums are not rising because of Obamacare. here is what I see on that document: It seems to be the ACA fees only added a little bit over 126.00 dollars to the premium. View attachment 166263

So you think the only thing that makes insurance rates rise is Obammycare fees? I guess those premium hikes have nothing to do with the fact that no one can be denied insurance and that insurance companies cannot cap benefits of the fact that insurance companies must charge for coverage that many people do not need or want.
You are probably old enough to remember that insurance premiums increased every year before Obama even became a senator, let alone before he was elected president. But, the difference now is that sick people who couldn't afford insurance before are now using their new found benefit to get medical attention. Insurance companies are having to pay and they don't like it because it cut into their profits and it diminishes the CEO's bonus packages. But wait...didn't the architects of the PPACA consider that? Here is what the pundits are saying about it:

A Quick Guide to Rising Obamacare Rates
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Most experts agree that these tax cuts will not pay for themselves. Trump is kicking the debt can down the road to enrich his already rich friends at the expense of future generations of poor and middle class Americans. On Christmas Day - think about the millions who will lose their health insurance in order to help pay for Trump's tax cut con job.
Tax cuts do not have to be paid for.
Yes, they do, if they add to the debt.
Why do many states give tax breaks to corporations who move their HQ to those states? The rich corporations don’t need tax breaks, right?
Not if they pass the cost to the consumer.

The cost for a tax cut is passed on to the consumer?

You have to walk me through your math.

Cite an example of what you are trying to explain.
Why do they need a tax break?

Just walk me through what you meant.

You said. “Not if they pass the cost to the consumer.”

Just walk me through the math of your claim. I am not following what you mean.

Give a practical example to illustrate your claim.
Why do many states give tax breaks to corporations who move their HQ to those states? The rich corporations don’t need tax breaks, right?
Not if they pass the cost to the consumer.

The cost for a tax cut is passed on to the consumer?

You have to walk me through your math.

Cite an example of what you are trying to explain.
Why do they need a tax break?

Because the State of Deleware, New York, Michigan want the jobs for their residents.

Blame the Democrat politicians giving the tax breaks in NY, for example.

Hell, why do politicians pay for football stadiums for billionaire NFL owners? For revenue down the road from commerce and taxes.

total bullshit.

If tax cuts always pay for themselves let's cut taxes by 20% a year & eventually, there will be no taxes & the government will have plenty of money.

You people have no logic, have no experience, have no ability to think. You can only be a sponge in the cesspool of fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and Trump
If cutting taxes worked, we would have no debt.
You have no debt if you balanced spending and revenue so figure what has to change

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

What the fuck happened? In came your buddy Bush who cut taxes several times & led us down the path to huge deficits & the worse recession in 80 fucking yeas.,

You assholes have some serve talking like you want a balanced budget. I have news, borrowing a trillion dollars so the Trump's of the world can get a tax cuts worth millions of dollars is just assinine.

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

Internet bubbles are cool!!!

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

Democrats never cut taxes.

total bullshit.

If tax cuts always pay for themselves let's cut taxes by 20% a year & eventually, there will be no taxes & the government will have plenty of money.

You people have no logic, have no experience, have no ability to think. You can only be a sponge in the cesspool of fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and Trump
If cutting taxes worked, we would have no debt.
You have no debt if you balanced spending and revenue so figure what has to change

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

What the fuck happened? In came your buddy Bush who cut taxes several times & led us down the path to huge deficits & the worse recession in 80 fucking yeas.,

You assholes have some serve talking like you want a balanced budget. I have news, borrowing a trillion dollars so the Trump's of the world can get a tax cuts worth millions of dollars is just assinine.

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

Internet bubbles are cool!!!

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

Democrats never cut taxes.

A Republican congress passed the balanced budget bill of 1997.

Balanced Budget Act of 1997 - Wikipedia

154 House Democrats voted against the bill....and now Democrats want to take credit for the bill.....the lying pieces of shit.

Read the vote tally for yourselves.


Progs Love to rewrite history.

Why didn’t Obama balance the budget when he had congress?
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Give us some stories and statistics on private hospital scandals. Personally, I like the VA healthcare - and so do most of my friends - including the ones who also have private healthcare insurance as I do.

Where were you when the VA scandel broke under Obama ?

You mean in Arizona? I was right here. It was the exception - not the rule. Do some research on private doctor and hospital scandals. Most VA facilities do a good job of taking care of vets. I have no complaints - and I also have private healthcare insurance. I prefer the VA - as do most of my friends.

It's the exception....why not it's only one state...you fricken libs are a hoot.

There is actually a provision in Obama's plan that let's you choose plans across state lines. Wonder why Providers never chose to do such a thing.......Louisiana providing California the much care needed in a crisis. That sounds nice.

There's no federal prohibition on selling insurance accross state lines. Each state decides who the providers for their states are.
Everything needs some tweaking after a few years.

The ACA is running so well, the dumbass Republicans could not find anything better.

We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:

It's very popular. It's destruction by Repubs will bring the ire of the country upon them.
Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising

It doesn't. It's a document that you claim is your employee premiums.

Like I said, post links from your state or from your insurer that speak to such rate hikes.

I don't have to because my insurer told me what my rate hikes are going to be.

Why would I go to a third party to learn what my insurance company told me directly?

And besides my insurance is a group insurance and not individual so all the premiums for individual insurance that you looked at do not apply.

We have been paying 90% of our employees' premiums since we opened 10 years ago but we simply cannot continue to do that in the face of a 70% increase in our costs.

Now we are not legally mandated to offer insurance but we do. We cannot get breaks on group rates because we only have 5 people on insurance. So our only option is to have people get their own insurance and we will reimburse them under Section 105 HRA
I don't have to

Because you're full of shit.
We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:

It's very popular. It's destruction by Repubs will bring the ire of the country upon them.

LMAO its so popular you have to force people to buy it with threats of fines. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Why do many states give tax breaks to corporations who move their HQ to those states? The rich corporations don’t need tax breaks, right?
Not if they pass the cost to the consumer.

The cost for a tax cut is passed on to the consumer?

You have to walk me through your math.

Cite an example of what you are trying to explain.
Why do they need a tax break?

Just walk me through what you meant.

You said. “Not if they pass the cost to the consumer.”

Just walk me through the math of your claim. I am not following what you mean.

Give a practical example to illustrate your claim.
Why does a Firm which can pass the cost of the tax to the consumer need a tax break?
We are tweaking it, the ACA mandate just went down in flames :muahaha:
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:

It's very popular. It's destruction by Repubs will bring the ire of the country upon them.
The mandate is very unpopular and absolutely unnecessary
And when that reality hits their constituents, the GOP's chances to maintain control over all three branches of government will go down in flames.

Republicans were elected in droves when you people passed ACA, wait your logic doesn't seem to add up.

Yet record numbers have enrolled for 2018 despite the shortened enrollment period.

your logic doesn't seem to add up.

When you force people to enroll under penalty of law and fines you don't get to brag. That's why you libs are shitting your pants about Trump abolishing the ACA mandate giving people a choice whether or not to enroll. :itsok:

It's very popular. It's destruction by Repubs will bring the ire of the country upon them.
The mandate is very unpopular and absolutely unnecessary

Dem's need the mandate to force some people to overpay for insurance, so they can steal their money and hand it out to Dem moochers.

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